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Everything posted by Hook

  1. I agree with @EskeRahn. I would wait for the next update and see if that fixes it. The Pro1x seems to have updated without that problem-- I don't know if that means they solved it, or that it was somehow exclusively a Pro1 problem, but they will get it fixed and most everything else still works.
  2. Indeed. Lineage-21-20240701-NIGHTLY-pro1x with June 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  3. Thanks. I didn't have a chance to check back. I was going to go ahead and b the guinea pig, but happy to not have to be. I'll update now. ;-)
  4. It's a long story, if you care to read through the updates on IGG. The 25 cent recap is: 1. The Pro1x was intended to be simply a Pro1 with a different color and more memory with your choice of OS. The OS images already existed for flashing the phones during manufacturing. 2. The company that was supplying their SD 835 chips took their money, but never provided the chips. 3. FxTec had to redesign the phone with a different chip, given their financial constraints. 4. Although prototypes and source code were provided to developers, there was insufficient time for images fo
  5. Probably, this is the best place to start (hence it being in the pinned "Start Here" thread. :-) Only Stock Android requires you to have Google.
  6. I notice we don't have a Monday update (yet). This is probably a good thing. I was worried we might get the same camera problem seen with the Pro1 update. Since we already have the June 5th patch, I hope they will wait and get the camera problem resolved.
  7. We seem to have confirmation from someone else in Discord. The Pro1x is just kinky and needs to be tied up to get it's juices flowing.
  8. Interesting. He is basically causing a looping "Battery pull" reboot, so it seems that there is some low level part of that which briefly draws power without needing the usual processes that require being able to fully boot. I've always said the "battery pull" reboot was very useful for a wonky behavior on a phone, but I had no idea. ;-) Hope we can get a record of this working for someone else for verification.
  9. Lineage-21-20240629-NIGHTLY-pro1 with June 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained. However: The camera problem reported above for the Oddsoulutions version showed up here as well. Neither the AOSP default camera, nor Open Camera work. Open Camera reports "Failed to open camera. Camera may be in use by another application?" For now I will wait and see if this gets fixed in a future update since I don't really use the camera on my Pro1, but this would be mighty inconvenient otherwise. I have even tried a "battery pull" restart wh
  10. Ummm... yes. See my post above yours from a month ago. :D
  11. From Casey, on Discord: "Yes, we've shipped out the first batch yesterday. Tracking will be updated accordingly via IGG today and tomorrow"
  12. Lineage-21-20240624-NIGHTLY-pro1x with June 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  13. Have you been using Npj's build all along or did you somehow install Npj's build over the official build, because the later might create problems of it's own.
  14. I found the problem. It was my end... kind of interesting actually. I discovered a Samsung Galaxy S9 attached to my network. I don't have an S9 (or any Samsung phone) so I immediately disabled it. Turns out, that's what my Modem/router thinks the Pro1x is. Lol. It was over a few days when I hadn't been using the Pro1x much simply because I was wrapped up in someone's medical emergency, so I didn't notice the wifi wasn't working anymore. I wonder why it made that misidentification? Downloaded now and installing.
  15. I don't know if this is happening to anyone else. There is a June 24th update listed on the downloads page, but when I try to get it by OTA it tells me it failed to connect, check my internet connection (which is fine, btw). I'll give it 24 hours to resolve whatever it is before trying a sideload install. :)
  16. Interestingly, when I check for an OTA update on my Pro1, which currently is on the June 15th update, it says no updates found. And when I check their download page, June 15th is the latest. Maybe they pulled it?
  17. I understand your disappointment, but it's a fine PDA. That's how I use mine even though my phone and data work okay. I have Lineage 21 (Android 14) on it and it is so much more productive than a slab phone. My slab phone only serves as a car phone (paired with Android Auto). My Pro1x is my daily driver for everything else. I have a Pro1 also, but I prefer the Pro1x (mostly because so better Qwerty keyboard decisions for my use). If it still can charge, I would maintain it. Or at least sell it. But don't toss it (You may have meant that not literally, I don't know). But, yeah, if it
  18. Lineage-21-20240617-NIGHTLY-pro1x with May 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  19. Lineage-21-20240610-NIGHTLY-pro1x with May 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  20. Lineage-21-20240603-NIGHTLY-pro1x with May 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  21. Yes, they are reliable for delivery. Not great on after purchase support like OS updates and such, but they will deliver your phone.
  22. Lineage-21-20240527-NIGHTLY-pro1x with May 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
  23. Circling back to this thread in case it comes up in a search... for now, at least, this seems to have been fixed/solved and if I log out, I can still see the full forum. Thanks to @Rob. S. for catching that this had changed.
  24. I just tested it, and, yes, it appears to have been fixed.
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