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[Community Build][][Updated 18th Aug] Sailfish OS for Fxtec Pro1

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I used the first Jolla and even got hands on the dev phone a few years later. I really liked Sailfish even though it had some quirks.

However I've switched to android as most of all apps I required were android ones and the support back then had some issues.

Now that Sailfish runs on the Pro1 and version 4 is out, I really would like to try it out again.

I have a few questions though, can I simply update from 3.4 to 4, or do I have to wait for a port? How is the android support on the Pro1?  I read that it had some issues on that phone. What about the other hardware? Bluetooth, Phone over WiFi, camera and such?


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Updated 18 Aug 2020: Updated flashable package to Many thanks to Adam Pigg who has fixed many bugs and implemented many featured including fingerprint reader and encrypting user data, which

Regarding sailfish, the port is certainly still in development and has not stalled.  I use it as my daily driver with few issues. The latest releases are available from the continuous integration

PSA Updating to Sailfish 3.4 The update to Sailfish 3.4 on the Pro1 is much anticipated.  Not only will it bring the great features in 3.4, but it also bring encrypted home partition for added secur

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10 minutes ago, __fastcall said:

I have a few questions though, can I simply update from 3.4 to 4, or do I have to wait for a port? 

3.4 uprade to 4.0 at the moment is the only way to to get to 4.0.


How is the android support on the Pro1?

It's good if one knows how to get it, since it is not officially supported. Some quirks with the keyboard, but others can suggest things before upgrading to 4.0. I did a slow transition, but now it is my conplete daily driver. Recent addition was getting the camera to work.

I think others might have some thoughts too


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello, I have to flash my phone, and I think I will give Sailfish a try. You make my mouth water...
just for my information, can you use GPS with openstreetmap on it ? How useful is the GPS for daily use ?

I found so many sources (wiki, telegram, blog, this forum...) I'm a bit lost 😄

Anyway this will increase my learning curve, as Linux is my best OS-friend for 3 years.

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  • 3 weeks later... should now be available and working.

As previously ... 3.4 -> 4.0 -> 4.1 should work fine as far as I know.  I havnt done a clean flash of 4.1 (infact, a full image isnt available just yet, so i dont know if that is working)


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  • 4 months later...
1 hour ago, Arqueiro said:

Can I install it directly ? I never had sailfish install.

There are instructions on installing it, I have since moved back to LOS as I will wait for 4G to be developed first since my carrier is restricting more and more

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18 hours ago, mv said:

as I will wait for 4G to be developed first since my carrier is restricting more and more

I was not aware 4G was not working in SFOS anymore. It is said to have worked even on the very earliest releases (end 2019 - mid 2020) according to this post [maemo.org]. What happened? With 3G getting shut down everywhere, this indeed disqualifies SFOS as a daily driver for a lot of people.

With news like this, and the development of UBTouch also stalling, it seems like Lineage/AOSP-ROMs are indeed all we are left with for the original Pro1. 😞

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  • 1 month later...

Could somebody please share Sailfish OS image for F(x)tec Pro¹? Google Drive link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tIyq1DgnwIR9533-qze2KKlUhy6-2npt/view?usp=sharing is apparently broken.

I have recently turned my device into a brick by software updates - apparently, fixing ca-certificate issue, after many months of being unable to contact repositories due to curl error 60, is liable to bring problems. See https://irclogs.sailfishos.org/logs/%23sailfishos/%23sailfishos.2022-01-29.log.html for details. I will likely have to reinstall Sailfish altogether - after I adb pull all my photographs/videos/documents/audio-recordings/downloads/whatever from the device. It takes time because my laptop doesn't have enough free space for all the files (~100GB) at the same time.

Perhaps, I could use adb shell and adb push to patch the problems on my device to fix the issue - that is, if I knew what the issue is that makes the device unbootable.

I do have a sailfishos-t5-release- on my laptop, from the last time when I had to reflash my device. Could use that in a pinch... But am hoping somebody has somewhere.

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

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  • 6 months later...

The only thing this did was wipe the phone and put the phone in a state where it wont boot or turn on. It just has a red light and none of the buttons work. This occurred when I tried to flash TWRP. Has anyone actually done this in the last month or so? Am I wasting my time with this cause its no longer supported? Using an F(x)tech Pro1. 4.4 sailfish and TWRP 3.3

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8 hours ago, Nate said:

The only thing this did was wipe the phone and put the phone in a state where it wont boot or turn on. It just has a red light and none of the buttons work. This occurred when I tried to flash TWRP. Has anyone actually done this in the last month or so? Am I wasting my time with this cause its no longer supported? Using an F(x)tech Pro1. 4.4 sailfish and TWRP 3.3

AFAIK the standard TWRP does not support the Pro1 - have a look in this thread or search the forum for "twrp" and see what can be found.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,

Excited to get my new F(x)tea Pro 1 running SFOS. This is my first foray into the Android world in the last 10 years or so, but I'm fairly technical.

When following the instructions to install TWRP, I can't seem to get past the stock Android Recovery screen. I can see fastboot on my screen and it states the device state is unlocked.

