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Everything posted by CornholioGSM

  1. priv will be soo cool device with side slide keyboard...but with slide down it is unusable 😞 BTW on my fx is soo soft (and sensitive) power on key. Is it on all devices? When i will farting with fx in pocket then phone will make onoffonoffonoff 😄
  2. yessss 🙂 it is good but extra giant device 😄
  3. sooo problems with fedex customs resolved and phone is now by me :)
  4. ...i have message from fedex too...and customs problem :(
  5. I have maybe idea about fix amoled colors/brightness. How about find stock firmware for elephone with same display, unpack/decompile it and find display settings? Maybe have elephone same problem with colors but i mean that on elefone will be all ok. Here must be settings something like : when is brightness set to 50% then colors will be red 70%, green 60%, blue 50 and white 50...approx. good or bad idea? here is: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8hg1rl60o0bef1y/Elephone_U_Pro_20180227_QFIL.zip/file
  6. but this is not problem about fx delivery because fx will be delivered by "normal" company like dhl/fedex etc
  7. ...yess...thats normal on "untracked/uninsured" packages from china (wish/ali/ebay etc.). I have record 11 days delivery time and another record 5 months 😄
  8. ...is it official? please provide link to japan store/s
  9. ..i have last official message from fxtec from 30.6. "...I can now confirm that we have now allocated stock to your order, so you should receive your shipping details within the next week." Next week is over 😄 ...maybe next week after next and next week 😄
  10. orders and preorders = same = waiting and waiting 😄
  11. @Dany303 , @npatel1050 ... thank you guys 🙂
  12. 😞...i got reply now...again nothing tellig "few weeks & update soon" message 😞
  13. I mean , that any usbc port replicator must works and external display too 🙂
  14. yesss but this info is more than one week old...so where is info about posting of small number of devices?
  15. ...yess i need info too...what is missing now - usb connectors ? 😄
  16. CornholioGSM

    Screen Burn

    ...soo maybe 30% i dont know. i am service technician for cell phones and i see burned screen every week
  17. CornholioGSM

    Screen Burn

    then you ca be happy because you are one of the 5-10% without problems 🙂 Here is today picture
  18. CornholioGSM

    Screen Burn

    hmm...thats why i hate amoled display...i see it every week in my work - approx half year old samsung phones with burned displays 😞 Here is only one "solution" - you can test to overburn it. Test to play this youtube video in fullscreen and full brightness...or search on store something like galaxy burn fix. If is fx display 21:9 then search for another video For future is needed to set brightness to approx low, enable anto brightness, better no static images with high contrast and maybe set quick display timeout....yess amoled is shit 😞
  19. CornholioGSM

    Screen Burn

    ...post photo. it looks like on old plasma tv or you have missing color? burned amoled display is classic problem specially if you use full brightness 😞
  20. ...i still dot have fx, but i will use bromite ( Chromium) - adblock browser 🙂
  21. this is only temporary solution...digitizer is really bad and you need new display unit 😞
  22. you can use camera on another phone for find sensor 🙂
  23. ...and what about set black color for charging? 🙂 EDIT ... correct...not working for charging notification (
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