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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Welcome, dumarcm. You won't really get much in the way of answers here because we don't know-- which is both good news and bad news. All we can do is make guesses without much data. On the one hand, they got one good sized shipment out prior to the Chinese New Year and were ready to roll when everyone came back-- except that's when the virus closed down China. But we know they can do it. We just received an update HERE that they now finally have 100% of staff in factory and probably most of the parts (moving pieces around in China is still a bit slow but improving). If they now get
    4 points
  2. I ordered mine in late April, literally at the heat of the pandemic. So i can understand if there are delays. It does suck not having a phone during quarantine. But reading some of the other threads I'm understanding that others have not received their pre orders months before the pandemic. That raises some concerns. I must have watch every YouTube video about the phone i could find (Though i wish many of the users on here who have the phone would make more videos. I guess i should hear some word like shipment at the end of the month ( i ordered mine on April 28th) Doe
    2 points
  3. Alright, so I just had my first random reboot. For me, this has never been an issue until today, when I connected to GF's new wireless router. I remarked that I found the signal strength a bit lacking for a device that's not even 10 meters away, but she said she had good connection since starting it up. OK, let's try it out! I connected, entered an URL in an open window and... bam, random reboot. Whut. OK, reboot, reopen Chrome, browse to the FX forum, search for this thr... bam, another reboot. OK, so definitely sure now this is due to the wifi acting up. Reboot, switch off wifi and back to c
    2 points
  4. Well I finally received one of these cases. The phone cover magnet does seem stronger than I was expecting, however I still doubt it will survive a decent drop. That combined with the barely holding magnetic latch means I expect the case will just fly apart as soon as it hits the ground. The latch may hold better if I remove the card holder from this case like I did my previous one, but at this point I'm holding out for a 3D printed bumper case anyway.
    2 points
  5. @v6akSorry, but how exactly was the information better back then? We have heard from them once a month (now almost once a week), were given immense promises (shipping starts at x, shipping is completed by x) and haven't heard of any problems until... well, until the deadline was passed and we got another delay. Too much information also inherets the risk that people leave the boat fearing that those problems will cost too much time. So it's a risky game to still provide us with some information. For me, this is better. I don't feel forgotten nor do I feel like they were lying
    2 points
  6. @Craig OMG. This is it! Thanks, Swiftkey works wonderfully and just does whatever I want, it's surprisingly customizable too. Japanese input works from the physical keyboard now. I have no idea why Gboard refused to work but oh well.
    1 point
  7. Similar here. I do not recall having needed a reset at all on the retail unit since I got it in November. (I obviously have reset the earlier units more recent flashing Sailfish and different versions of LineageOS though)
    1 point
  8. Sure, having some exact delivery date might not be realistic these days for some relatively new company. But on the other hand, the communication might have been better. Today's communication is rather like „we are doing our best“ and virtually nothing more. They also use phrases like “few devices”, which gives us just a little information. OK, I see that the number of produced might be secret and it is OK. But maybe some information like “all devices ordered on XX. YY. ZZZZ and sooner are shipped” or maybe “Your device is expected to be shipped on XX. YY. ZZZZ. Unfortunately, we cannot guaran
    1 point
  9. Thanks, moved your comment to the locked thread
    1 point
  10. Naturally, I would prefer the mail with the exact delivery date over anything, but I also thought rather well of this mail today: just the simple information, that production is up again, and rolling, not feeling forgotten. They're trying and working. To the people complaining about every step on the way: You got too much time on your hands. Keep in mind, you are waiting on a phone(non essential), not a kidney donation or heart transplant. Even when you have it, your life will not revolve around the phone 24/7, neither should it. I bought from a startup, I will try to be patient, may
    1 point
  11. I prever vague statements instead of promises honestly. And even vague mails show that they haven't forgot us. Remember those "will be shipped before [august, september, october, november, christmas, new year, january, february]" mails which we got every month? I hated those. Now at least we know that we don't know when to receive it. This feels better than broken promises and expectations every couple of werks.
    1 point
  12. Never did a reset since I got it in January. I'm actually using it 😁
    1 point
  13. Hello! We just wanted to let you know that Pro1 production is well underway, and we expect to ship more units over the next few weeks. Continued restrictions on the movement of goods around China has resulted in some processes taking longer than anticipated and at slightly higher costs, but overall the situation in China is improving and we now have almost 100% of our factory staff back to work. This means that we can ramp up production as we work our way through the backlog of orders pre Covid-19. As always, thank you for your continued patience and support. Sincerely, Team F(x)tec
    1 point
  14. It seems to me the update frequency is inversely correlated to the production rate.
    1 point
  15. C’mon F(x)tec, I need another eMail telling me to wait just a little bit longer.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Mine also did this until I pressed the screen front and back - the proximity sensor started working better and black out the screen. Check my previous post above this one (okay - the last on the previous page:).
    1 point
  18. Yes the signing keys change for official but there is a simple way around wiping for that. I'll check BT audio again, but it's been working for me since I built the vendor image myself.
    1 point
  19. I've ordered mine at the end of February this year and I don't expect to get it this summer, rather this fall/winter. 😄
    0 points
  20. we expect to ship more units over the next few weeks. few - about 10-50
    0 points
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