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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2020 in Posts

  1. Currently sideload does not keep addons, so you must do the following: 1. sideload the new Lineage zip. 2. reboot recovery to switch slots. 3. sideload gapps and/or su. 4. reboot into android. This process takes about 5 minutes. OTA keeps addons, so just install and reboot. But since it is done in the background, it can take up to an hour or so.
    4 points
  2. Well, I found the first 5 paragraphs rather interesting. Probably because I live in the US, where a large portion of the population exhibits these traits. While I think he does explain some of the tendency to ignore science and facts, I think he completely misses a large portion of the problem -- people who are genuinely against certain things because the status quo favors them over others and they don't want to change because they are selfish. So they simply pretend the problem does not exist, and find people who agree with them and explain their willful ignorance with deception.
    2 points
  3. Well I honestly don't think they are that far with personalized adverts. I would be happy to not getting adverts for a vacuum cleaner for the next 2 years AFTER I bought it. In my opinion the real danger of all this, lies in the companies buying that data. Mostly insurances are extremely dangerous. Even here, where there are strict laws that everyone must have base insurance and companies can't reject you, some of them tend to loose the paperwork of older patients which are trying to switch to them because they are cheaper. In a less regulated country this can be fatal. If we think that th
    2 points
  4. You can do both. But currently the OTA does a total download, not an incremental one, so it is rather slow (in the order of an hour), but if you flash it manually it is a bit more work, but is done in minutes. When using flashing that includes installing google-apps, people have reported loss of the personal settings for some of these google-apps. (I have not noticed this myself, so I guess I do not use the particular google-apps in question, or use them with default settings, and thus never notice the issue)
    2 points
  5. Mines are the ones without frame.
    2 points
  6. Hello guys, please keep us updated. I did not purchased still, cause waitng for stock before to pull the bits. And I also know of many people waiting months and months after they paid and still no delivery. Sincerely, Alejandro, Mr. Goodyes
    1 point
  7. I doubt they will ever have stocks available. They are not ramping up production. They only ship a limited batch of devices every 6 weeks or so.
    1 point
  8. Nope, then again I have not been chasing them. Just posting here from time to time. I'm so glad I have one Pro1 working, used as my daily driver while waiting for the other one to get fixed. I've not been on the forums so much lately but it looks like shipping was kind of suspended again. Seems they are getting a new batch of devices every 6 weeks or so. They are not ramping up production they only produce limited batch from time to time and are still way behind in servicing. Too bad cause when it works hardware and software are really good. I'm pretty sure I won't buy a third device if t
    1 point
  9. You can download a flashable Magisk from here: https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/ You flash it as in step 3 of @tdm's list above. Then you just download the Magisk Manager as I recall. Been a while since I used this as I switched to addonsu, but I'll probably have to go back to Magisk I think with LOS 17.
    1 point
  10. @Slion So still no word on your repairs huh? I am still waiting for a replacement screen. After I have received that one, I need to send my own phone back for investigation/repairs. Out of four phones delivered, mine has a non-working video-out. The fact that you still haven't heard from FxTec makes me shiverrrrrrrrr. Also, I'm not used to this waiting in vain game. My screen would be sent two weeks ago, should be here by now. Request for tracking info also not honored yet. So, long story short; 'glad' to see you're in the same boat. But very unhappy with my future. At least a month witho
    1 point
  11. Ditto here. I only sideload and I always reflash MindTheGapps even though it is said you don't need too (also reflash addonsu). I've never noticed any lost settings... then again, I don't use many Gapps (Maps and Contacts are about it).
    1 point
  12. Wait! What? I'm supposed to drive more carefully if I'm an old fart... 😏
    1 point
  13. Perfect, no use ordering the "frame included" version then. Thanks
    1 point
  14. I don't think that the frame is the same since it looks so much different on Elephone U Pro. Pictures of Pro1: https://mobile.twitter.com/chenliangchen/status/1163524008471605249
    1 point
  15. The one with the frame, includes the black "bezel" the glass is attached to. No frame: With frame: This is the Aliexpress link - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000523673519.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.69b03c00X4Hbs9&mp=1
    1 point
  16. I've just updated to the newest build (20200831). The Lineage page doesn't list any changes since last week, so I don't expect anything to act different except the notification going away. I have now activated the option to auto-delete the update file after updating. Maybe that's why I didn't get the prompt to restart my phone to finish installation. I restarted manually then and everything was fine afterwards.
    1 point
  17. I got mines from eBay. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by frame. What you need it the whole glass including the holes for camera, earpiece, LED and other sensor.
    1 point
  18. Screenshot from homepage:
    1 point
  19. Same here. I'm tracking whats happen here (in order to share with our competent developpers here), but difficult making this bug appear. Most of the case it's on messenger, or whatsapp, but I can't precisely identify WHEN it happens. I think It's when keyboard lag, but I'm not sure. Maybe a problem with buffer ? Does it also appears in stock android ?
    1 point
  20. > did all the 2019 order where shipped At least one Pro1 ordered on Nov 7 has now been delivered (it's on the Got-Your-Pro1 -thread). I ordered mine a week later on Nov 15 and haven't got the phone, tracking id nor the assimilation mail yet.
    1 point
  21. Exactly this just happened to me. I'm so grateful a search for "battery drain" pulled up this post. I'm not very technical and probably would hav never discovered Android Auto was the culprit. But I was losing 10% an hour or greater and my phone was heating up. I was frankly getting ready to do a factory reset because I couldn't stop it and couldn't figure it out. But the search turned up this post and I tried it. Uninstalled Android Auto and the drain stopped. Reinstalled, and all was still good. When I reinstalled, I also discovered Google Maps was crashing, so reinstalled that, but
    1 point
  22. I am now in contact with lawnchair developer. Maybe will be possible to add function for set different layout for portrait/landscape or rotating screen as "two halves" 🙂
    1 point
  23. You have to disable all keyboard layouts and leave it set to default. Then slant arrow with P & L get you / & ?.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for that! Sadly it's too late for me, this heavy slippery phone already slid out of my pocket once and landed on a front corner of the screen rather than a rear corner in the nice soft silicone case, so now I've got a crack and an intermittent solid magenta line through the display. 😕
    0 points
  25. My screen had issues. The sent me a new one. My son's Pro1 has some glue residue visible, they are sending me a new one and ask I send the glued screen back for investigation. My USB C video out does not work. So I'm sending my phone back as soon as the replacement screen for my son is in. My phone was delivered in January. I just assume this was a fluke model, which is why my screen broke down and USB out isn't working. Shit happens, warranty claims are being handled. That's all I can say about it. Stock software wasn't bad. Rotation issue annoyed the Hell out of me. LOS is grea
    0 points
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