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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I think you got an important point there, the exact colour in thin print close to a dark surrounding will be hard to see. The globe in your print shows the problem, even in the brighter colour,
  2. The bottom part is straight forward, but the upper....
  3. An issue to remember with alternatives to the layout. The keys are small. Except some rare cases with small symbols like for diacritics, generally more than two symbols on the key would just require the print to be so small that it could be more or less illegible, perhaps except for those with eagle eyes.
  4. Would be cool with a dedicated case. But I think it is close to impossible less some compromises... As can be seen in other threads, some have created their 3D-printed cases, and though this for some is an ideal solution, for others the blocking the screen edges is an issue. (But for some even a bonus!) Another possibility is a flip-case. Not ideal for all either, as we (obviously) need to flip it open to use the phone. Again for some acceptable, for others not. Finally is the half solution (that is part of both the above) to only protect the lower half, And though better tha
  5. Apart from what @VaZsoalready said. These two components are most likely super easy to change in the production line, not having to do anything else than mount a logically different chip. More drastic changes are less easy, and would most likely require changes of drivers too (and worst case some new certifications). My guess would be that they do not need to change a single line of code for the memory&storage upgrades. Perhaps a config file, if the chip does not report the size itself.
  6. Yes as I understand it they are experimenting with "dual boot", allowing us to have more than one system on the device at a time. And with 256GB, splitting it should not be a problem for the majority. I personally hope for the ability to have a primary Lineage partition, and then a small one with Stock Android for any picky apps, that will not run on Lineage. (And for debugging if something do not run as expected under Lineage)
  7. Like the idea. Though one could say that it would be more suited in a LineagOS forum, as it is not limited to the Pro1 / Pro1x. And perhaps it already exists there? And a new thread here with a post linking to the general forum would be a better option, benefiting more users.
  8. Ah well then at the least we know they got the request! My guess is that it is these odd UK banking rules that are teasing again, I bet the top dogs has been super busy with e pro1x launch. But let us tag @Erik just to be sure.
  9. Well we can not in anyway guess what requirements bank may come up with, so guess that will be impossible to answer...
  10. I really hope they find a way to get dual boot working with the Pro1X software. Then I would be using Lineage as the daily driver, And have a clean stock android for the few apps I rarely use, that has special requirements.
  11. Their mailing system is made in such a way the at new mails pushes the old one back in the queue along with the new one, so they can be handled as one.. The downside of this is that with multiple mails, they might never even have seen your original one.
  12. I very much like this idea! In the Danish for shifted QwertY FinQwerty layout I suggested something similar. But @Anssi Hannula explained that it was not technically possible and Del ended up being moved to another key(!). But it might be possible to do the move if done somewhat deeper. LineageOS uses some tricks here for the mappings that might be adapted for stock too?
  13. @ToniCipriani posted in another thread on BYOD to a company requiring it to be locked.
  14. Sorry for being unclear - not a native English speaker. The only difference will be what is pre-installed when you get it. And possibly a logo print on the back. So it does not really matter what OS you choose, you can swap later as you please. There will be guides on how to do that. (I believe they are working on making it even easier than t is on the existing Pro1) They are even talking about "dual boot" so we can install more than one system and select at boot time. 😁
  15. Well at the least you could get the IMEI from Fxtec, so it could be reported as stolen, and thus useless as a phone for any one that took it.
  16. Hmm that might hold in the US, but hardly in the rest of the world in need of national characters. Here in Denmark we don't need it (dead key accenting works just fine for rare accents), but all those with languages with frequent accented letters might feel differently.
  17. Ah, yes... Sorry, should have asked.
  18. Sorry, read your answer too hasty, thought it was on 1 and 2 and was surprised and confused.... Saw the 3) as some odd smiley... silly me 🤦‍♂️
  19. And could you elaborate on how it should be done?
  20. I can only answer 4), and that is Yes. I do believe that the two first is a No, but let more knowing people answer that.
  21. Global settings, An extra "Slider" item has been added (no. six from the top below Display)
  22. Oh I certainly agree on that to an extent where it is close to being tautology. I mean this should go for ANYTHING we buy in my book. Do we need it? If so, is the benefits worth the price? Else do not buy! An individual assessment. It is very much a matter of what you want to use the device for. If you primarily do stuff tapping and swiping in the apps you use, you are unlikely to gain anything/much. If you on the other hand enters a lot of text, it is a different matter.... Also SOME apps/games can benefit from hardware keys, also for non-textual input. I'm certainly not claiming
  23. ...On the other hand \| would be on the right key positioned just left of Z for the UK. And also what I get in windows selecting US layout on a physical keyboard with a key left of Z... Windows moves the key three right of P to left of the Z, (as we for odd reasons got the upright not the horizontal Enter) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTY
  24. Nope they are individual. 🙂 The only keys wired as one are the two Shifts, and the two (currently) doing Ctrl
  25. The problem is the wiring, The very left key and the key to the right of space is wired as one...
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