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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I must say that @Wasmachineman_NL does have a valid point here. I doubt that ANYONE would disagree in principle. Anyone rarely using the keyboard would just get extra thickness and weight at a higher price than without. For those I suggest go buy one of the 986876 other available phone/phablet models out there...
  2. I think you can pretty safely drop the first "m". From what we know they got identical hardware identical less the storage option (and colour)
  3. Just a guess: It might have been send back to Fxtec, but as the OP does not seem to get the mails from them, (s)he would need to try to contact them from another mailbox, to sort it out - they will at the least be able to provide the shipping details like tracking number.
  4. ...And I did not read your quote, only your answer... 😂
  5. I would be interesting in buying a case too, but got ZERO experience with 3D-printing, and does not have the faintest idea what material to look for finding someone to print it... So if some of you can do it and ship to Europe (That is Denmark) then please name a price.
  6. Just out of curiosity, except with the arrows for marking (and Visual Studio short-cuts), where do you encounter this combination? I don't think that I ever used it for other than marking on a phone, And I bet some trickery could be done having ⬈+Shift+Arrows act as Ctrl+Shift+Arrows.
  7. But that is exactly what we already got (except the Sym), so maybe it isn't that bad after all.... 😉
  8. Yes I know the ⬈ is currently USED as Fn. But nothing requires this to be the case for all layouts.... That was my point. We might use it differently in different layouts, based on the same print (&#11016 gives the ⬈ )
  9. OH just realized that swapping the YellowArrow to the current Ctrl, would make Sh+YA super easy!! A win-win here!!!
  10. The term is horrible, but we do need something that are distinctive from Shift to allow symbols on letter-keys. And International users might even need it combined with shift. (That would require some faking of another combo to do with one thumb)
  11. I would suggest the bottom row as something like this: YellowArrow , Ctrl, Fx, Alt, ??? , Space, YellowArrow, ???, Left, Down, Right not quite sure what to put on the ??? keys ...Actually this would be quite close the Lenovo laptops keyboard: Fn, Ctrl, Win, Alt, Spaaaaace, AltGr, PrtSc, Ctrl
  12. We could use a 'neutral' label like the yellow arrow symbol, and then it could be used as Fn or AltGr depending on the layout.
  13. I'm getting dizzy reading this *LOL* Maybe we should have the thread split in TWO. One for the ideal keyboard for a Pro2, and one for what can be done with the print only for The Pro1 & Pro1x. Most of this thread has ended on the former not the later As they only seem to have changed the memory/storage chip I find it highly unlikely they would go with changing the electrical layout for the keyboard. So I think the natural simple thing to do with the Pro1 hardware would be to change the two independent Fn arrows to Alt and AltGr, and make the current Alt (or Sym) the new Fn. But we c
  14. Remember that the two shifts and two ctrl pairs are one key each logically, they are wired. So you can not do the suggested swap on the right side of space
  15. Uh a lot has happened here since last I read. But a quick note: Remember that there hardware-wise seems to be 64 keys (8 by 8 grid internally), though physically 66 keys, so we can not get the suggested uncoupling of the modifier pairs...
  16. With the Pro1 you can flash either of the images, and I expect the same to be the case for the upped variant Pro1x. The difference will be the image that is pre-installed. And it seems the etching on the back.
  17. Uh for one thing this sounds to me like they either got the wrong email account, or the mails get caught in a spam filter or the like. Pure guesswork of course.
  18. I find it slightly scary that they set the value of an extra battery and a display at $250...
  19. (The Chen you want has the username @Waxberry in here)
  20. Feel the same. Ordered the Scandinavian, that does not really fit Danish. But had I known I would most likely have ordered the non-shifted standard QWERTY... But I hardly think they would mind us changing our orders. as long as it is done well before they order the parts.
  21. Allow me to suggest to add a tiny piece of self adhesive high friction tape (like often seen on stairs) somewhere at the back edge. I placed it just over the fingerprint reader, so I can unlock and lift in a single movement with one finger. I previously in this thread posted a picture with a long piece. The length does not really matter.
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