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[Community Build][][Updated 18th Aug] Sailfish OS for Fxtec Pro1

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Updated 18 Aug 2020: Updated flashable package to Many thanks to Adam Pigg who has fixed many bugs and implemented many featured including fingerprint reader and encrypting user data, which

Regarding sailfish, the port is certainly still in development and has not stalled.  I use it as my daily driver with few issues. The latest releases are available from the continuous integration

PSA Updating to Sailfish 3.4 The update to Sailfish 3.4 on the Pro1 is much anticipated.  Not only will it bring the great features in 3.4, but it also bring encrypted home partition for added secur

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It didnt disable them, you are using the one with dead keys on first two levels.    Switch to the layout with altgr dead keys, then everything will behave normal.

The way I read the last post in that git thread, from 7 days ago, implies the us-intl with alt-gr dead keys is already the default, but it seems its not?  Either way doing it following kabouik's method works until its fully resolved.

Explanation of dead-keys and difference between the two us-intl layouts. 

A dead key is a key that, on a typewriter would not advance the cursor, so they are typically used for accented letters.  For example, if you want é you type ' and then e, and they end up the same place because the ' didn't advance the cursor.    Under the standard US International Layout, most accent keys like ~`'" etc are dead, so if you want ' you type ' then space bar to advance the cursor.  On a computer nothing seems to happen when you press a dead key until you press either a letter that can accept that accent, or space bar.  If you rarely type with accents, then you should use the layout with dead keys moved to third level.  Then they will only be dead if you use them in combination with either slant-arrow key (which have been remapped in kernel to right alt), so you'll likely never notice them if primarily using English.

Sailfish OS doesn't even currently support dead keys.  So that is another reason not to use the standard dead key version.  However - if you use elros ubu-chroot, there's another issue - it is not recognizing any third level characters the way its currently set up.  Which means no /? with us-intl as they're third level of LP since thats where Fx-tec labeled them instead of providing dedicated key.  (Hopefully we can get SYM mapped to this functionality).  However, ubu-chroot does currently support dead keys (on first two levels only), so that's the only reason to use the standard version - if you use ubu chroot a lot and want dead keys easily accessible, for example French typers.


When I refer to levels, level 1 is normal key without modifier, level 2 is with shift.  level 3 is with right alt.  level 4 is with right alt and shift.   Level 4 is not convenient on Pro¹ when thumb typing unless we get sticky shift.

The right alt key is sometimes called AltGr because some international keyboards label the right alt key that way.  Gr is probably abbreviation for right in some language?

Edited by Craig
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if it is expected that TWRP warns "no OS installed" when one wants to reboot, can you then please add a note to that effect to the top post?


I got the warning, yet SailfishOS booted fine.

Edited by pcfe
typo & clarification
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odd, I just started to reflash to verify my notes and noticed;

- TWRP was no longer bootable, trying to go into recovery (by choosing in bootloader) I'd end up in SFOS. Is it intended that installing `sailfishos-t5-release-` replaces TWRP in `a` (or changes to `b`, I stupidly forgot to try to `fastboot set_active a`and just try again, sorry.)

- one can just the initial posts's steps again and end up in TWRP (as i expected)

- TWRP `Failed to mount /vendor (Invalid argument)`, unsure if this was also on first install. Sailfish comes up just fine. Full log saved (note to self: `workstation:~/Desktop/recovery-Pro1-2nd-SFOS-flashing.log`) and available upon request

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We dont have a recovery partition.  So when you flash twrp to boot with fastboot, then install sfos with twrp, you're overwriting twrp.   So if you want to use twrp to backup, you flash twrp back to boot with fastboot, do your backup, then use fastboot to flash the sfos boot.img when done.  If I understand right.


(If we had a bootloader that allowed us to boot images like my Moto Z²F, or had a recovery partition like my Moto Photon Q, this wouldn't be necessary!)

