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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Indeed, see this comment&thread. But as it stopped working after a drop, the chance that it is software related is minuscule. So the normal actions are expected to work with a fake triggering. See also sketch here on placement
  2. My GUESS would be that either the hall sensor (in the bottom half) or the magnet (in the top) triggering it has been shaken loose, and is now out of place. The sensor is near the camera button about 12mm closer to the keyboard, and roughly 5mm in from the USB edge If the sensor is in place, it does not have to be a powerful magnet to trigger it. An ordinary screwdriver magnetised in the right direction can do the trick, You can check the position of the magnet with a nail, screw or the like, to see where it can hang when the slider is open. it should be about 5 respectively 12mm fro
  3. Had they added those as options on IGG, I would almost certainly have bought some. I expect the pro1(x) might have to live very long, before we see a new keyboard phone to replace it, so would like to have plenty of spares, of the parts I expect to have a (relatively) short lifespan.
  4. Update to November 17, with November 5 security patch using OTA went slowly but smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread)
  5. On HDMI, I just tested with this one, that was in my mailbox this morning, And it works portrait and landscape, for ALL of Aicp-R, LineageOS 18.1 and Stock Pie. (and my laptop too. Bought it to get a travel usb-hub with Rj45 ethernet) It is from China and on the package the model number is "BYL-2007", and the bar-code "6 957107 320057", and can most likely be found in many other places. e.g. here (Android in landscape looks quite extreme on a 43" monitor BTW 😂 )
  6. Haven't tried the hdmi stuff for ages. do not even know where the usb-adapter I bought is.... But if I find it I will test...
  7. (And for the few not reading Dutch, this is "United Kingdom")
  8. (lineage-18.1-20211115-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed.
  9. let us hope they find some ingenious way with a top layer that is hard all over, except at the fold, so 'only' the fold-area requires extreme caution.
  10. My guess would be something mechanical too. Since related to the pocket. Either a cable, or perhaps a superthin crack-line of a print plate. You could try some (gentle) flexing of the botom and top parts and see if you can trigger it. And perhaps revive when the issue is there.
  11. I can definately see the benefits of samsungs folded variants versus a tablet or ordinary slab. And clearly using half for a fake keyboard is likely to work much better with android than a fake keyboard on a slab. But that said I see two drawbacks. Primarily that it isn't a keyboard with real keys, and secondary that the surface will be prone for scratches, as we can not have both hard and bendable with currently known materials. So I see it as the optimal device for those that do some typing and still also want a large screen for other stuff. But not ideal for those that do a lot of
  12. I just tried on mine (AICP without Magisk), I get no fix at all so something is broken indeed. I'm a little unsure if it was on Lineage or AICP I had it working before (seldom have location on). But I THINK it has been working on AICP-R for me earlier....
  13. Try this https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/pro1/
  14. Ah so you got a rather recent LOS (the earliest 18.1 release is from around May, if I remember correctly). Please click Settings ► About phone ► Android Version. The line LineageOS version would then have a stamp like 18.1.20211108-NIGHTLY.pro1, that should give the date. So they will know the bug is newer than your date. 🙂
  15. Thanks. I'm unfortunately to lazy to start flashing old versions to see when it was introduced. *LOL* What are you running? 16.x , 17.x or just an older 18.x ?
  16. Two (other) ways to force an sms to an mms: 1) Use e.g Textra, and select that sms, that would split in more than one SMS, is send as MMS, and make sure the text is more than 160 characters long (or about 80 including at the least one not simple unicode char) 2) add any email as a secondary recipient apart from the real number. (Please note that for some carriers MMS is sent at a higher costs than SMS)
  17. PS A tiny tiny bug on the lock-screen in landscape (Both Lineage and AICP) BTW it might have been there 'always', since the lock icon was added, as the position of the clock in landscape/portrait is the same for stock android.
  18. (lineage-18.1-20211108-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed, see above. (the bug introduced last week maiming accessibility app's access to the keyboard has gone 🙂 )
  19. As @Totalnoob is allowed to do calls, it can not be completely locked out of the network. so i would certainly check SMSC as the first thing. Though it is a bit odd if they just changed that. Verizon support should be able to tell their SMSC Maybe also try to borrow a SIM from a friend or two with different providers, and see if everything work on other networks (given that the provider has suitable reception where needed). And if so consider changing to that provider.
  20. SMSC would be my guess too. (The smsc is not needed for recieving) I am not sure where it can be set/checked in the normal menues but if you dial 'info' *#*#4636#*#* And select "Phone1 information" You will find a line SMSC with a refresh and update button next to it, press refresh and verify that it is the correct number. On modern SIMs the number is usually already entered (decades ago we always had to enter it manually)
  21. All these bbbbbbbbs, I thought you were bbbbbbbrrr freezing 🤣
  22. Update to November 3, with October 1 security patch using OTA went slowly but smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) With a charger attached and display on during update, there was a slight decrease in the estimated remaining percentage (25 to 23%) during the install. It only seemed to pull about 0.2A at 5V, or roughly 1W from the charger. That was a bit odd. After boot it went to 1A (5W) - as I would expect (using a slow charger to be kind to the battery).
  23. Just a thought. you could send the defective one the other way, as it certainly would fit the hole perfectly 😉
  24. (lineage-18.1-20211101-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on October 1 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet) fixed, see above. Actually it has goten worse as accessibility keyboard not only interferes with Ctrl-Space, now these apps access to the keyboard aren't working any more. Try e.g. Android Assistant
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