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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. It is a matter of the grip, but sure if it have sat a little lower, the risk of accidentally activating it with the left pinky in portrait would be less, on the other hand that would increase the risk of doing it with the right index finger in landscape, and that would be worse. So as Pie only allow five fingers entered anyway, simply do not enrol the left pinky.
  2. Sorry, I haven't got a clue, hopefully others that know more on the subject can help you.
  3. No "whys"? And please also give the numbers on them, to help people in evaluating if it could be interesting.
  4. ...I know NOTHING on Widewine, The "DRM Info" app on a preproduction unit says L3. Output practically identical to the Nokia8 here
  5. We know at the display is from Boe, with the type number BF060Y8M-AJ0-7702 , so you might be able to find the info you want from that. See e.g. this and previous posts.
  6. I do not know the answers, but on FM, they use the headphones. To get a signal in you need something not far from ¼ wavelength, and in the FM band that is way beyond even the largest phablet. There are good reason while small transistor radios got an external antenna. I can say that the FM reception with the preproduction unit it is EXTREMELY much more sensitive than my last phone with FM, the Xperia (Neo) Pro. In conditions where the (Neo) Pro struggles to get even audible Mono and if you hold the cable exactly right. The Pro¹, at the same position, delivers (almost) noise free stereo, no
  7. I feel sort of the same way. The whole point of a huge phablets beyond one hand operable phones is - to me - to get more information on the surface. Why else sacrifice the one hand operability? SURE it is nice that a large display can also be used as a more handicap friendly device with a huge font for people with impaired vision, but though pushing 60, I'm not there (yet). It is not really a showstopper to me if an app looks sort of ugly. I would guess that most others that want a keyboard-device are going for function over aesthetics too anyway.
  8. Though GMAIL technically works in landscape, it is clearly not intended to be used in landscape. It missuses the display with so much spacing that you need to scroll a LOT. The 'overview' only showing TWO mail headers on each screen. Here an example on the same device (with same font etc settings) [attachment file=15076] Gmail has some keyboard functionality though, so not completely hopeless on a Pro¹.
  9. I can say it sits quite comfy for the right index or middle finger in landscape (both open and closed). In portrait it sits perfect for the left ring finger (pinky or middle finger also possible). For the left handed holding the device in their right hand it does sit a little low for the thumb, but it is not that you will shift it so much that you loose the grip.
  10. Suggested apps (By "works unproblematic in landscape" I among other things mean that they don't make odd scaling, or omit to wrap things differently) Mail K9-mail, 4.2, 5M+, This works unproblematic in landscape, and supports navigation with arrow keys, and also supports tab/shift+tab As far as I know, some functionality is touch only An advanced mail client with a lot of options. Key navigation also active in setup. (Many mail clients insists on threaded view, I just HATE that, and though default, it is an option here) Here the look compared to G
  11. Apps working well in landscape, optimally using the keyboard well Web-browser FireFox, 4.4, 100M+, Recommendation FireFox Focus, 4.4, 5M+, Recommendation Kiwi Browser, 4.5, 1M+, Recommendation Keyboard Browser, 4.3, 10K+, Recommendation Mail BlueMail, 4.6, 5M+, Recommendation K9-mail, 4.2, 5M+, Recommendation AquaMail, 4.5, 1M+, Recommendation AirMail, 3.4, 1K+, Recommendation MediaPlayer Kodi Media Player, 4.2, 10M+, Recommendation Sidebar Launcher Ivy (Sidebar Launcher, Widgets, RSS), 4.0, 100K+, Recommendation Terminal Termux, 4.6, 1M+, Recommend
  12. It is not that FxTec can fix it, but I think they plan to have some apps like a mail client. PERSONALLY it sounds like a waste of time, as mail clients like K9-mail that works great landscape and with keyboard already exists. But i'm sure they got their reasons, and we will see what apps they will offer and what special treats these will offer over 'standard' apps.
  13. The images looks better than I expected, but I have not done any real testing, and anyway it would not be quite fair to conclude much currently, as they are clearly not done tuning stuff. The apps I have tried only use one of the cameras.
  14. @MortisAngelus Oh i do not mean that every app HAVE to be in landscape, but if you primarily use it for typing, it would seem silly to change to close the keyboard, change to portrait, switch to the internet radio app, switch channel, and then open and turn into landscape to continue what you were doing. But SURE if you take the phone from the pocket just to use one of these portrait only apps with touch only, it would not be an issue, that the program designers were lazy/incompetent. But frankly only for very special apps I see good reasons to NOT offer both portrait and landscape - an
  15. In FF (have not tested with other browsers) you can scroll with arrows or traditional touch. And YES the good old Tab and Shift-Tab is indeed supported - at the least in some apps and to some extent. I used it to jump through fields in setting up the details of my mail-accounts in my K9-mail. Despite it (for my hands) is clearly a two handed phablet, it feels quite comfy to hold, As a slab, the 'edge' mentioned and the extra thickness give a good grip, But I'm not going to operate it as a phone with one hand. The notification LEDs are very bright, I got no idea how the LED can be used
  16. on 1) Well a lot of apps out there are done by lazy programmers/designers only thinking of Portrait, Some do landscape, but just widening things with a lot of 'white space', scaling or even stretching, not even changing the column-width of their texts, An example is the Danish national broadcast app "DR Radio", only supporting portrait (their DR TV does support landscape though) - see below. The app from the national railways as well as the largest Danish bank, has similar issues... with no alternatives. So you have to seek out apps that works well, or rethink the design of the app if it is s
  17. Exactly my thoughts! The worst issue being if there are severe bugs that can affect reviews from influential sites and initial buyers damaging the reputation in ways influencing the sales. But overall the software/experience is very close to stock android, so that means a lot of potential bugs have already been handled by others. ;)
  18. I believe I am. It is an awesome device, hardware-wise, but the software still need some ironing out, but it is surprisingly bugfree. But the keyboard driver/app definitely need some work. I plan to compose some sort of mini-review over the next few days, when I find the time for it. also comparing it with some older devices.
  19. A back skin would be a nice alternative to a case. No matter the brand. Preferably one with a little more grib than the smooth metal back. Cleverly it is NOT a back rounding smoothly into the side though, it has an edge that improves the grip (got my hands on a pre-production unit) I tried to make a sketch: [attachment file=14910]
  20. I do not know if this is the final design, but currently the 'protrusion' seems to be about 1/64 inch or 0.4mm
  21. Remember this is still early, and software far from optimized. BUT in android they got a delay on the autorotate, and only after this the delay it rotates. (Try any device with a decent app supporting landscape)
  22. I'm guessing here: If you already see the keyboard you want in the pictures, you might not bother to even open a thread on alternative layouts? The German QWERTZ thread had been up for quite a while, and this might have wheeled in people with interest in the German keyboard to be active in the forum, ant from here they got to the poll thread... But just guessing.
  23. Ha ha, just teasing. Actually added the line a few minutes after the original post, so you might well have seen the original :)
  24. It is now available here https://www.twit.tv/shows/all-about-android/episodes/420?autostart=false One of the Co-founders, Adrian Li Mow Ching, is with all the way, but for the device jump 37 minutes 37:15 in
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