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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2020 in Posts

  1. It will work on any custom Android version including Lineage. I plan to package it as an add-on, like the su package.
    6 points
  2. A brief update... I've been working on a backup/restore solution for Linux (plus an Android app to drive it) that will be able to do full backup/restore, similar to TWRP. This is a bit of an involved project, but it will be well worth it in the end. It will be cosmetically similar to tar on the command line to make it familiar to use, but it is an entirely new code base. Some of the features include: A client/server mode for use in Android and other privilege sensitive environments. Built-in compression and encryption support. The Android app will mo
    6 points
  3. A short update on my missing apps: Restoring the apks with oandbackup made them function again, meaning that the restored apps had access to the data that was still there. While this is making things much better for me, I ask myself why these restored apps have the permission to access their old data. Apparently, the re-installed apks (with oandbackup) got their old UID assigned and SELinux seems to be happy too. Really weird ... Edit: I love the dangerous life ... so, I updated my LOS17.1 to the newest nightly just now, and I only "lost" one app (the F-droid store).
    4 points
  4. It's still on my TODO list. But I am writing an Android based backup/restore solution first. This will be much more flexible than TWRP. Check the AICP-Q thread.
    4 points
  5. "Stock LineageOS" is a bit of an oxymoron. It will install on LineageOS via the add-on mechanism, just like gapps and su. I will provide that add-on, you will not need to compile it yourself. But it will be open source, of course, so you can compile it yourself if you want. If you are asking if Lineage will incorporate this into their builds ... I cannot answer that. They are currently planning to use SeedVault. But SeedVault uses the built-in Android backup API which allows apps to opt-out of backup and restore. This is a fatal flaw for me and many others. So perhaps they
    4 points
  6. There are people working on a Mobian (Mobile Debian) port: https://github.com/hybris-mobian-images I've attached a screenshot of the progress as reported on a Google drive link that was given by a porter on the Discord (with an understanding that it is not up-to-date, and that was on the 2020-10-23). I am not sharing the link, as it allows editing so I don't think it should be made that public. From what I understand, the main barrier for other OSes being supported is that the drivers for the Pro1 are not available in the mainline Linux kernel. The current solutions rely on lib
    3 points
  7. Your phone is already booting to EDL mode. This is what you are seeing in the USB dialog. Specifically, "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008" is exactly what the flash tool requires. Now, why did it all of the sudden decide to do that? I don't know, but there is likely some underlying issue. Perhaps a dead or dying flash chip or worse. But using the factory restore tool is a good first start, along with starting an email thread with support.
    3 points
  8. Yes, you will be able to schedule it. The app will allow you to schedule a daily backup. The backup will be able to stream to a private server. Though it will not use ssh -- it will likely use https and a CGI script. You may place a custom keymap file at "/data/system/keyboard/keymap". At boot, this file will be read and used to modify the physical keymap. This setting allows you to enable/disable reading the file at boot.
    2 points
  9. Yes! Stop fooling around and hit flash. Not like you're going to make it any more broken.
    2 points
  10. I've been following the comments for a while, so I decided to have a little look into it. I'm not sure what "stuff" you've been looking at, but it seems a few peeps/affiliates/dedicated fanboys here and there are talking (or typing) out of their arses. So here goes; For starters I'm sure we know what Indiegogo is, a crowdfunding platform. They don't really have any liability at all and you have to agree their terms if you wish to put your sweet, hard earned money down on that shiny new thing that doesn't exist yet. Do they guarantee perks? No https://support.indiegogo.com/hc/en-us/ar
    2 points
  11. As far as I know, no solution exists to get accelerated OpenGL or video decoding as there is no DRM-API to make the GPU accessible from standard Linux programs. So games or videos in the Linux chroot will always fall back to software rendering (llvmpipe) and not be much fun to watch. Also the sparkle project you mention is just an implementation of XWayland (not Wayland) running on Android. I therefore doubt that it will give better performance or more functionality than the (actively maintained and probably more mature) XServer XSDL. That said, many people prefer to run their X-Serv
    2 points
  12. There is a Qualcomm EDL cable which, in theory, can be used to put the phone to EDL state. However, I have tried it using my home-made cable and also using a pre-built cable without any luck even with my own working phone. So I could not put my Pro1 to EDL mode using that method but my friend's phone which I have tried to flash fell back to EDL mode around 15 minutes after "restart". Have you checked if there are any USB devices appear after waiting more than 15 minutes? Linux may be better to identify if it is alive but Windows should also display it as an unknown hardware at first
    2 points
  13. What is crazy is even IGG permitting to put themself in liability like that. It's clearly stated that IGG will refund you until December 11. If you want to force them you could, no matter if they already gave the money to the project.
