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Still waiting for my device

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i know that I am repeating mine and many others here.  I have been waiting since the middle of April last year for my device.  I do understand the virus and other things that go on.  But. we keep being told twelve weeks and twelve weeks and other things.  The last I  heard was between January and March 2021.

I am being respectful here but our phones will be at least a year old with year old technology.

Are they going to  be updated with the latest technology or are paying for a year old phone.



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If you want to put it this way: yes, you are buying a smartphone with technology that has been on the market for a few years. The focus of this device is on the physical keyboard.
Current hardware does not really exist with such a keyboard.
If you want newer hardware, you'll have to request a refund and buy something out of the mainstream.

The unfortunate delays have already been discussed many times.

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Still it's somewhat unfair that they are shipping those pre-christmas perks when they still have customers waiting over 9 months for theirs.

Even if they start shipping the Xs in March I'm expecting people, including myself, to still be waiting for them next christmas.

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On Dec 1, 2020, I agreed to an offer to change my Sept 2019 order from QWERTZ (there still seems to be a supply bottleneck) to QWERTY to speed things up. On Dec 11 I got a confirmation about preparations for shipping from Hong Kong being made, with the promise of tracking details "within the next 3 working days". Never felt this close to getting my Pro1 before! Of course, after following this forum for so long, I took the figure with the obligatory grain of salt. It's been nearly a month now, though, and no more news yet... 

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I ordered in Jan of 2020 ... Put in a support ticket before the holidays after getting some movement in another thread.


Response from support: hopefully another batch sometime Q1 2021

Edited by Chris
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1 minute ago, denmaarten said:

I guess it's funny after you have received your order 🙂

Not really, I was lucky though, got mine earlier that I should. But for most it was quite the opposite. No communication at all did not help either.
Even got a bit of a bad conscience (of course kept the phone anyway :D)
But I think it is important to point out, that FxTec just seem to have no system at all. It is unlikely that they are favour some people over others.

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On 1/8/2021 at 1:49 PM, Rob. S. said:

On Dec 1, 2020, I agreed to an offer to change my Sept 2019 order from QWERTZ (there still seems to be a supply bottleneck) to QWERTY to speed things up. On Dec 11 I got a confirmation about preparations for shipping from Hong Kong being made, with the promise of tracking details "within the next 3 working days". Never felt this close to getting my Pro1 before! Of course, after following this forum for so long, I took the figure with the obligatory grain of salt. It's been nearly a month now, though, and no more news yet... 

It's a bit scary for all the non-qwerty Pro1X ordered... Are they even able to deliver them ?
Not to mention that the Azerty layout was promised in December and we still not have it...

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8 minutes ago, flx said:

It's a bit scary for all the non-qwerty Pro1X ordered... Are they even able to deliver them ?
Not to mention that the Azerty layout was promised in December and we still not have it...

I would say yes. The founder of FxTec has an execellent Track record of doing what he is able to, to deliver stuff or refund.
True in the current pandemic who knows, it may not be possible to deliver everything. I mean don't get me wrong, I THINK they will deliver everything but we can't know.
What we know is though, that despite their lack in communication and despite many errors they made, they are working hard to deliver!

And that is more than most preorders can say (well a bit of a problem is, that the normal Pro1 was never titled as preorder, but that is what I meant with errors. For the pro1X it was clear from the beginning that it is a IGG).

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2 hours ago, flx said:

It's a bit scary for all the non-qwerty Pro1X ordered... Are they even able to deliver them ?
Not to mention that the Azerty layout was promised in December and we still not have it...

Even though so much has gone wrong now, I'm actually not too pessimistic there. My impression is that after the last batch of QWERTZ devices was shipped in 2020, there simply weren't enough QWERTZ orders open for the keyboard supplier to bother with a whole new production batch (while now it seems as if also the QWERTY Pro1 phones have gone out of stock). When the first production run of the Pro1 X is due, things will be different again. Maybe – but maybe now I'm getting too optimistic – we'll even see some keyboards making their way into a small stock of spare parts to be sold separately. However it will go, I have no doubts that the remaining QWERTZ orders will be – at last – fulfilled together with the first QWERTZ Pro1 X devices...

And maybe the same is already true for QWERTY devices, seeing that my QWERTZ-changed-to-QWERTY Pro1 is still not in sight, either.

Well, as I've also ordered a (QWERTZ) Pro1 X soon after the campaign had started, I will at least be able to follow up on all this first-hand! Maybe I should place a bet with myself as to which of the two devices will be the first – that way I can only win!

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7 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

Well, as I've also ordered a (QWERTZ) Pro1 X soon after the campaign had started, I will at least be able to follow up on all this first-hand! Maybe I should place a bet with myself as to which of the two devices will be the first – that way I can only win!