Edited by Craig
edit: clarify, as pcfe said
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11 hours ago, Craig said:

We dont have a recovery partition.  So when you flash twrp to boot, then install sfos, you're overwriting twrp if I understand right.   So if you want to use twrp to backup, you flash it back to boot, backup, then flash sfos again when done.  If I understand right.

Thanks for the confirmation that recovery is overwritten. Learned the same in discord overnight 😉

For others reading here, obviously do not reflash whole phone if you do TWRP backups but only /boot/hybris-boot.img (which you have to backup! . c.f. these install notes; https://gist.github.com/Kabouik/f77539b3eb6a77b032d2fa827271b81d )

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Great to see the work being done on porting SF OS onto the pro 1. would love to see some more action here as I feel SFOS is one of the best candidates for a daily-driver worthy platform in terms of feature-completeness etc. I've been supporting it for years, and to be honest it's one of the few alternative platforms that is still actively improving (RIP Blackberry 10, and WebOS) with development still ongoing at least somewhat...

It sucks that jolla won't allow an official sailfish port for the pro 1 because it's definitely the best hardware to ever support it in any capacity!!

Is there any person from Jolla/SF that the community here is liaising with, if so, how can we get involved with that? It would be nice to demonstrate to their team that there are enough people interested in running a paid version of SFOS on the pro 1.

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14 minutes ago, ponzimeme said:

...there are enough people interested in running a paid version of SFOS on the pro 1.

I guess that could be the big question. What is the critical number before they will bother to support it. If that is say 50000 we are unlikely to reach that,

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I've heard speculation that it is becauses Jolla requires a large fee from Fxtec to support a new device, in addition to the cost of the licenses the user has to buy.   This large fee is because they have to modify specficially for the device.   In our case, it shouldn't be too hard cuz Sony Xperia XA2 is similar enough to leverage most everything - for example the Alien Dalvik (Android support layer) from XA2 has been tested on Pro¹ and works fine for touchscreen, however doesn't work well with hardware keyboard.  So Jolla would have to put development effort into resolving that.  But with the community port working fairly well, it seems like it wouldn't be that hard for them to do it, give one dedicated programmer a week and could be done (in my imagination, anyway).

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yeah, i agree that it might be hard to demonstrate real demand for the whole package...

interesting to hear that the android support layer has been tested on the pro1? do u have links to this?

i do find it hard to believe, however, that sony paid jolla a fee to create the sailfish x programme? do you have any links to this info as well?

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Well, at first we should try to obtain at least some numbers to show how many we are interrested. It is probably too early to make some foundation since not all of us have the phone already, but later on it could be good idea to think about some campain. Sure, until we do not know whether Fxtec has to pay a fee or not it is kinda useless, but on the other hand it may be an initialising push. Anyway, I am definitely in! I am up to pay the device cost to Yolla for full SfOS!

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2 minutes ago, Swond said:

Well, at first we should try to obtain at least some numbers to show how many we are interrested. It is probably too early to make some foundation since not all of us have the phone already, but later on it could be good idea to think about some campain. Sure, until we do not know whether Fxtec has to pay a fee or not it is kinda useless, but on the other hand it may be an initialising push. Anyway, I am definitely in! I am up to pay the device cost to Yolla for full SfOS!

If they need a specific amount that is not secret then crowd funding could perhaps be an option?

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most stuff is already working, it seems. and the rest, i think would be fixed too, with a bit of time. problem is, Jolla limits community editions - not allowing them to run android apps, etc.

for me, at this point, i want to de-google myself as much as possible... and i really like the sort of basic ideas that SFOS uses in its UX design and functionality of the OS...

i don't think the other alternatives like ubuntu touch etc are anywhere close to being as usable as SFOS...

Interesting to see what kind of traction the Fairphone 3, Gemini PDA, Librem 5 and PinePhone get in terms of attracting a motivated group of devs etc. I do think that this is the best time ever in the post-iphone era that we've seen multiple somewhat successful attempts at putting out relatively "open" hardware...

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