    2 points
  14. I'd try a different cable / port I've had problems with flashboot doing the same thing device is there when initially trying it then disappears. Also seen that with the incorrect driver as well. Do you need to install a specific EDL driver for this maybe? (I wouldn't trust whatever windows gives you automatically)
    1 point
  15. Is there a list of what works and what doesn't with Ubuntu Touch on the Pro1? The initial message makes it seem like GPS navigation would not be available, for example.
    1 point
  16. Maybe. Stock imposes some restrictions: you cannot modify /system or /vendor. This makes things more challenging.
    1 point
  17. @MickHhope it works GL! Can I suggest running the factory testing suite if it does?
    1 point
  18. Just to confirm: Is this all correct and ready to go?
    1 point
  19. I need to recheck where I got my source data. This is not adding up. Hey, @Erik! About @madeye's post: Proven or disproven? Is it a choice of yours (which you are entitled to) or is it a platform limitation?
    1 point
  20. This sounds very nice! will there be any good way to schedule it? A wish would be the possibility to backup remotely via SSH or eq. to a private linux server. next question: What does this setting do? And how to use it? otherwise the ROM is working great! it's my new daily now so big thanks @tdm
    1 point
  21. Yesterday I got a response from the support. So they do answer emails, it just takes time.
    1 point
  22. Hi Ive got a usb hub that has hdmi and a usb. yes it changes while outputting to hdmi.
    1 point
  23. Wow, I have not seen the post above where @MickH showed the device under Windows - that is why I have asked it again. ...perhaps I have clicked on this thread by mistake and it showed the newer messages next time... Sorry for that. Edit: I have only missed that specific message, read the one before and read the one after... but I am not even remember of an existence of the screenshot itself, hmm. This new page starts at that specific message which is also interesting.
    1 point
  24. Firefox does indeed lock rotation occasionally. I see it on my 1+7pro sometimes. You just need to kill and restart it. Also, I generally like to keep some diagnostic tools on all my devices which can help figure out issues like these. Sensor Box (for all sensors including rotation), GPS Test, and NFC Tools frequently come in handy.
    1 point
  25. Yes, it should work just as well as gapps and su for any LineageOS version. This includes "stock" on the Pro1-X... which, as far as I know, is just going to be a normal LineageOS weekly build installed at the factory.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2559-factory-restore-tool/ Give this a try, might work out for you //Per
    1 point
  28. I really thoughht mine had a physical fault too as it too used to insert numbers into words or move the cursor around the screen-- it was often unusable. I thought one key was influencing another electronically but now on LOS 17 I would say it is 99.9% fixed with respect to the keyboard. Android is completely new to me and even I managed to do a non-destructive update to my Pro1 and keep all my data! Of course you could still have a physically damaged keyboard causing all of your issues but I would be interested to see if the update to LOS 17 helps your typing issues (I have no
    1 point
  29. That is not true. Initially it was clearly stated that you are able to cancel. Here is the quote: I don't know why that was changed before 11th December.
    1 point
  30. have a similar behaviour on my Moto Z3, so anyway pretty used to it... 🤔
    1 point
  31. I have the same issue, which is really frustration. When on a call to customer service or something, and they tell you to press "1" for this or "2" for that I often fail because of the time it takes for the display to get activated. same behaviour in stock, Lineage 16 ans AICP
    1 point
  32. I appreciate F(x)tec trying to supply an official Android version that supports Google Pay and the like, but from what I've seen the updates for that are pretty slow. This seems mostly due to their partners, and there are probably costs involved, but the latest update (including security updates) was months ago. Meanwhile LineageOS seems to be getting almost weekly updates. Granted I don't think I've ever really noticed a change between versions, but there are still security updates in there. It's probably fine to not have those security updates, plenty of people go through life just fine with
    1 point
  33. Some even resort to exploiting bugs in the system, see https://medium.com/@topjohnwu/from-anime-game-to-android-system-security-vulnerability-9b955a182f20 it's quite amazing to see the lengths some apps are willing to go through just to know if you have more access to your phone or not. But yeah, root detection methods are plentiful.