Your optimism is inspiring! Thanks for being and staying cool 😄
Also i ordered an X as soon as it was available since i share the bad conscience OSwaldo mentioned above from being lucky and receiving the Pro¹ early.
Now want to support others that did not even receive that by making sure F(x) has some cash flow. Plus the outlook to finally have a spare not-daily-driver Pro¹ to test out all those yummy OS that have been adapted in the meanwhile.
Imo the March delivery commitment has some safety margin already calculate in. Last time Chinese New Year was a delay reason and it looks to me they try to avoid impact this time.

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10 hours ago, IH8SpeedBumps said:

Sooo if I just now ordered one I shouldn't get my hopes up?

Unfortunately they seem not to able to get them produced as fast as they can sell them. So I would not expect shipping of fresh orders before March.

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On 1/17/2021 at 10:47 AM, EskeRahn said:

Unfortunately they seem not to able to get them produced as fast as they can sell them. So I would not expect shipping of fresh orders before March.

I think everyone would be happy getting it shipped in march =D


On 1/17/2021 at 12:35 AM, IH8SpeedBumps said:

Sooo if I just now ordered one I shouldn't get my hopes up?

realistically, 1year... 

No one here got it in less then 6months

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1 minute ago, denmaarten said:

realistically, 1year... 

No one here got it in less then 6months

Whether this year can be compared to last year is unclear.  Last year, they were new to manufacturing and logistics and the pandemic hit closing everything down.  This year, they have renegotiated contracts, a lot more experience and, although the pandemic is still here and UK is in lockdown, I think they may have a better handle on how to move forward.  I would expect the Pro1s to pop up when the Pro1xs do, that they will maximize their Factory run time they have contracted for.  Still means maybe March to June, but I doubt one year this time around unless the lockdown becomes much worse globally again. 

Not that I am an expert on any of this, so I may be proved wrong. (Being an optimist, I'm used to being proved wrong 😄 )

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11 minutes ago, Hook said:

Whether this year can be compared to last year is unclear.  Last year, they were new to manufacturing and logistics and the pandemic hit closing everything down.  This year, they have renegotiated contracts, a lot more experience and, although the pandemic is still here and UK is in lockdown, I think they may have a better handle on how to move forward.  I would expect the Pro1s to pop up when the Pro1xs do, that they will maximize their Factory run time they have contracted for.  Still means maybe March to June, but I doubt one year this time around unless the lockdown becomes much worse globally again. 

Not that I am an expert on any of this, so I may be proved wrong. (Being an optimist, I'm used to being proved wrong 😄 )

I am agree on they have a lot of experience since their launch. The lockdown in the UK definitively does not help, so I don't think they can really travel between the UK and China which they would if possible to have more control.

However, their relationship will help even if they are not allowed to travel.

Also, the higher amount of Pro1/Pro1-X, the better their position. More than 1400 unit do not seem a really low amount, so their partner(s) may take them seriously when speaking about production run... or at least I hope so.
Also, they may have booked capacity some months earlier than last time and also assembling will be easier / faster if the same (trained for Pro1) people will do it...

Maybe Brexit also causes some troubles but as they have already sent phones directly from China earlier, it may be not a huge problem.
However, sending big batches to the UK then to EU countries will definitively not working.
Also, they may have to find another place for repairs if there is no exception regarding this.

As of Covid, vaccination will definitively help the current situation, but not before March as it seems to be ramping up slowly...

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4 minutes ago, VaZso said:

As of Covid, vaccination will definitively help the current situation, but not before March as it seems to be ramping up slowly

Where I live in Germany, vaccinations as such started at the end of December and we don't even know yet when we, as "normal people" who are not particularly at risk, can register for vaccination to get an appointment. Optimistic estimates point to summer at the earliest; some estimates suggest that it could take until summer next year for all those willing to be vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, Rob. S. said:

Where I live in Germany, vaccinations as such started at the end of December and we don't even know yet when we, as "normal people" who are not particularly at risk, can register for vaccination to get an appointment. Optimistic estimates point to summer at the earliest; some estimates suggest that it could take until summer next year for all those willing to be vaccinated.

Where I live in Hungary, they have started some kind of registration with some technical problems (lack of confirmation e-mails in some cases), but currently they are looking for other sources of vaccines with less-known background and it is unclear which vaccine they would like to use for a particular person later on.

However, approved vaccines of the EU come really slowly, so it is also unknown for us - with lower risk - when would be available even now, when the registered user base here is relatively small (I think the relative number of vaccines available are similar in EU countries, so the expected time of waiting is similar).

As of me, I am afraid the vaccine which they try to push through local system nowadays and which uses inactivated real viruses may cause similar long-term risks as real virus infection (as "long covid") - I don't know if it applies in reality but we also don't know a lot about the virus itself, so I feel the mRNS-type of vaccines may be safer. However, it is still better if the starting point is that someone will definitively catch the real virus...
...but they would like to start using it with old people which is not even recommended by the manufacturer itself, as far as I know...

Not an easy decision anyway and it is really hard to get vaccines when every countries want them, but risks should be minimized...

Sorry for being offtopic.

Edited by VaZso
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