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Everything posted by Craig

  1. I never even thought about folding a mlik carton at all! Sure, I flatten things like that to make them take less space in the bin, but that's where the folding stops. Maybe cuz I mainly buy milk in 1 us gallon plastic jugs it never crossed my mind. (In US only 1/2 gallon and smaller available in cardboard.)
  2. Running a ftp server on phone is easy cuz all PCs support it, you can add it as a favorite/bookmark to file manager in windows or linux or anything else, without installing anything on the PC end. I use this one, super easy to configure, even has an option to auto-connect when you're on home wifi, so basically whenever you're at home your phone is available in your PC file manager. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/be.ppareit.swiftp_free/ (fyi, fdroid version is same as full version from playstore, even tho it says free.)
  3. Usually that's the main reason for a director to go to the factory 😉 If everything going perfect, director stays home.
  4. Seems odd to disable zram on device with only 1GB ram trying to run nougat. Unless you're only opening one thing at a time or something, seems like it'd be much slower w/o zram. But the fact you're doing it manually so you are aware of the difference in behaviour I guess must mean you like it. I was the opposite way (on PQ), zram wasnt implemented until lollipop, and without it, it was unusable; anything post kitkat seems unusable to me (with only 1GB) w/o zram.
  5. I'm no photo expert, but I think it might come out better if you open the window before taking the photo.
  6. Can you set the border solid black, so you don't see the rounded corners?
  7. It might be worth looking at the screws under the stickers on the back; maybe the loctite got rubbed off on one of em before they put it in and it came loose or something?
  8. Hmmmm.... 1 hour drive to crossing, then half hour to 'HK Dispatch Center". Wikipedia says the crossing is open 24 hours, but dunno if they actually close for holiday or something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lok_Ma_Chau_Control_Point If what Chen predicted comes true and they finish making them this week, they've got all next week to get them to HK and send to ppl... seems doable... and if they miss that, HK doesn't have quite as long as holiday as PRC, only a few days... so shipping by end of the month is possible (which is the last business day of the week commencing on the
  9. I didn't even realize they were only usb 2 😞 but since I mainly use network to transfer files, and don't even have usb 3.0 ports on my laptop it won't be much of an issue for me right now. But I wouldn't have bought these cables if I realized it. Since I got a three pack, I got three of each type adapter; I only own three usb-c devices (Moto Z²Force, Pro¹, and a hub I just bought) so put those in. Put two of the micro usb-adapters on the tablets my kids got for Christmas so they can charge with same cable and will decide where to put the other shortly. No apple devices for the lightnin
  10. Mine just arrived.. look good... similar to hooks pics but not touching flat surface at all... lots of adapters came with em, micro-usb and apple... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07TT1CFNG
  11. Did they come in the mail, or how were they shipped?
  12. There are build tools available natively under Sailfish too, and I'm pretty sure QT is fully supported. I'm not a developer, but for fun I tried to build mupen64plus (N64 emulator) from 2.5.9 source pack on Pro¹, and was able to do it. I noted every package I installed to get the make to work, and other than one of the video plugins saying it didnt support aarch64, make worked fine, and the output runs. zypper install SDL2 SDL2-devel libpng libpng-devel freetype freetype-devel zlib zlib-devel gcc make nasm gcc-c++ libhybris-libGLESv2-devel boost-devel Point being, if that worked so e
  13. Then shift doesn't even work right. It's a poorly implemented hack of a method. No other keyboard phone requires this. It's the #1 worst thing about this phone.
  14. That's a good idea Hook. Since I can't edit the first post myself, I'll start drafting it here then get Eske's help updating the first post. Step three should be updated to not include my patched image. Sounds like user will have to obtain the boot.img corresponding to their currently installed version, transfer it to phone, and patch it there, for magisk to be able to take OTAs, amiright? I wonder if alternatively there's a simpler way to transfer the unmodified boot.img's to magisk after the fact, for those that already rooted with my file? Additionally, maybe someone who ha
  15. In fact, there are ways. I use keymapper to map the Sym key with such functionality when English layout is selected. But yes, it would have been much better if Fxtec had given us a dedicated /? key, or at least handled it in hardware/kernel so we didn't have to use these workarounds. I've complained about the lack of slash key for years, since the first time I saw any proposed keyboard layout pictures.
  16. Sorry to poke my nose into your qwertz thread, but are you sure the android layouts for other languages dont work properly on qwerty? The US English layout works fine (other than not supporting the Fn key) so not sure why other languages wouldn't work... just dunno how they're mapped, but probably some standard way for the language...
  17. Thanks McDinner! The magic of A/B devices finally has a good use!
  18. Yes, I experienced something similar. If you start with the release then zypper update, you'll loose mobile data/sim cards. The fix is to update to right away, following these steps (recommended by TheKit): devel-su ssu re version --dup dd if=/boot/hybris-boot.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot_a sed -e "s/return allowed/return Orientation.All/" -i /usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/Page.qml
  19. A new feature request. Disable Fingerprint Sensor when Display Off This would mean you'd have to push power button before using fingerprint sensor. This could be a toggle in case some people prefer current implementation, but in my experience it gets triggered so often that it's rarely useful as is.
  20. Craig

    User manual

    The keys with special functions include: Esc: This has two functions; Android Back and also Wake from sleep. Note it does not behave as Esc in applications under Android (but does in SailfishOS). Fx [F(x)tec logo]: Android Home (No function in SailfishOS) Fn [slanted yellow arrows]: Modifier key. If no layout is selected in Android, it can be used to get / and ? with P and L, and also symbols normally associated with shift, as printed in yellow on the keyboard. (SailfishOS uses this key as Right Alt for use as a modifier, for example used for 3rd level symbols with us-intl-al
  21. I worded the question in such a way that your group in this poll, will not actually change with time 😉 I'm sneaky like that sometimes.
  22. I imagine the reason he thought the camera button didnt take photos is due to the lack of feedback. No thumbnail, no shutter sound. I didnt think I was taking photos at first either. I do hope this is fixed shortly as this affects these first impression type reviews.
  23. Have you tried to patch it with magisk? If that doesn't work (like in my case) that's a sign it's not valid boot.img
  24. Where'd you get this info? I assumed this weeks big batch was being shipped to customers from HK....
  25. It appears voting is over. You could like it...
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