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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Craig

    Factory Restore Tool

    The link is dead, at least for me.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Motorola-Photon-Q-Sprint/dp/B008UDPAQ8/
  3. ah good point, i had sim in there, but no sticker. I think Takeyon posted pic on scale too, and iirc he had another decimal place beyond mine and he's more than me, musta kept his stickeror dual sim 😉
  4. I think I've got the record tho... and nobody's below Chen's 241...
  5. Craig

    Factory Restore Tool

    I'd be happy too, but currently traveling for holidays (without pc), so it wouldnt be til later next week...
  6. Craig

    Factory Restore Tool

    I did not get it to work; always timeout. But I'm not stuck, fastboot worked.
  7. Any SIM can be punched down... there's a hole punch type tool one can buy (I bought one years ago for sim-mod PQ) or carefully with a razor...
  8. I haven't tried Opera, but some apps ignore Fxtecs modifications to the keyboard layout related to the slant arrow. And those apps the shift key will work normally on the number row, but you'll have to use virtual keyboard for slash and question mark... See my thread on keymapper for more a couple ways to work around that.
  9. I hadnt noticed that.... even in pitch black mine is well lit (just confirmed)... maybe something wrong with your unit....
  10. On the flip side, I made a call today in a noisey McDonalds playland and had no problem hearing. I even kept keyboard open!
  11. True! No hardware decoding in linux browsers with official builds. Ran into that on my p4... youtube in browser above 360p pegs cpu... where vlc can play youtube 720p @ 40% cpu on same machine.
  12. Someone recently pointed me to the birthday paradox. Only need 69 other people to ensure 99% chance of same birthday; 22 others for 50-50 chance. Probability is crazy stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem
  13. Ya... although looks like it treats all four edges the same, and for me its only the long sides that needs it. Also play store reports it has ads, I wonder where the ads are...
  14. To me it's a design flaw, with an easy fix. If they didn't use a curved screen, it'd be a non issue.
  15. Maybe. I had assumed/hoped it wouldnt matter... if for example 35 extra pixels displaying that can't be touched on the bottom row (which is what I found worked alright to avoid bumping screen while typing and not having stuff wrap around the curved part). Since that portion is mostly on the curved part anyway, it's not like I was swiping from there before... But yeah that's certainly a concern and it would have to be properly implemented to avoid such concerns.
  16. As far as getting used to the shifted layout, you will ver shortly. At first my biggest problem honestly was hitting del instead of backspace, but now I dont do that anymore. I'm quite happy with the keyboard. And I'm long term PQ user which is described as best phone keyboard ever in many reviews. PQ doesn't have most symbols or even an alt key, so Pro¹ has already gone closer to PC keyboard than PQ. Are there things to nitpick about? Sure, I really think they shoulda figured out how to have a dedicated slash key on the right, but i personally use key mapper to make my sym key into
  17. FinQWERTY has done it. Their proposed US qwerty map for pro1 qwertz is awesome. Even has dedicated slash key on the right 😉 Eske posted it in some random thread... The problem with using it that way, and the advantage of it, is that they remapped most everything besides letters. The y/z print mismatch is trivial and wouldn't affect me, but when the symbols dont match the print and they're not what you use every day and they're in non-standard locations, I can see that being annoying. If someone would make some really nice stickers that fit pro1 keys, then qwertz w/finqwerty would be
  18. The QWERTY Keyboard is shifted relative to a regular PC keyboard, or relative to the number row - all the letters are one key over to the right. Thus they put a few non-letter keys to the left of the letters. The theory was to make it more comfortable to type letters. The reason some may not like it is cuz it' takes a little getting used to cuz keys arent exactly where you expect them to be.
  19. Yeah, there's two reasons to use the deadzone feature. One is you want to square up the corners and just not have stuff on the curved part. But touching the screen while typing the number row, and also touching the sides while holding the phone sometimes, are the reasons to just turn off touch sensitity only on the edges. I tried using the built in wm overscan command, but not all apps respond to it correctly.
  20. Maybe trying copy the APN from your nexus 6?
  21. Craig

    Factory Restore Tool

    It did work for applying immersive mode. But I don't think I'll be experimenting with any any more untested tweaks. What I did particularly that caused the crash was set it to only display 1 quicklaunch icon. My actual goal was zero, but saw that setting and decided to try just to see what it did... oops!
  22. At one point, they did mention having to rework an entire batch due to yield loss (or something). So maybe, this one got it's serial number sticker, and then they realized there was light bleed and re-inspected all the outgoing units - found your unit had light bleed - then had to wait for next batch of screens to arrive after the whole new 3rd party inspection process - which appearntly took week(s) - before it got a new screen then shipped out - with the same back cover/serial. Just a random plausible theory.
  23. The factory recovery didn't seem to do much at all the time I tried booting into it, just showing an android logo with open belly if I recall right.. Lineage Recovery is not Team Win Recovery. Different projects.
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