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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Minor odd bug: The device info app CPU-Z acts oddly. After a rather long time (about 20 sec) with a white tab CPU-Z shows the SOC info breifly, but unresponsive to scrolling, and then the entire device restarts. (But it does not seem to have any other negative side effects)
  2. i do not know what can be done, but currently it is hard to find stuff
  3. On the first, in Android you can select a timeout on how long after you press the power button it actually locks. This can be quite convenient until you get into the habit of lifting it not touching the power button or fingerprint reader. On the second. Well there are more than one way you can open this. One (as you do) is to lift the rear. OR you can push the front BUT this requires a bit of practise to get the right feel of it as it is NOT a straight push parallel to the bottom part, as you might intuitively try. I did an exaggerated sketch here (the whole movement is a few mm)
  4. A minor issue on the qwertZ variant. That MIGHT be limited to outside Germany. (I did not try to select German as phone language) When you start the wizard and needs to enter WiFi Password as well as Android account, the physical keyboard is set for the default shifted qwertY, so you most likely will be better of using the TOUCH surrogate keyboard here. These dialogues are BEFORE you can select the keyboard layout. You might be able to skip everything, select the keyboard, and then (manually?) redo the steps of the wizard.
  5. I split some of the replies here into a separate thread ,https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2475-discussion-and-testing-on-features-and-knownpotential-issues/ in an attempt to keep this thread on the known bugs only.
  6. My experience was also that it is decent inner hardware but sloppy workmanship and horrible software. It is a few yeas back (Ip6- with Ios 8 and 9) but it was appalling that even the most basic stuff was at the bug-level my old StarTac were at... see this The iJail you get in is both the worst and the best of Ios. Allowing people to do nothing has the positive effect of reducing the risk of accidents. A bit like if you never leave your house, you are highly unlikely to be run down by a car. Not a trade-off to my liking though. But for some it could be. That their greed is felt
  7. That was not quite what I meant. As this would prevent them from learning from the previous batches. What I meant was that the whole process is likely to be in parallel, that is a batch is likely to by manufactured WHILE the previous batch is on it's way through shipping and customs from factory over warehouses to the consumer..
  8. I do not know any more details than you, but you seem to be assuming things being serial and not parallel. Why?? It would seem HIGHLY unlikely that they did not start producing batch 2 shortly after batch 1 was finished from the factory (not first after sent to consumer). And similar I would expect batch 3 to start shortly after batch 2 is produced. They have previously told us that they chose this factory for their ability to scale rapidly, so for all we know batches could follow in increasing size and quick succession.
  9. The Kid counts the days to Christmas. You are luckier, you should have it before Christmas. LOL
  10. In all fairness it should be said that when we made the pre-orders back in the spring, a text on the pre-order page said that payment would only be requested 2-3 weeks before shipping. BUT this was clearly changed BEFORE we were requested to pay, with the ETA of september. But of course in theory some might have paid remembering the original text only...
  11. Disabling this app as one of the first thing after installing, I never experienced the bug....πŸ˜‡ ADD: When google search is disabled, It would be nice if short press jumped to the first shortcut starting with that letter
  12. You are loosing me... I read it as there is no third batch, but that the INFO to each customer will be giving drip by drip as things are done. It is like the old joke, How do you eat an Elephant: Bit by bit. The whole thing does not happen by simply pressing a button,
  13. Thank you very much Erik for responding here. I am an IGG backer, QWERTZ, and my payment was a couple of days later after it was possible because the ordering system back then was quite buggy and I had to create a new order, because the support couldn't rescue my first order. I was told be the support two weeks ago that I will be in the 2nd batch. Now my simply question is: When will the 2nd batch get their stock assigned emails? Would be great if you could get this information for us, thank you for your help! Erhmm, that is EXACTLY what he tried to answer in the second part... From
  14. German QWERTZ is currently sending... I expect mine tomorrow, if the ETA by UPS holds. But I would not expect anything on the Scandic layout before all the pre-orders are out, and they have handled any urgent issues reported
  15. I guess the Pre Production Unit is going to get SailFish soon then πŸ™‚
  16. Could be that it is birthday gifts and not Christmas gifts that he do not need before after the holiday...😜
  17. If I ever order an aPple device again, I think I would better write a psychiatrist... πŸ€•πŸ€ͺ
  18. Wheee UPS have changed the estimate back to Tuesday again 😎πŸ₯°
  19. Less formal info on how to flash etc Chen already posted here Friday
  20. Actually not ALL steps are, as I recall it.... πŸ™„It is really odd the Android offers this half heartedly landscape support, that is there for some things but not others... I mean that F(x)Tec needs to add a custom launcher to support landscape is ridiculous....
  21. Have flashed and reset so many times with early software, I never realised that the initial start-up is just 1 minute if you skip all the wizardry. πŸ˜„
  22. ...And I really like they went for the option with a common charger, and supplied plugs for three different systems.
  23. Cool. To my knowledge there exist only flat tempered glass (not covering the curvature), or plastic ones curved fully covering (or film type of course) And they seem to have went for the stronger tempered glass variant. Either has it advantages, so can not say one is generally better than the other. I personally have been using these plastic curved ones to about $1.10 a piece. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32851277108.html
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