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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Some might have definitions of "everything you need" that differ from yours. 🙂 I'm coming from an N900. When you are used to a full Unix computing environment, there is really no way to fulfil all your needs with Android and Android Apps alone. Example? Using my Debian chroot, I could compile and install MAD/X [cern.ch] on my Pro1: So I am now, literally, able to design f***ing particle accelerators using the Pro1. Now go and try that with Android 😎 . P.S.: ... OK, OK, this port was just a fun project. I'll probably never actually design an accelerator with the Pro1 (
    4 points
  2. Just to dig up an old thread... I've been working at my desk more than usual for the last few weeks, and I found that I kept losing the Pro1 under the various piles of paper, and that because the back isn't flat, I always have to pick it up to do anything so it doesn't rock around the desktop... So I drew up a quick desk stand design for the 3D printer. I'm up to about iteration 5 over the last 2 days, and I think this works pretty well. Happy to send the STL file if anyone else wants to print one. Equally would like to see whatever others have come up wit
    3 points
  3. If it is the same keyboard than on the Cosmo and Gemini, it seems to be as "mechanical" as you can get. The keys are individually supported and seem to have good travel range. This also comes with some disadvantages, though, as there have been reports of "pocket dirt" going under the key caps and being difficult to remove 😄. It is true that since mid-2020, they seem to be making good progress with their Linux distribution for the Cosmo. However, dual-boot is really not something I would like to have on my device. For the Cosmo this may be acceptable, as it is a quite awkward phone anyway.
    2 points
  4. Quite funny was just reading the pine64 December update they are also basing the PinePhone keyboard addon on Psion 5 lol (About half way down) https://www.pine64.org/2020/12/15/december-update-the-longest-one-yet/
    2 points
  5. First of all this is great news. Competition in the sliding keyboard smartphone market means things are picking up and we can expect to have full keyboard sliders to choose from in the mainstream in the future. What I don't like about astro's slider: Subjectively the design doesn't look good to me: the keyboard looks like the keys have been thrown on there without any symmetry or bezels and the screen placement when open looks ugly. It sort of looks... functional yet cheap and there's a separation between the keyboard part and the screen, like 2 parts stuck together, not a whole dev
    2 points
  6. That hope is the main reason why I keep refreshing the update section on my phone. :))) (That and dark UI like settings and notifications.)
    1 point
  7. Would be nice to have something like Samsung's Linux on DeX for Pro1 Android 10 desktop mode.
    1 point
  8. Convergence mode is because you have everything you need on your device already 🙂 But true multi boot is needed on phones
    1 point
  9. That's totally not what I, and many others, have in mind. We want to run a conventional desktop Linux environment (with GNU userland et al. ) in parallel to the phone OS. Please have a look at @matf's demonstration I linked above to get the idea. We also want to run our desktop environment on-the-go (i.e. on the device's screen). I can imagine very few practical use-cases for these so called "convergence" modes (as in Android 10 and UbuntuTouch): When I am close to a big screen, there is likely already a real PC attached to it anyway, why should I then bother to use my phone as such?
    1 point
  10. yes guess pocket dirt will be a problem but not sure on the astro as its design makes the top and bottom sealed when in pocket. android 10 is what you want for switching between phone and desktop when docked
    1 point
  11. ah sorry! 😄 yes it would be better Sim 1 you could have 2 cards from same carrier 😄 (Work, Home)
    1 point
  12. It is. There is however an option to enable mobile data temoporarily just to send/receive MMS without user intervention. It worked this way in Motorola stock. Was there something like config_enable_mms_with_mobile_data_off in LineageOS?
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. @Pete I was afraid of this same issue and just changed my service to T-Mobile ... which other folks had recommended
    1 point
  15. I would like to ask about sending/receiving MMS when 'mobile data' is disabled - is it possible in LOS17.1? Am I missing something?
    1 point
  16. Well they didn't design in haha https://www.petervis.com/modern-gadgets/psion-series-5/psion-series-5-keyboard.html
    1 point
  17. I would say that most of them are not suited for the languages suggested.... It's not a matter of how they could have made the print, it is more fundamental that most national keyboard layouts expects (at the least) two letter keys right of the L, and one right of the P, and they can not do that with the current keys. They would need to squeeze in an extra column, and cut the current enter into two as the least possible change. And they would need two columns extra to get close to what we are used to. But obviously that would be at the cost of minor keys, so pros&cons. Even for real and
    1 point
  18. There using the same keyboard as the other devices from what I can see and that has 24 layouts? do they have not suitable or not exist for you? https://planetcom.squarespace.com/device And yeah I have reservations on the mechanism and will be giving feedback when I have one 😄
    1 point
  19. I too am tempted to support it, just as it is nice to see more keyboard phones out there. But apart from the mechanism, that I would like to hear actual feedback on first, there is a principle issue with the number of columns of keys making it unsuitable for all the languages using more national letters than A-Z. Not to mention that ordinary punctuation also have to be pushed to unconventional places due to the lack of keys. Of course that is the price to pay for the larger keys, so pros&cons.
    1 point
  20. At least one Pro1-X QWERTZ unit has been made so far since I saw a photo of it in Twitter. If there was a shortage of QWERTZ keyboard mats, maybe it is resolved now?
    1 point
  21. I have just tested my Pro1 using a cable which I have bought for a Dell Latitude E6530 and it worked well, microphone and the whole headset has worked perfectly well. I don't have a jack connector around now, so I could not check the exact pinout correctly, but measuring without a jack connector plugged in, I still think it has CTIA standard. ...but I am 100% sure it uses the very same pinout as E6530. 🙂 Sorry for bumping this thread, but I thought it may be useful.
    1 point
  22. Typing as such was great on the PRIV, but for my most important applications for a hardware keyboard a landsacape-oriented screen is desirable, if not mandatory, too, like working on a Linux terminal or even a remote desktop... Or entering text in a web app that doesn't reflow, otherwise forcing me to scroll back and forth horizontally all the time just to see what I just wrote. Many times I needed to hold the PRIV in landscape orientation while trying to type on a 90° rotated keyboard. That was awkward 😉
    1 point
  23. Okay, so out of the blue I received a replacement screen for my Pro1 just now. I'm gonna need a while to get it out of all that bubble wrap though. 😅 Update-Edit: It's working! Finally got 100% screen estate again. Took me more time to apply a new screen protector than replacing the screen itself. And the two connectors popped off "like little legos". Now off to work out a way to return the old screen...
    1 point
  24. Yeah I've been trying to use Fi with a Pro1, but I think I've reached the end of the road with this hangouts > messages changeover that Fi is forcing when it comes to text messaging. I can't even get it to work at all because the Pro1 is an extra level of "unsupported" below the normal level of unsupported phones. AKA, I can't even "activate" my Pro1 with the Google Fi android app, even though voice and data work fine, whereas I could at least "activate" my Blackberry Key2 as an unsupported device that would be limited to the T-Mobile network only (aka no network switching) Even
    1 point
  25. Quick update on the shenanigans. Got an email requesting I return the phone for possible repair/replacement. Hopefully get it sorted soon. 😊
    1 point
  26. Support came back to me today and it looks like I'll be joining the queue for a Pro1 X very soon. TBH I'm not expecting it before Christmas 2021 😁
    1 point
  27. pro1 x is shipping in march,, so expect it to come by september.
    1 point
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