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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Well they would still need to change some code from what Google made. Personally I would prefer this change too, but it would still be a change.
  2. in the FinQwerty layouts the Esc-key acts as Esc if the app supports Esc, otherwise it has a fallback as Back. On the "fallback" all I know is what can be seen in the "Behaviours" section of this So maybe Chrome has implemented Esc as e.g. stop loading a page. In Stock layouts it just sends Back. But the fallback solution in FinQwerty makes Esc available to apps where it is crucial such as Termux.
  3. Unfortunately no. Not all settings&data are restored. SMS&MMS is one thing they do not handle well...
  4. I doubt very much that FxTec would like to mess with the OS to disable this, as their attitude has been to stay as close to stock Android as possible, only changing stuff where it relates to the Pro1 Hardware (particularly the slider functionality, as hardware keyboards are already supported in stock Android). This is certainly not the only annoying 'feature' in Android, and as far as normal third party apps can not fix them, LineageOS or rooting might be the way to go. Just a thought. Restricting what ever offers the sharing from accessing contacts MIGHT fix this particular issue. I
  5. Would seem obvious, but it just might be a matter of some of the closed hardware driver code that does not work with / exist for 11 - just guessing.... ...and I now see @_DW_ already answered along the same lines...
  6. It sounds like a known software bug, that was improved but not totally fixed with the latest firmware update from August 25.
  7. Updated reply with example, but yes, though in the other order, the .img first then the .zip
  8. The crucial steps here are these, to start right fastboot flash boot_a [TheImageNameGoesHere] fastboot --set-active=a
  9. I bet it is a matter of setting the right slot active before flashing - your data should still be there. I use this script, to help me remember what to do... With the images as parameters 1 and 2, e.g. LineageFLASH.BAT LineageOS\lineage-16.0-20201012-recovery-pro1.img LineageOS\lineage-16.0-20201012-nightly-pro1-signed.zip @ECHO off if %1.==. goto :EOF ECHO * Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power) adb reboot bootloader pause fastboot flash boot_a %1 fastboot --set-active=a REM fastboot reboot recovery does not work, so do manually:
  10. Interesting thing, I still did not immediately spot it even in you cropped image. I guess we simply do not expect Download to be top right? Allow me to suggest a little waste of screen estate:
  11. Oh sorry, I completely forgot you made this. 😔
  12. You think a phone with a good old hardware power off for the battery? That would be awesome. For my spare&emergency phones with removable batteries, I put in a small piece of plastic between the battery and the contacts, and this allows the battery to keep its charge for many many months
  13. Just to make sure, please note that the side buttons as well as the small front support arm can rattle a bit, so try to put a finger on the arm of the opened Pro1, and 'shake' the phone, to make sure this arm is not what you are hearing. (that sound is easily remedied with a small piece of self adhesive rubber or felt in the 'groove' of the arm)
  14. Alain Grange made a specific "Keyboard Browser", I must admit I haven't used it for quite a while. but it is clearly designed with a real keyboard in mind.
  15. We know from elsewhere that contacting again make their mail system put the pending mails from you to the back of the queue. So if their mail back-log is longer than a week, they might not have seen your mails. (others more knowing in support-queues might better explain why it is set up this way. My guess is that if you found a solution to an issue yourself, and mail to say so, it makes sense to push back the original message so the two mails can be handled as one with less urgency. That is you can move yourself backwards not forwards in the queue)
  16. Just tried it. Works fine here, both stock and LineageOS (not rooted) I uninstalled it again, as it requires a terrible amount of high privileges requires a REALLY long pull up of the 'pill' to work (as does default Android if you do not disable the "Swipe up home button" gesture)
  17. Indeed, they can also be bad in the lack of shielding or twisted data-wires, not allowing high speed data... But the impedance obviously matter for fast charging.
  18. Similar goes for USB-A to USB-C cables. It is not always that the vendors ratings translates directly. Especially for stuff from 'unknown' brands, this can be quite a jungle. My 'answer' has been trial-and-error...
  19. Some apps allows the bar to be hidden, so a launcher might do that as well I guess.
  20. Indeed things are likely to be improved, but this particular aspect seems to be the same. At the least it was until the last keyboard I checked.
  21. As far as I have been able figure out studying the two offered keyboards, they have an identical base, with some coloured yellow squares (green for caps), and then finalised with different layers of black on top. If you look carefully at the top left of the Q, W and E keys on the shifted qwertY, you will note a square that looks slightly different when the light hits at the exact right angle. I'm 99% sure that this is the square for the symbols on W, E and R on the qwertZ. that is hidden by the black paint. (On the preproduction-unit the green dot for caps was quite small, And was e
  22. I took the liberty to move yours and a few other comments over here. I guess the problem is that we do not know the volume needed to make a layout profitable. I have previously mentioned that I would find it a very good subject for crowdfunding. If enough what to fund it then make it. In principle one rich guy might want to fund the layout he prefers, despite no one else shows any interest.... I doubt we are enough Pro1-owners in Demark to sustain a Danish layout, but including all of Scandinavia, we might be able to fund a Scandinavian layout. But a much larger numb
  23. The first is nice, thanks. The second sounds really odd, I bet it is something else that 'ate' your Pro1's stamina. Though the percentages we see are estimates and not something that can be measured accurately, I have not seen them being substantially off, no matter what charger I have used. So when it is above 90% it is practically full. But apps I would not expect to use substantial amounts of power can do so. I would suggest to install a battery-monitor app, to hunr the culprit(s) eating the battery. I use GSAM and 3C Battery (well I use the larger toolbox, but the standalone tool wi
  24. As I understand it they sent out a new batch a short while ago 🙂, so I guess handling that might well have been prolonging the support queue 😥, as the same people fills multiple function in this start-up company.
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