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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Update to December 22, with December 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) (The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though - like it is on LineageOS)
  2. (lineage-18.1-20211220-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on December 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  3. (I admit I adjusted my Danish text, to something that ended sensible, in Google Translate)
  4. Forgot to post it in this thread, but have also seen it, though on AICP. See these two post from the same thread. this and this.
  5. Det duer ikke hvis vi allesammen skriver på vores eget sprog.... I mangel af bedre brug google translate. Jeg har erstattet ovenstående med indhold fra Google translate, så må du tilrette hvis nødvendigt....
  6. Update to December 15, with December 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) (The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though - like it is on LineageOS)
  7. Ah sorry, I was unclear. I meant that the way they implemented the repairability might have given us a vulnerability, due to less glue than the Elephone-U. Of course it is not the repairability as such.
  8. Does anyone know if the Elephone U is plagued by the same issues? If not, it could be interesting to get a display with an Elephone-frame, to see if we can spot what they have done differently in the mounting, If could well be, like @VaZso suggests, that it is the repairability that has this negative side effect.
  9. (lineage-18.1-20211213-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  10. It is really odd that this is seen by a number of people, but not everyone. Would be nice to understand the root cause. Is it a quality issue on displays or connectors? Is the connectors sensible to e.g. humidity? Is it an assembly issue, that goes wrong on some? Is it a grounding issue? Is it a special mechanical stress that triggers it, that we could all accidentally trigger? Air humidity? Or??? I see something somewhat similar to the described while using a non-grounded cheap charger (tried several). But no issues while charging it through a grounded pc. So this make me think of s
  11. EskeRahn


    Indeed. Splitting sticks: On indiegogo (like any other crowdfunding) we do not "purchase" an item, we make an "investment" and hope to get the perk we selected in return. But like buying shares (where we hope to be able to sell it later with a profit), there are no guarantees. The risk we take is why the price of a perk is usually substantially lower than doing a (pre)order on the same item.
  12. Update to December 8, with November 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) (The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though - like it is on LineageOS)
  13. See how 'easy' things are, even for this minor fruit company, according to nikkei here. Surprised that some seems to expect that it is super easy for a huge player like FxTec to get parts as they need them, just they try a little harder....
  14. Indeed some apps with mixed functionality could need the permission to offer functions the individual user might not need. And if so indeed removing the permission solves the keyboard interference. Also note that not all apps using the accessibility API will interfere. E.g. Greenify stops apps in another way than the fake keyboard entries Android Assistant generates.
  15. (lineage-18.1-20211206-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  16. There is a lengthy talk on the keyboard-accesibility issue in the Lineage thread. In short they made some fundamental changes to fix another issue for many users. And that fix is incompatible with the way apps with the accessibility privilege (using it to fake keyboard inputs) works. Android Assistant is a simple example of that.
  17. If the usb-board is functioning, I would expect the LED or display to react when applying power. If the display is not working, but everything else is, the LED should turn on. If the display is working, I would expect something to happen in the display. So going for the simplest options first, I would certainly start looking at the USB side (charger/cable/board)
  18. If it is the usb-board that is damaged, it might work as a temporary measure to hold the plug at a certain angle. Try and see if you can get the LED to light up. This way you might be able to charge it enough, so you can get any needed data out. (Oh. And if you have not already tried, try a different cable and/or charger, you could be lucky that it is merely a broken cable)
  19. Update to December 1, with November 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) (The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though - like it is on LineageOS)
  20. I'm not sure you can on stock Android. (At the least it might require root). Could be easier on Lineage, and is easy on AICP though.... (see also this old thread - think I will merge the two)
  21. (I made a skeleton for such a gui for a pc, but never finished it, has posted it somewhere in here - forgot where though.) FxtecKeyboardSetup.zip
  22. Splitting sticks we got 16 updates the last twelve months, but granted five of those was in December. Let us hope we get more than one update this December too 🙂
  23. I'm pretty sure that is exactly it. I have not tried installing, but I believe they have described it in the Lineage 18 thread. Selecting (e.g.) German, without installing anything, you CAN get umlaut with Alt+U followed by a vowel, e.g. U. Not super elegant, but possible. I'm not sure if there are ways to get them more directly, Sym and Alt does the same here. Similar for other accents with I and E ( plus ~ on a physical shifted qwertY keyboard)
  24. I'm sure lawyers can find a number of ways to interpret "once a month"... 😁 But I'm quite sure everybody would be really p...ed if they just posted an 'update' saying "Still waiting on/for XXX. So no news.", a few times a month to meet this. And they might not even be aware that this requirement is there. The problem is that we all want the device we took a perk for, and thus hope to get, and thus we want to know when we can expect it in our hands. And as they most likely can not say that, no matter what they write until they know will be a disappointment. But do not misunderstand. I
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