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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Try "Note FE" also. Identical dimensions. e.g. this to $7
  2. Because the " slightly " is an understatement...
  3. A bit off topic - and I even had eight days with VERY little usage, after two years usage, so let me try to answer a bit more generally here I tried to explain a lot about it on my blog, and if you are still having issues after following that, you might consider the following Things people tend to ignore in my advices (any device) are 1) Keep the phone where the reception is as good as possible. This REALLY matters, install e.g. GSAM to easily see the portion burnt by the phone radios - it can be 2/3 ... Especially if you have the device in the pockets and moves around between m
  4. ...But with a WAY more lenient chipset. The 808 (and even more the sibling 810) were infamous for it's huge consumption while active.
  5. You should have included the rest of the paragraph in the quote " That said, I put the Pre production unit in "Power Off" for a couple of days, and there were no detectable discharge during that. " So my point was that though it academically speaking isn't "Off", for all practical purposes it can be considered Off. (And not a word about NSA and the Paranoid among us...)
  6. I tested the above mentioned, and fitted the flip case. See this for details, Here one of the images
  7. TLDR, but thanks for the warning and detailed info, if someone else get into similar predicaments with the Pro1
  8. ....And the first nine are in, will try to find time to test later. But here the preproduction unit slipped into an unmodified Note7 flip-case, before cutting holes. Even the closing mechanism works!! Though it is 3cm at the very widest over clasp
  9. Which 718€ phone are you talking about - and what 350€ has the same hardware? I would be quite surprised if those existed. If it was parfume, ok, but I never saw somthing like that regarding technical devices. Well he is (unsurprisingly), forgetting a slight detail in that compare: The keyboard slider. I guess for the remaining 99% in here, that is the only reason why we are interested in the Pro1.... 🙄 I wonder if he would compare the price of a galaxy fold with a galaxy S10, with similar specs, ignoring the slight detail that one of them folds? The only rough
  10. I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say here, And not sure if some things are still in a 'debug'-mode, So I will be vague... Phones with non removable batteries, and with a power button rather than a switch, can not be turned truly Off, as some circuitry has to be active to detect if the Power button is pressed... That said, I put the Pre production unit in "Power Off" for a couple of days, and there were no detectable discharge during that. The pre production unit I got lacks IMEI and some antennas, so I have tried to put it in Aeroplane mode, and here from a weeks statistics, I would
  11. Liangchen Chen is the man behind both projects, I do not know if there are other people in (or behind) FxTec that was associated with the Moto Mod Keyboard.
  12. we know its less but still actives users is just small part here. I guess someone good at coding could easily traverse all the treads, and count the users and frequencies. There are quite a lot registered users, as we can see pressing the @ followed by letters, but that is not to say that all these are active in here.
  13. @VaZso , @_DW_ (I moved some dialogue to the repairability thread, where it fits better than a thread on size)
  14. Of course I meant you could upgrade some of your Pro1s, you could keep the rest of them for your personal phone-museum. 😜 But more seriously, yeah, they could sell the parts for self replacements too. And one could be a new pcb with newer chipset in say 2022. But IF they changed the parts themselves, it might get a status a bit like "refurbished", that came with a warranty also, thus inciting people to upgrade 😇
  15. And the "just" is the issue here, as this simple and natural question is so hard to answer, as so many things can affect it.... I mean if I send a postcard to my neighbourgh in a reasonable organised country like Denmark it could be anything from one to seven days... And the whole travel of the Pro1 from the factory to our doorsteps involves so many unpredictable factors that could influence it. Including - but not limited to - customs.
  16. So you are saying that it is worse if they are accidentally wrong than if it was deliberate?? You lost me there....😲 I think the key word here is "promise", as it is quite fuzzy who said what and when, and with what authority, and thus it is fuzzy if we actually got anything "promised" on the delivery, or they were/are just stating their intentions and WE interpret that as promises.
  17. Indeed let us hope this will be a hit, and open for all the possibilities. In the minimal version I imagine a few years down a variant that reuse as much as possible, but with 5G version antennas, and with what other upgrades that would be obvious to do in say 2021 or 2022. Sticking to existing 4G antennas, they might even offer us to send in the devices for an upgrade, so we when getting it a fresh battery and usb-plug also can get some other internals upgraded.
  18. Apart from what @Doktor Oswaldo already replied, I'm absolutely sure that they believe their time line estimates to be realistic when they give them. The sooner stuff can get on the street the better for their total sales. Unfortunately for them it is beginning to look very tight to be able to offer new orders (after the pre-orders have been handled) to be available before Xmas, as certainly would be the best for their sales. And I'm sure they work as hard as possible to get to that point. I hope for them that batch three is large enough to not only cover the pre-orders, but also to
  19. On the other hand, the same keyboard designs and mechanisms could most likely be reused over many generations of interiors. Though of course say a next gen GSM could require design changes for different antennas.
  20. Though this looks awfully slick, it would be hard to use with keys all the way down in the corners - just saying. 😜
  21. It could well be that Erik (unfortunately) just like I did, had interpreted it as that was the intention, but it might never have been so... Unfortunately we are guessing on how things are going to be distributed, see one elaborated guess from @VaZso from yesterday here. We do not KNOW.
  22. To be fair to Samsung here: As I remember it, the first cancel was Best Buy's own initiative. Not something initiated by Samsung.
  23. ...that is one possibility, or the (poor) communication have been interpreted wrongly. It is a bit like before the wall came down, where all kind of things was attempted deduced from the scraps of information that came out from the Kremlin. Would we have preferred much more information? Absolutely!! Are all the things we deduce/guess from what we can scrape together correct? Most likely not!! I for one (mis?)read their earlier communication as if there would be TWO "Fulfilment warehouses", one for the the EU and one for the US, but that the rest would be sent directly. We later
  24. They did take pre-orders, and cancelled all of them. I do not know if they took and refunded money. But as they are just a tad bigger than FxTec, they are likely to be able to finance the production for their own money. Sure FxTec could have tried to lend the money for that somewhere - but that would be raising the cost and thus the price....
  25. You mean the Cosmo? Yeah, as I usually say to people that want to buy a laptop today, I find it hard to argue for a device hinge-folding in 2019 that can not fold all the way (that is with a double hinge). If you buy a laptop today, it ought to be similar to e.g. the many Lenovos Yoga-models. The Cosmo would have been much more interesting that way, and they could ditch the external screen.
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