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Pro1 and Pro1 X design change to use Snapdragon 662, no new devices before August 2021

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23 minutes ago, Rob. S. said:

So what? Miffed because you're not one of the exclusive five anymore, or one of the exclusive one thousand or whatever the original number of devices was they might have had planned to sell through the campaign? 

Which they very probably kept increasing slowly as they were led to believe they could still get the PCBs with the SD 835? What would you expect, that they throw away an option to sell more phones just because a few people might get somehow offended by it? 

Sorry, but I really don't get it.

No they were options with higher price available with no limit of backers, it was never a question of availability.

The principle of the pre-early birds, early birds is that to start the campaign the X first to back get a better price, and the X next a little less better price, etc. and then you only get the pre-order price (that should be lower than the future selling price of the product).

Trying to make believe a category of price is almost gone and if you want it you have to back now to then add a few extra slots every time it's necessary to just keep it close to the end, is definitely a shady marketing practice, yes it's not illegal or anything but that's definitely not an angel attitude and not an attitude from someone lost and that can't manage communication and don't have time for anything.

With this technique they even from time to time reopened slots on lower priced category... And we should have been able to swap our bid for the new lowest one available but as they blocked us from cancelling it was not possible.


All of that are not a shortcut to gain time when you can't handle everything, it's someone managing that marketing shit individually everyday instead of managing communication.

At first it was just a small detail for me but it was the first of a long list and a definitive sign of all we were going to have to swallow.

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It is sad indeed. But as I see it they had very few alternatives after being swindled. Redesign the Pro1(x) using as much as they can of the existing with the remaining money. Await the m

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The line is when they take the money to Las Vegas and blow it on hookers and cocaine. And then they realize they need more money, so they delay shipping in order to solicit more funds, so they can pro

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1 hour ago, Slion said:

Let's face it the keyboard prints are most certainly the last of their worries as they don't have a working motherboard at the moment.

Sorry to see you go @flx I do hope FxTec will one day have products on stock for you to buy.

In some ways I hope it too but maybe this small niche needs some emptiness to be filled by a good company...


Anyway for this year I think the only possibility will be the next Blackberry planned... I hope it will be good and released soon.

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19 minutes ago, flx said:

The principle of the pre-early birds, early birds is that to start the campaign the X first to back get a better price, and the X next a little less better price, etc. and then you only get the pre-order price (that should be lower than the future selling price of the product).

Trying to make believe a category of price is almost gone and if you want it you have to back now to then add a few extra slots every time it's necessary to just keep it close to the end, is definitely a shady marketing practice, yes it's not illegal or anything but that's definitely not an angel attitude and not an attitude from someone lost and that can't manage communication and don't have time for anything.

I don't look at many IGG projects, but having seen exactly the same thing on the Astro Slide project, I almost wonder if the behavior isn't built algorithmically into the IGG platform, maybe based on a few parameters the owner of the project sets.


I don't consider it bad behavior, I consider it marketing.  Though I suppose one could argue it's tomayto/tomahto 😄

Edited by Hook
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1 hour ago, Rob. S. said:

That's indeed an interesting question. It would also be interesting to know whether hope might still be justified that at least the two or three most severe bugs which remain until now will be fixed. And how frequently and for how long there will be security updates for either Android version...

We know that they have been working on it for a good while so hopefully Android 10 won't be abandoned for the 835. Besides there will be effectively 4 types of Pro1 out, the base one with 835, some X they did ship with the 835, and both with the 662 as well later down the line.

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I think getting a refund before they file for bankruptcy is key now.

The love for the keyboard is zo big, everyone is making excuses in the name of fxtec.

I cant see any valid excuse. As a company owner you have to get your shit together. if oneplus' first phone was a shit show like this, they would never have survived.

I know they won't respond for the refund for at least a month so... can someone link me to someone that can push it through?


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16 hours ago, Tsunero said:

We know that they have been working on it for a good while so hopefully Android 10 won't be abandoned for the 835.

  They won't continue to support  both the old pro1 (835) and the new one 662. It's not feasible for a company of this size to support two phones. But maybe they'll put out android 10, idk.

