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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Airfreight indeed. (We have enough of this conspiracy gibberish, without people misreading the information we do get)
  2. I used belt holsters decades ago. Yes daily driver since i got it, and I usually have it on my desk indoors, and in my trousers while moving around. But had it in a (bad) generic car mount, And quickly slipped it into the fleece, leaving the car as I got home, for the few metres walk, forgot to close the zipper properly, and dropped the car key closing the trunk...
  3. Oh but it was the 'good one', not the "Pre Production" unit that lacks a few antennas.😥
  4. I would have loved a case.... I dropped my precious "Final Sample" directly on stones!!! Luckily only cosmetic damages due to the strong build.
  5. Yeah, can be hard to make groups mutually exclusive and yet covering everyone. And with a reasonably limited number of groups.... How do you count a Samsung S8- with a click on keyboard that I did not use all the time... Or what about people using BT keyboards rarely/frequently/always... I called it option 3
  6. Well if they reserved number like that that, I could not have (had) two orders 3 numbers apart, and two others 2 apart... They were forcibly cancelled long after they were made
  7. Well it does within the groups of IGG-backers and non-IGG backers. As paying mails was sent out in that order, those with the lowest numbers thus had a higher chance to pay early, and thus be in front of each of the queues.
  8. I doubt it, I got (forcibly-cancelled) orders ending very close on xx563, xx566 and xx568 (Orders attempted stored to have some at the old pre-order price).
  9. I think whenever someone has put a Pro1 in the cart, the number is used. This could have been done to check tax or shipping before actually being ready to do an order - I frequently do that on other sites as this is often the easiest way to get accurate pricing all inclusive. I especially do it if I'm visiting a page with a language I don't/hardly can understand. Bought something on a Japanese site with this method and with Google translate of texts once...
  10. But on the other hand it is a bit older, so it's a matter of what was really meant with the question.
  11. I think it was LG Optimus F30 (That is the last, wether you consider it good is another question)
  12. We know there were 1653 "backers" in total, some were donations, so let us round down to 1500 real 'orders', and my estimate from the reactions in the comments back then was that about a thirds had refunds, but the majority 'stayed on' for coupons, so roughly 1000. I could be really wrong of course, but that is my guestimate.
  13. I think that was our guess/assumption more than an official statement as we know there were around 1500 backers, and some had refunds. But as we are only guessing on the batch size from the top layer of some cases we have seen that adds up to 120. It is hard to say if there are more boxes and/or more than one layer, and thus even harder to guess on the relation between the numbers.... My person guess would be 1000 IGG backers in queue. And c.f. Chen's comment elsewhere there should be no orders without a coupon in the first batch.
  14. There is a three colour LED ( like what is on my Samsung S8- ). How it has been used has varied in different software versions.
  15. I sure will do something when I get the final product. I'm not sure if it will be a new post or an update. I expect the primary visible difference to be the unshifted qwertZ keyboard, and of course the packing. (And yes I got the mail too)
  16. They have answered multiple times that it will say "Processing" until it is sent FROM the Fulfilment Warehouses - yes a bit confusing....
  17. They had at one point stated that this is meant as a user-to-user forum. But of course that does not yet make much sense until we all have our Pro1s and can share experiences. Currently it is a 'one way street' of info...
  18. The indigogo refunds is a very clear example of the high morale decency of Liangchen Chen. He had every right to say "Oh well, the money is spent and the project crashed, bye bye", as happens with most crowd-funded projects if they are cancelled. But he had the morale decency to offer people a FULL refund, or for those of us that preferred that, a voucher for this Pro1, and even with a higher value than what we paid for the Moto Mod, so we got a discount(!). And not only that; Those of us that ordered two Moto Mods were offered two coupons that could both be used on one Pro1, thus getting doub
  19. Well with a HUGE emphasize on "or similar" Cosmo is a folder, and this means you can not use it as a slab, but only as a 'mini laptop'. So similar when open, but very different when closed.....
  20. And more in accordance with reality, the same goes for "sorry something did not go as planned and the shipping has been delayed because X" It is more than likely that the delays are related to things outside their control.
  21. The above is not my unit, but an image I stole from from engadget's hands-on back in February.
  22. They already have some gimmicks up their sleeve here, But stuff like that I see as things that can be tuned with updates after it is on the street, as this is pure software/firmware, so no haste. In the most primitive variant I assume it could be put deep down in the hardware layer 'simply' presenting a lesser logical display to the OS. My personal favourite would be if we can have a lesser logical screen in Portrait than in landscape. But the elegant solution would be if Android allows for the use of the full screens in stuff using the entire screen (showing images/videos), and
  23. You can make that for a Pro1 and have double sliding keyboards... 🙄🤣😇
  24. If I remember right that was a case that got rails in it self, we can't really do a similar thing here ...technically you could extend the top an bottom with some external parallel mechanism, but It would be complex, clumpsy, and fragile as it would be exposed.
  25. What we really need is something like this (slight elaboration of previous idea), based on a case that fits the lower half (red) and some say leather (orange) ....prepared for bending in places that will require some experiments, my guesses marked in green. Note that the bottom corner must be free, or another bending place added, to allow the slide to open. ADD: Perhaps with some straps over each end (blue)
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