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This mornings sunrise over the mist and one of the last photos of my gorgeous dog, that I had to put down due to nasal cancer a few hours ago. Ten good years. (Reduced to get below the limit)

My doggo looks cute but it never listens...

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5 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

This mornings sunrise over the mist and one of the last photos of my gorgeous dog, that I had to put down due to nasal cancer a few hours ago. Ten good years.

(Reduced to get below the limit)


I am very sad to hear that. 😞

I saw some photos what you took of your dog in the forum and thought he is gorgeous and he looked to be healthy.
i also thought he is younger anyway. Ten years are not few but...
It is a very sad news. 😞
Rest in peace.

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Thanks for all the kind words. He was healthy without the slightest troubles until a week after he became ten two months ago. It has been a horrible day, but he leaves a tonne of good memories. I grew up lietrally with dogs by the cradle, and have known many many dogs throughout my live. This one that I 'inherited' young was the best I ever met (and most he met said the same). I knew him from he was a tiny puppy, and the fun thing was that he always wanted to be my dog, over the owner that is my friend. So when his family situation led to him not being able to have a dog, it was natural to finally let the dog have its way, despite I did not want to have a dog. I simply could not say no to 'the perfect dog'...

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I'm so sorry @EskeRahn, one of our Shepherds from when I was an early teen died of breast cancer.  By the time we caught it, it had already spread throughout her upper body and she was having seizures.  You will always hurt, but the great memories you shared with your dog will always outweigh the painful experience you are currently going through.  I know this one has a special place in your heart, but he would want you to be as happy as you made him throughout his long and loving life.  My family is going through a tough time with our youngest Shepherd, he is 11 right now and has difficulty walking.  For a little bit he actually couldn't walk and we were so distraught because we thought we'd have to put him down.  He's a tough dog though, through sheer will he is managing to walk a bit more and more everyday.  I sincerely hope that you will be ok, and wish only the best.

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2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Thanks for all the kind words. He was healthy without the slightest troubles until a week after he became ten two months ago. It has been a horrible day, but he leaves a tonne of good memories. I grew up lietrally with dogs by the cradle, and have known many many dogs throughout my live. This one that I 'inherited' young was the best I ever met. I knew him from he was a tiny puppy, and the fun thing was that he always wanted to be my dog, over the owner that is my friend. So when his family situation led to him not being able to have a dog, it was natural to finally let the dog have its way, despite I did not want to have a dog. I simply could not say no to 'the perfect dog'...

At least he did not have long pain and he had loving humans in his life.
Every dogs are different and every animals have their own personality. We keep them living in our memories...

I also had some dogs - especially I remember our German Shepherd from my childhood - she was found by someone and when she saw my grandmother, she didn't take her eyes off her... she wanted to come with her. She was really kind and I have played a lot with her as a child. She died in breast cancer at the age of about 12-13.

I had another really good German Shepherd later together with a brown dachshund and two cats. When the two cats were confronted, the German Shepherd went (ran) to the closest cat until he changed his mind - she was not angry to any of our cats and not continued to chase the cat and not always picked the same cat in this situation (but really physically the closest to her), her aim was only to not let them fight. 🙂 She was really peaceful. Also, they were allowed to come into the house and there were several occasions when one of them indicated to have to go out for a toiled and finally the other dog went out. I really loved them a lot, both of them were very good and good-hearted dogs.
Unfortunately, the German Shepherd has died only at the age of 8 because of heart problems - it was a really warm summer when she started to slow down sometimes when we were playing and she did not accept medicines (written by a doctor but he did not say high chance even if she accepts it)... her problem had quickly escalated... Both the German Shepherd and dachshund really loved to play with tennis balls. The dachshund was 13.

I currently have my best cat ever. She is clever, relaxed, devoted and surprisingly obedient (if it is the appropriate word) - the same as she was in her entire life.
In summer, she follows us in the garden or comes out somewhere if she see we are around. I can also say her to wait a bit or come with me.
She is currently 13 years old.

Edited by VaZso
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@EskeRahn the best dogs choose their owner. Im sorry for your loss. I am happy that you both got an awesome friend.

With that being said, heres a pic of my boy when he decided to play with wasps this summer. Im sure you got similar memories to enjoy!



22 hours ago, silversolver said:

Is this a dog?


Wrong thread, search for “off topic edible pets”

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19 minutes ago, rob said:

@EskeRahn the best dogs choose their owner. Im sorry for your loss. I am happy that you both got an awesome friend.

With that being said, heres a pic of my boy when he decided to play with wasps this summer. Im sure you got similar memories to enjoy!

Thanks, and he he, poor him, looks bad.
Well the funny thing is that despite being totally fearless (not to say reckless), to the point walking a cattle grid with rollers(!), and jumping moving ice plates, he never caused himself any harm. Killed a lot of wasps if they got too close, but never got stung. And bees too, If I was not fast enough rescuing them.

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