16 hours ago, denmaarten said:

I think getting a refund before they file for bankruptcy is key now.


There won't be any refunds. They don't have to give out refunds, it's an igg campaign. People who ordered through their site can ask for a refund, though. 

They don't need to worry about their reputation. They're not Samsung, they're nobodies. This is a niche device, there's no alternative, so it's this or nothing. (bb locked down, astro slide bad keyboard design)

They won't go bankrupt, they have over a million dollars in their igg campaign.

It's okay just wait 5 years and once we have AR glasses we'll no longer have to worry about keyboard phones. We can use whatever bluetooth keyboard we want to type on our virtual displays.

Edited by lawliett
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16 minutes ago, lawliett said:

It's okay just wait 5 years and once we have AR glasses we'll no longer have to worry about keyboard phones.

... unless the next pandemic is around by then and my respiratory mask gets the AR glasses steamed up all the time. 🙂

Obligatory xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1891/.

Other than that, you may have some good points there, indeed.

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19 hours ago, Slion said:

I'm guessing people who already have a Pro1 voted wait and those who don't voted deliver sooner.

i voted to wait longer . heck im waiting for a very long time already whats a extra couple of months gonna be 


18 hours ago, flx said:

In some ways I hope it too but maybe this small niche needs some emptiness to be filled by a good company...


Anyway for this year I think the only possibility will be the next Blackberry planned... I hope it will be good and released soon.

Yeah i think the upcomming blackberry wil be the best option  or the unihertz titan 
honnestly i choose the fxtec pro1 and the pro1 x  over the titan  for several reasons 
mainly thinking the wait would not have been so long 

but  im now thinking of either waiting for the new blackberry or just order the titan 
its not the form factor i want but beggers cant be choosers 

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9 minutes ago, denmaarten said:

Well, then they really are crooks/

Guess what delivery date the website states?
Order your Pro1 today. Shipping worldwide in 10-12 weeks.

Disgracefull company

If you bought through their website, ask for a refund, due to the change in shipping date. And if they refuse, file a chargeback. That's your right under consumer protection laws.

As for whether they're crooks, that's impossible to determine unless you have evidence that they intentionally tried to mislead people. Otherwise, it's possible they were slow to update their site, problems with internal communication, logistical issues, etc. There's any number of reasons... Being disorganized or unprepared (while not ideal) isn't the same as being actively malicious.

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3 minutes ago, lawliett said:

If you bought through their website, ask for a refund, due to the change in shipping date. And if they refuse, file a chargeback. That's your right under consumer protection laws.

As for whether they're crooks, that's impossible to determine unless you have evidence that they intentionally tried to mislead people. Otherwise, it's possible they were slow to update their site, problems with internal communication, etc. There's any number of reasons...

I have ordered through the website.

One of the moderators confessed they probably don't have any money left..

(so most likely most of us got scammed)

Where does the line of incompetence cross crook-territory, who knows

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5 minutes ago, denmaarten said:

One of the moderators confessed they probably don't have any money left..

(so most likely most of us got scammed)

Where does the line of incompetence cross crook-territory, who knows

The line is when they take the money to Las Vegas and blow it on hookers and cocaine. And then they realize they need more money, so they delay shipping in order to solicit more funds, so they can provide refunds to people who threaten to sue. Thus, the organization becomes a ponzi scheme where new investor money is used to pay off old investors. 

But I don't think that's the case here, hopefully... >.<

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2 hours ago, lawliett said:

They won't continue to support  both the old pro1 (835) and the new one 662. It's not feasible for a company of this size to support two phones

It's not Fxtec who's actually doing the Android versions for their phones, it's the mainboard supplier which is also responsible for sourcing the CPU, IDEA International Development Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen – in cooperation with Fxtec. I would guess it all depends on how much support by IDEA Fxtec will be able to get out of their contract with them. 

