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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. (Phew that took a while to get through all the posts the last week here 😅)
  2. I disagree, if QWERTZ print-layout only work some languages, it sure should be considered a bug. The smart idea by @tdm to have a setting selecting the print-layout, independent of the language selection, is a MUCH smarter solution than what we got on stock. Look at all the 'doubles' @Anssi Hannula made to make things work, e.g. Danish for qwertY print and Danish for qwertZ print. The idea by @tdm to convert the keyboard to a standard one, and then have standard android languages on top is clever, as it means that any language known by Android should work out of the box. And the point o
  3. (Very late to last weeks many post in this thread) I think this looks like a PERFECT solution with two optimized build in layout-interpretation, but ALSO to have one additional mirroring stock. I bet it will be very little overhead code, but will be very helpful for various international users to be able to benefit from the work of @Anssi Hannula and others without having this to be redone in LOS-variants.
  4. I know that the 'addonsu' works with 16.0, is there also one for 18.1 ?
  5. Welcome. Both on stock Android, LineageOS 18.1 and AICP Q, the Pro1 got a stamina around 10 days connected but idle. So much a matter of what you want to run on it, and how much screen-on time your usage pattern requires. It also matters if your normal usage is mainly outdoor in the sun or indoor, as brightness affects the power usage. There are other threads on Pro1 stamina in here.
  6. (i did it between the two packages, but it stayed on b - and yes it is magic to me too *LOL* so purely guessing here, it does not really print out much during the install, I guess that some more details ends up in a log-file somewhere)
  7. I do not think that is quite accurate, I think it is the package flash that ends by setting the next boot partition to 'the other'. If you in recovery mode goes to advanced, reboot to recovery again, it does not change each time. I used to do that between gapps and su on 16.0, and they both went to b.
  8. on 16.0 I loaded Gapps before SU, so I think you are right, and the order of those is not important
  9. Indeed settings are spread all over so can be hard to find, unless you can guess a keyword and find it by search.... I'm currently looking for the rather odd 'feature' of vibration feed-back on hardware-keyboard touch. And no the setting for haptic feedback on touch is not coupled with this.
  10. What keyboard software are you using? Where did you try this? This mode can not be triggered as described with the default AOSP keyboard, in settings search field. Ignore above, tested fx service... thanks @Jacob_S
  11. Yes obviously you will not use that directly, but the logic I took from tdm's guide. And the interesting point is here to NOT just add as a second package after install, but to go to advanced, and reboot to recovery, and then add it (and that will be to b if the main was in a)
  12. Could it be some a/b stuff. The normal procedure install the main image to a, and then a recovery boot, and the gapps are put to b. (see batch a bit above)
  13. Alt+Sh+Tab is also useful, so would be nice if Arrow+Sh+Tab could mirror that as well, as this could be done with thumb+index left side. (Your change might do that already, have not looked at the code)
  14. (on stock triggering the hall sensors sends a key-combo)
  15. Nice 🙂 But does it REALLY need the Accessibility rights for this? (I do not care for any of the other functionality of the package, that is why I stay on v0.4 on stock)
  16. (Moved some keyboard related over here, thanks for the suggestion @Hook )
  17. BUT It works better on LOS than on stock! If you after starting to type, tap the 'down' it actually STAYS down during typing!! So we really only need some hot key-combo that can do this back/down soft-key action....
  18. One of the things (apart from the certification) that holds me back, is that @Slion's nice tool "Fx services" for going into sleep mode when the magnet in a flip case hit the 'magic' spot, does not work on Lineage. (I use an ancient version 0.4 with almost only that functionality, it can now do a lot of other stuff less relevant for me)
  19. If there is, please tell, I have been looking for that for a long time... BTW for examples of input fields, refer to the search field in settings, as everyone got that one 🙂
  20. I think what you see is the bar that swiftkey uses for word suggestions.
  21. Or there are more than one type of "certified", that confuses us. ...Or the guide is just not correct anymore... But it seems active, listing the id's registered. If I remember correctly it took quite a while from the Pro1 was officially accepted by Google, to it appeared as certified in the Android Market, so we just MIGHT be way to impatient Maybe it is not hours but days or weeks...
  22. Sorry I do not. I always flash first the bootloader, then the main image to (a), and finally the gapps package to (b). As I never really tried to figure out the logic, just made a batchfile implementing a step-by-step guide from @tdm (The root-part is a rudiment from 16.0) @ECHO off if %2.==. goto :EOF ECHO * Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power) adb reboot bootloader pause fastboot flash boot_a %1 shift fastboot --set-active=a REM fastboot reboot recovery does not work, so do manually: ECHO * Roll down to "Recovery Mode" with VolDown, and
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