    1 point
  34. Yeah sometimes the Pro1 sucks big time when it does this. I loathed it at times and now accept that its faults just lie with the awfulness of Android rather than the phone's design. I can tell you that my experience, which was very similar to yours, got much better with the installation on Lineage OS 17. Have you done this upgrade yet?
    1 point
  35. If the Azerty layout does not satisfy me I would not want to change layout, I would want to cancel. (I'm not that hard to satisfy and will not cancel only because it's not perfect, I just want direct-access/printed accentuated letters.)
    1 point
  36. Guessing here, but would not at all be surprised if FxTec themselves was unaware of the the short refund limit Indiegogo has in their policy. And thus has to fiddle with the refunds themselves. And @flx they said in a comment in indiegogo that you can change the requested layout withou having to cancel and select a new perk. Though they seem to have a rather long queue of handling mails, sending a mail at the last minutes might be a bit risky. So would be great if the actual azerty was published soon. Or at the least the limit for changing layouts will be well after the publication.
    1 point
  37. I was also hoping the AZERTY layout is released while I still can cancel easily...
    1 point
  38. I agree with some comments above, when we backed on Indiegogo it said we can cancel until December 11. And I'm sure we are numerous to have pulled the trigger because we knew we had some time to think after. I don't want to cancel my order but in the mean time I have discovered the secret perk and even at some point the 599$ perk returned available (probably from a cancellation). I should have been able to cancel immediately my first perk and take another. If it was not mentioned the possibility to cancel on Indiegogo I will have made more researches before to pull the trigger and ho
    1 point
  39. I also should clarify, I just want a refund because it's not the device for me. I understand the risks of crowd-funding (though they still use the word selling) but people are being misled into thinking they've got a reasonable window for a one-click refund when in reality once you've agreed to the terms and conditions there are no guarantees. I mean out of all people willing to go all the way, it's only a small amount that actually have decided it isn't for them and want a refund only to find it's a long, tedious process with no guarantees whatsoever. What's wrong with questionin
    1 point
  40. Indeed, the refund option is now gone even thought it was there in the begining. It is little bit strange. I got the mail below when I backed the campaing. I think that F(x)tec has proven to be trustworthy in the past since devices has been delivered or refund given (thought waiting time has been long for both). I just hope that everything is still under control and F(x)tec is not financing old Pro1 orders with Indiegogo money. I still have full trust to the company. Also, they have XDA on board. I think that XDA would not participate if there was something suspicious. XDA has the
    1 point
  41. I did achieve my "desktop experience" using a Debian Chroot on top of a rooted LineageOS 16.0 (the same result could probably be obtained using Stock Android 9, if rooted). I installed a customised Debian on a dedicated partition of my SD-card, basically following the receipes found here: https://bogeskov.dk/DebianAndroid.html https://wiki.debian.org/ChrootOnAndroid https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/321491/android-chroot-networking-issues Using Run Userinit from F-Droid, I mount the Chroot at /data/DEBIAN and start its SSH server on boot of the Pro1 (I attach my Chroot sc
    1 point
  42. Well, ain't that fine and dandy? My Pro1 has just died☠️😫. There's no life in it whatsoever, doesn't even pick up the charger cable being plugged in. Looks like an email to Support and hope for the best I suppose. Unless someone here has any ideas.
    0 points
  43. Hey all, i requested a refund for my order on 13 May 2020. The Support worte to me on 2 Sep 2020 : "Thanks for confirming. We've submitted this over to our finance team, and we'll get back to you shortly." Since then i didnt get any response even after writing multiple mails... can you please look into this case @Erik. I need the money back till 31.12.2020 cause i want to close the connected bank account with the end of this year. Please any admin or Fx-Tec staff help me...waited over 6 months now...
    0 points
  44. OK so after clicking "Flash" the progress bar pops up briefly and then I get this:- 😒
    0 points
  45. I went through their stuff in the rules for creators and I figured out it's not even something I'd call a "feature". Igg doesn't even give a choice on the matter. No refunds, even if the creator wants to. Probable wrong sources used here. See @madeye below.
    0 points
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