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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. That's hardly enough fact, it's just opinion, which is already perfectly clear from the wording ("thoughts", "believe", "doubt", "for me"). Something everyone is entitled to, but we shouldn't mistake one for the other. My facts are the phones which have been delivered and the support that is still happening, plus the good old rule 'innocent until proven guilty'. There's nothing in what we know that would be enough to prove them guilty of any serious crime. As always, never attribute to malice what can just as well be explained without it, especially for a tiny little British company betw
  2. Yeah, that's because it's required by EU law—not so much in post-Brexit UK, though, it would seem, when ordering from UK...
  3. I have one small GaN charger that came with my Laptop (Star Labs, another UK company), it powers the laptop and quick-charges the phone simultaneously with ~12W for the phone (except for the those reboots which have become necessary with some LineageOS versions on the Pro1, while at least my copy of the Pro1 X is not yet misbehaving in that regard). I don't frequently use it, though, as I prefer slow charging for prolonging battery health... I also have a less recent non-GaN charger (UGREEN) which, even though I think it should be powerful enough, always only powers one of the two devices
  4. That's right! No reason! And the earth is flat... So which facts do you have that would substantiate doubts that Fxtec does everything they can to deliver those phones in the end, as extreme as the delays already have become for some of us?
  5. Makes me think it could be a good thing for Pro1 users to get a spare Pro1 screen (top unit) as long as they're available...
  6. They will tell us another story like in the last two years. It's only over when it's over. As long as they haven't folded, I'll keep waiting for my Sept 2019 order, and if it will be 2023. Until now, judging from all former experience, there is no reason to believe they wouldn't eventually deliver, as disappointing as such a delay is and as much as I understand everyone who'll say ok, then I'll pass.
  7. Hmm... My total was 406.33 € (from HK$3099 incl. shipping, payed by credit card) + 8.09 € (VISA foreign currency surcharge) + 79.61 € (customs/import duties) = 494,03 €.
  8. That was quick. Got my Expansys order yesterday (Pro1 X blue 8/256 GB QWERTY), switched it on and off again without going through the install. Looks good! Can't say when I will have time to do something with it, though.
  9. Hmm... Looking at the satellite views, the Pro1 X seems to draw their positions completely different than the other two phones. Could there be a bug in the underlying code, not getting the positions right?
  10. A quick comparison on my window sill that confirms some of the observations here (Left to right—Moto Z3 Play, Pro1, Pro1 X) : Images show the three phones three minutes after AGPS clear and update. The Motorola is the quickest to get the first fix (7 s), the Pro1 by far the slowest (~3 min), the Pro1 X in between (~1 min 20 s). The Pro1 X "sees" the highest number of satellites satellites but "uses" the lowest number. The Pro1 X is much less constant in its readings than the other two, they chance permanently. That includes losing a fix every when there
  11. I have bad GPS precision, sometimes with frequent short drops of altitude values, but no such 'lost signal' cases. I'm using GPS frequently for longer durations (than 30 minutes), whether for car navigation (Google Maps) or hiking (Locus).
  12. Just in addition to what @EskeRahn and @claude0001 already said—I have similar suspicions, but of course we cannot really know. Back when the first batches of the original Pro1 were about to appear, there also were a handful of retailers who had been promised a number of devices and they got them even before some of the earliest of individual orderers (also causing a bit of anger among some of these...). The chances may be limited, but maybe it's just a coincidence that this retailer is also Fxtec's shipping company? Anyway, and more importantly, as much as I'd like to, there's nothing w
  13. (I did the same: initially made and paid an order selecting the wrong shipping option, and shortly after cancelled it and made the correct one, and within say a quarter got a surcharge request, a few hours later a refund for the first order, and I then cancelled their surcharge request on PayPal) Right, that's how it went for me, too. (Also, my latest order was supposed to be the last item in stock and now there are 10+ again 😄 — they must have excellent workers who continuously fill up stock...)
  14. Right, but in my original order they hadn't added anything for shipping... And they seem to be correcting even the shipping fees by supply and demand; while @EskeRahn paid HK$450, for me it's now 550? (I now went through the whole process again, placed a new order with HK$450 shipping and requested to cancel the one that's on hold...)
  15. Hmmm... Today I got a note from Expansys HK that my order was on hold as my region (Germany) was outside their "service region / country"; they're requesting me to acknowledge that duties/import taxes would be on me and to pay an additional HK$550 (70 €) for shipping. Did I take a wrong turn there somehow when I ordered?
  16. Sounds like a defective screen. I had the same symptoms earlier this year. I ordered a replacement screen from Fxtec, which is easy to replace, as it's the complete upper half of the phone. If they have them in stock, delivery shouldn't take too long, either. (A cheaper but harder to replace option would be an Elephone U/U Pro display panel from Aliexpress, but these mostly also have black dents in both lower corners.)
  17. Defend? There's just facts to be told when people spread FUD who don't even use the phone. Your energy would be much better spent in helping your friend in either making good use of their phone, which is often possible, as has been proven many times here already, or to sell it for a good price, to one of those who have a view less prejudiced than yours and want such a phone (and maybe don't want to buy at Expansys, either). And however distorted your views on that matter may be, you should be sane enough to be able to realise that it's the "crooks" here that still let you hate freely in
  18. The sequence in which orders so far were shipped has not been what it should have been (and what Fxtec expected it to be, according to the info I got, and it seems that things have not been going smoothly between Fxtec and the shipping company). I had two open orders, one Oct 2020 IGG order and one unfulfilled Pro1 (no X) order from Sept 2019 that was changed to Pro1 X in the meantime. I have received the Oct 2020 IGG order, but not yet the Sept 2019 order. The offer you've linked to looks perfectly real, but don't expect it to stay at that price 😉
  19. There seem to be substantial price differences depending on where you are. Ordered one, too... Free shipping for me to Germany, though!
  20. Interesting question. All I know is that on ebay people spend much more than the original price for a Pro1 or Pro1X in good condition, some phones go for more than US$1,000. Hopefully those are not our phones which Expansys is selling there?
  21. Interesting... For me, there no charging problems with the Pro1X so far (except in one case, but I could pin that down to a specific cable + magnetic adapter issue, even though both items are new and seem clean, too)...
  22. The FinQuerty app which now also has layouts for the Pro1 X (thanks to @EskeRahn for mentioning this), fixes this issue with the "FinQuerty F(x)tec Pro1 X, German for physical DE QWERTZ" layout. Excellent.
  23. I have at least acceptable experiences with their ticket system. While most of my support requests from three years since my first order were answered, not all were, and not all in a sensible time frame. One wasn't even acknowledged with an auto-reply (which again may mean they didn't even receive it, so they're of course also excused for not answering). One thing we should be aware of, or so we have been told, is that if we follow up to one of our own e-mails to support before they have responded, the ticket also moves back to the very end of the queue. Which can easily account for extre
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