I run the following commands:

fastboot set_active a
fastboot flash boot ./twrp-3.3.1-qx1000.img

And it writes it appears correctly:

Sending 'boot_a' (31768 KB)                        OKAY [  0.760s]
Writing 'boot_a'                                   OKAY [  0.125s]
Finished. Total time: 0.931s

Yet after hitting "Recovery Mode", I am back in the default Android recovery mode. `fastboot flashing unlock` fails with the error "Device already : unlocked!".

I'm running adb/fastboot version 33.0.3-8952118, which appears to be very recent.

Any suggestions are both welcome and appreciated.


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40 minutes ago, Whitey said:

my new F(x)tea Pro 1

Are you sure your new device it is not a Pro1X. They look much the same, but the chipset is different, so the code is incompatible.
Look here for various available downloads for the two models.


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Does anyone here have Wi-Fi issues? Mine was very unreliable, I connected to this public Wi-Fi and the strength was only 30-40%, while my cyberdeck is around 70-80%.

F(x)tec Pro1 (MSM8998) - Latest Android updates, then flashed SailfishOS and upgraded to

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi. I have FxTec Pro1, QWERTZ variant. Layout is like this:


Of course default layout is "shifted", i.e. typing "w" gives "q", "e" gives "w" etc.

These commands:

dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/model \"fxtecpro1\"

dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/layout \"de\"

Make the layout "working". I.e non-shifted again.

But I would like to have Polish (Programmers) layout on QWERTZ. I.e. "y" instead of "z". Sym + L = Ł.

Is that possible?

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On 6/11/2023 at 8:04 AM, Wunder Wungiel said:

But I would like to have Polish (Programmers) layout on QWERTZ. I.e. "y" instead of "z". Sym + L = Ł.

Is that possible?

Have a look at FinQwerty, (already including a layout for Polish). Open source and fully customisable. (Also available in the Android Market)

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5 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Have a look at FinQwerty, (already including a layout for Polish). Open source and fully customisable. (Also available in the Android Market)

Except, I don't think he's on stock.  Under his user name he lists LOS 20, but judging from the commands he posted and the thread this is posted in, I would say he's on Sailfish.  😉

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Oh hi again.

Yes, I am on Sailfish. I did what I wanted in the end.

I manually configured XKB layout (US), having Unicode codes, QWERTY shifted, QWERTZ non-shifted and QWERTY non-shifted on eyes. I enjoy Polish Programmers layout now.

For AlienDalvik I was able to make standard US only, attaching a ZIP file for Key Mapper (requires Shizuku)

Sailfish Pro1 Android US Layout.zip

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  • 2 months later...

Hello again.

Great news - I was able to fully customize my hardware keyboard layout in AlienDalvik without 3rd-party apps, just natively!

Here's how I did it.

AlienDalvik, for some reason, accepts only the default keylayout and keychar files, which are Generic.kl (keycodes) and Generic.kcm (the keyboard layout). They can be found in system/usr/keylayout and system/usr/keychars. I attach them here so you don't need to unsquashfs the big image (what I did).

If you have the Pro1 with shifted QWERTY keyboard, you don't need to touch Generic.kl file (it's already correct). If you have QWERTZ, it has to be edited - I attach the working GenericUnshifted.kl file which does it. This file only fixes keys on unshifted hardware keyboard, so W won't be Q but it'll be W.

Now the fun part, editing the right key layout. Generic.kcm is the full layout for each key. To makes things easier, you can look for FinQwerty source or decompile FinQwerty APK and grab key mappings from it. My goal was to make Polish (Programmers) layout for AlienDalvik. Open original Generic.kcm with text editor, and edit it carefully. Let's say you want to type ą / Ą when pressing the Alt Gr (Fn / Alt on Sailfish). You need to change:

key A {
   label:                              'A'
   base:                               'a'
   shift, capslock:                    'A'


key A {
    label:                              'A'
    base:                               'a'
    shift, capslock:                    'A'
    alt:                                '\u0105'
    alt+shift, alt+capslock:            '\u0104'

This is just an example, you need to find out and discover yourself 🙂

I'm attaching a ready Polish (Programmers) layout too.

Now transfer both modified Generic.kcm and Generic.kl to F(x)tec, open Terminal and run:


mount --bind path/to/generic.kl /opt/alien/rootfs/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl

mount --bind path/to/generic.kcm /opt/alien/rootfs/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm

systemctl restart aliendalvik

This will temporarily bind-mount modified files to Alien filesystem. Check if layout is OK. To make things permament, open /etc/appsupport.conf.d/10-hybris.conf using a text editor as root and add proper mounts in [Config] section, like:

Mounts=/path/to/generic.kl system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl none bind,create=file,optional 0 0

Mounts=/path/to/generic.kcm system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm none bind,create=file,optional 0 0

Reboot device and check if layout in Android apps is active.

That's all for now, layout should work as expected.

Tested only on Sailfish - older releases have other AlienDalvik configs paths, so it will be a bit different case.

GenericPL.kcm GenericUnshifted.kl GenericOriginal.kcm GenericOriginal.kl

Edited by Wunder Wungiel
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