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47 minutes ago, zundappchef said:

i voted to wait longer . heck im waiting for a very long time already whats a extra couple of months gonna be 


Yeah i think the upcomming blackberry wil be the best option  or the unihertz titan 
honnestly i choose the fxtec pro1 and the pro1 x  over the titan  for several reasons 
mainly thinking the wait would not have been so long 

but  im now thinking of either waiting for the new blackberry or just order the titan 
its not the form factor i want but beggers cant be choosers 

For me, the key is updateability.  For niche devices made by small companies that means an unlockable bootloader and at least Lineage being available (and probably means having a Qualcom chip), because no small company making niche devices are going to keep Android up to date. either in terms of version nor security patches.  IDEA corp's contract support is not great-- they are a big company with many big clients.  But FxTec's relationships with the development community, even if you have to wait forever to get your device, is invaluable.

I won't deny that I thought of getting a Titan as a backup phone while my Pro1 was being repaired.  😉

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31 minutes ago, denmaarten said:

One of the moderators confessed they probably don't have any money left..

It is me he is trying to misquote here... Interesting....
And I most certainly did not!! I Have no more knowledge on their financial situation that the rest of you


Well we do not know the amount of money they have lost on the cheat.


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6 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

It is me he is trying to misquote here... Interesting....
And I most certainly did not!! I Have no more knowledge on their financial situation that the rest of you

And a later reply

17 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Actually I have NO idea of their financial status. I'm just guessing.
I have NO idea what they paid for a 835 when sold in the thousands, so no idea of the loss. But even if it was zero loss, they still need money to develop a new PCB, they thought they already got in their calculus. Usually we don't really think in development costs for phones, as they are sold in the millions by the big brands. But at this is a few thousand. Every million spent is a LOT per unit...

Before the Corona mess Chen was a lot of the tine in china to have hands on control with the production. But that is very hard to do now, so I guess they simply have trusted the wrong people... And well you can say it is thus their fault that they have been cheated. But the blame game does not bring us the 835 PCBs needed.

Personally I'm impressed by their stamina, that they found a solution with a different chip, that still can be produced within budget. They could have said 'ah well, too bad, buy buy' and folded. The majority of the new devices planned are crowdfunded so AFAIK we have no legal rights for a refund. (I believe it is still possible to order from their own site, and those are regular orders, eligible for a refund).

IF a planned IGG project collapses it is entirely up the good hearts of those behind to give any refunds...

Actually Chen did exactly that wiih the Moto Mod project. We were ALL offered ALL our money back, or a $100 voucher for the Pro1. He paid out of his own pocket, Now that is dedication to your good name if anything. And that is one of the reasons I feel certain that they will do all in their powers to give this project a positive outcome.

So in the choice of a 662 Pro1X and nothing, I think the choice is easy.


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5 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

It is me he is trying to misquote here... Interesting....
And I most certainly did not!! I Have no more knowledge on their financial situation that the rest of you


That is what everybody with insider information would say 😄

No honestly:
It is insanely hard to get a feet into the smartphone market.
They tried (and somewhat succeeded), and had so many problems:

- delays
- covid
- soc is gone

And they are still going and have delivered a few phones, which is not only impressive, but it also shows that it is unlikely a scam. Would that be a scam they would have gone a long time ago, after the first 2k preorders for sure!

Why struggeling to reduce your money? I am sure they have less now, than 1.5 years ago...

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2 minutes ago, Doktor Oswaldo said:

That is what everybody with insider information would say 😄

At the least that is what a politician would do 🤣

IF I had had any inside info on a subject I would limit myself to the public knowledge, and if pressed say that I'm not at liberty to share info on that. And before anyone tries pressing: No, I got no inside info on their financial status.😜

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1 hour ago, denmaarten said:

I have ordered through the website.

One of the moderators confessed they probably don't have any money left..

(so most likely most of us got scammed)

Where does the line of incompetence cross crook-territory, who knows

I'm beginning to wonder who really are the crooks here with your lies.... Who are you working for - really?

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7 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

I'm beginning to wonder who really are the crooks here with your lies.... Who are you working for - really?

I work for myself.
Okay, you insinuated that financial times might be tough for them.
Also leaves the option that they have more than enough money. But that you don't know for sure.

And ok scamming was probably not their intentional goal but sadly the unfortunate result is the same as if you were scammed.




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