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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Excellent idea! Let us add @Erik and @Elysia to make sure they see it. Some might also want to buy spares (e.g. me...)
  2. I wonder from the context if this is not just a translation issue. My guess would be that they mean "casing" - but I hope I'm wrong.
  3. Except the storage option, I think it is hardware wise.
  4. Bakers dozen perhaps?? Now it says 30 of 30.
  5. I think the black variant looks much better too. The way the antenna lines are slightly visible as an ornament I find very elegant. The black on blue lines... not so much. But I'm sure some Old-Nokia fans will find it a nostalgia trip. The XDA print at the bottom part I certainly hope is an initall sketch, or it will need a sticker or a case - that detail looks horrible in my oppinion
  6. Except if you want one of the additional layout offered: Azerty and Scandinavian. (I doubt many will buy it for the colour alone)
  7. Indeed, this is basically what we do with a P20 Pro shell. So yes that would certainly work. I think the reason some of us 'like' the flip-case, is more like in lack of a better option. But the case @LIMA presented, certainly looks like a fine alternative.
  8. (lineage-16.0-20201026-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on October security patch installed smoothly using sideload, with and without addonsu)
  9. Indeed. I have no doubt that for the vast majority of people the extra weight and thickness alone outweigh the benefits of a real keyboard of the Pro1. But for a small group it is the other way around. And among that group some of us also finds the benefits outweighing the oddities and bugs (that we obviously hope will be ironed out). Everybody has their own priorities, and for ANY device counting the pluses and minuses can lead us to what is most suitable for each of us. But I can not imagine that there ever will be a device that is ideal for all. Not even within this small group of
  10. Please share how I can get rid of this screen-waste. How do I hide the Toolbar on Microsoft SwiftKey? We recently made a change to the Toolbar on your Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard. Just tap the icon to the left of the prediction bar to close or hide the Toolbar. Tap theicon when you want to expand or open your Toolbar.
  11. Word-prediction under Swiftkey works well for me, both using the real keyboard in landscape and the fake keyboard in portrait. (But got no idea why the suggestions are different....)
  12. It certainly is a matter of priorities! I just love my Pro1! 😍🥰 🤩 Sure there are things that could be better. But there are NO other devices offered that comes closer to fulfilling my needs&wishes. So with no viable alternatives, Pro1 got an easy win in my book....
  13. M My retail unit was about 3½ month after payment, if I remember correctly. But that was only the fastest that got it in the minor first batch. The majority followed within the next two+ month, they have posted that they reached 70% in February before the Corona hit...
  14. In principle the same with Danish carriers, though it is not that uncommon that the delivered phone is not actually locked. You are obviously still bound to pay the carrier for the agreed period and price. So in reality it is instalment pay with the discount on the plan not the phone.
  15. I very much agree with you, I think it is only a matter of time before both Android and Ios drop the support for hardware keyboards at a deep level. At that point it will be up to any hardware manufacturer to provide the support, and this is likely going to be so costly that there are not enough of us keyboard-lovers left to make this sustainable, and we will have to let do with fake 'keyboards' on the screen. Unless of course both types will die together in favour of some totally new efficient way for humans to communicate with the devices. e.g. 'speak' without air and with the lips
  16. You beat me too it by over a minute 😂
  17. @Ralf as neither of us know what it is all about, it is much a guessing game. In a small company people have to fill a lot of slots. But it is not that everyone can fill every slot... So using marketing hands for say packing or service are not likely to be very effective way to use their resources. But sure we would all wish they were able to fulfil pending orders and service request faster, but as we do not know neither what is holding things up, nor what this new stuff is all about we have absolutely no idea if the same hands behind this could sensibly have been used for fulfilling
  18. @Rud LineageOS got Sticky so you might consider that. But if on stock and rooted, it should be as simple as changing "Full" to "Alpha" for a kcm file, if I understood correctly what the ones that know what they are talking about are saying...
  19. You got shift on both sides, so no acrobatics needed used two handed. See e.g this thread https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2282-sticky-modifiers Edit: Merged the threads....
  20. (lineage-16.0-20201019-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on October security patch installed smoothly using sideload, with and without addonsu)
  21. I would expect that they topped of their store of replacement units kept for service request with the July/August batch. It would be rather quick if it was one sent out in summer, sent back from a customer, repaired and sent out again late September. Not impossible of course.
  22. Not quite sure what it should be catogrised as. "Support" perhaps? Strictly this is a more general Android question than a specific Pro1-issue. Anyway. When you chose to use it as removable, it is in a standard unprotected format, and the card can be moved to 'anything' that can read an SD-card, e.g. a PC. When you chose Internal, the card is used encrypted and as an extension of your normal storage (I do not know the finer details of this - never used it). The benefit obviously being the encryption if the data you want to put on the card are sensitive, the drawback obviously also th
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