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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The plain sliders have several issues you do not have with the superior mechanism, and it is related to the simplicity of the two-arms system. 1) The slides are almost impossible to keep clean, and you thus have to take a lot of care to avoid pocket debris and other dirt to get into the rails. 2) You have to press either almost exactly at the middle or use two thumbs evenly, unless the rails are totally clean and well lubricated 3) The display does not tilt, though some models offer an additional hinge to accomplish that. 4) as @VaZso pointed out the comlpexity means more error pron
  2. You are aware that none of the one you mention have a similar mechanism, right? They deliberately chose this superior mechanism (previously used in several Nokia-models), despite that it unfortunately do have a learning curve. You just haven't learned to master it yet. Usually beginners also get angry at their bicycle until they master it, but once we do, we can not imagine how it was ever difficult. You could compare the ones you list with tricycles that everyone can operate (almost) immediately, and the mechanism on the Pro1 with a bicycle.
  3. Well for the first part we do know a little for those that is known to have been effected, see this. the green curve is rising fast too. But obviously we have no idea of the numbers of those that were infected, and their body fought it down, without them even knowing they had it.
  4. Indeed. We lack sober data, and not panic-data as is spread by parts of the press. We as the public have no idea of the risk of normal healthy individuals when exposed. Sure we know individual stories, but it general how high is the risk of death for an otherwise healthy individual? Remember that there is also a risk with any other influenza. The statistics we get unfortunately only counts. We have no idea how healthy or fragile the fatalities were when they got infected. A "1" counted in the statistics for an otherwise healthy 25 year old fatality, is a lot more concerning than a "1"
  5. Indeed it did, but at the least we now know that this is not an optimal solution.... No surprise that no one have asked me to send one.... 🤪
  6. What I meant was: " Uh I thought 'all' the first batch already got them " We know that they have a cut-off in the the last part of June. See the earlier comments on the last half of June.
  7. That is not quite the idea. The idea is that if we map a truckload of different symbols to all kinds of odd modifier combinations, e.g. Shift+Ctrl+YellowArrow+[key] it would be great if e.g. just holding the modifiers a little long would pop-up the relevant cheat-sheet.
  8. Thanks. Well then at the least we know it is NOT related limited to two SIMs. 🙂
  9. Thanks for explaining. Yikes to the Assist part, It is the app just called "Google" that is the first thing I disable and removes permissions for when installing a new Android instance. It have a truck load of permissions granted to it self. But as many keep this mess installed you are right, Meta-key could be problematic in general.
  10. From the reports I have seen on the stock, it seems people can use aptXhd but not aptX - can not find any logic in that though....
  11. Generally an AC high voltage input might have the issue, and a low voltage DC is very unlikely. Could be induction but I guess surface currents could be an issue too, or simply an 'unclean' ripled DC signal. It would be nice with a setting for the sensitivity, to adjust to match different humidity and skin texture.
  12. Yes and if meta can NOT be used as a modifier, mapping it to the Logo is fine, it would be a bad idea to waste two keys for it. We already got Alt+Tab and Alt+Sh+Tabfor task switching. The example was supposed to be "3","/"."4" or maybe I should have used "3","7","/"."4","1" to avoid misinterpretations..... And indeed modifiers are much more important to be fast than short-cuts as explained.
  13. Installation and setup of test7 went smoothly, Thanks. Have not had time to test thoroughly in any way, but the fake keyboard is now present when closed 🙂 Have not encountered anything unexpected
  14. I will try it immediately... *LOL* Odd that it looks so much better than stock android. I am too lazy to flash it back to stock, just to make sure it is not this unit that is magically better.... EDIT: Checked again, and the issues is there, but not at the very lowest brightness settings, And I think I got tricked by that, as the LineageOS seems to allow me to go darker, and this hides the problem also....
  15. I disagree that it would be a good idea to waste two modifiers for Shortcuts. These are MUCH less important as fast than what is printed on the keys IMHO. Shortcuts are single-shot stuff, to launch a program, special chars should be fluent in entering a text-stream, say entering question mark or entering "3/4", So it would be completely tolerable to move one hand to do say Meta+A for a shortcut.
  16. AH! I have troubles using touch with some chargers and cables too, though not all. No Ghost touches as such, but 'just' misinterpreted touches. PS I see it with wall chargers only, never connected to a PC.
  17. I think I want a 'compromise'-version, if possible. Let the yellow arrow Keys send Meta BUT combined the keys with yellow print send the printed. So YellowArrow+P still sends "/" resp. "}" for qwertY resp. qwertZ. That is ALSO change Fn+P to Meta+P. Sure that will remove two possible short-cuts for qwertY (P&L) and some more on qwertZ. Just brain-storming here: Would it be possible to have a LONG press of Yellow+Letter be the shortcuts and a normal press whatever printed?
  18. In landscape indeed yes (though only BT). But note that this ALSO sits magnetically attached in portrait, for poorly coded apps or BB-die-hards.
  19. BTW in this thread they are talking about the screen having a green tint at low brightness. I do NOT see this in LineageOS. Have you guys added something compensating this on LineageOS, or does anyone have a good explanation? See below....
  20. Well the obvious candidates would be the two keys right of 0, so KeyFn+KeyMinus and KeyFn+KeyEqual And awesome that a new build is close. I have just promoted the FinalSample from SnapDragon to your Test6, and it generally runs really well HAH! and as I wrote this I had the first crash on the PreProd *LOL* talk about Hybris... It needed a 7-sek power press to get alive. It was at 18%, and has plummeted from 60% in five hours(!). It was idle on the desk with screen off and no internet. It seems the main culprit (according to GSAM) is [email protected]
  21. I agree on that. People have different hand size, and more or less dry skin, so how much each is affected is quite different, so would be nice if we could compensate it. My personal favourite would be the most primitive approach. Present the API with a reduced 'physical' size of the display, So people can select as wide bezels as they need, that are displayed black, and independent for the two sides. This might require a boot after changing the bezel size, but that would be acceptable in my book. Having it happening in the HAL-layer, would mean that there are no programs that would ever k
  22. I doubt it is BY qualcomm but believe it is just FOR devices with qualcomm chips. But have not been able to find a site that looks like the author. I do not even know if the linked site contains clean or infected packages... If you see a page like this, different bodies disagree on it being safe or not... I doubt it is....
  23. https://android-apk.org/org.codeaurora.snapcam/ I do NOT think this is a safe place to download from, so for info only. (that the different packages for 2.0.002 differs with over a factor 2 in size, is HIGHLY suspicious IMHO)
  24. It would be interesting to dig into the what Meta and Fn are 'designed' to be used for. As we got TWO independent YellowArrows and one LogoF, they almost cries for being mapped as Left and Right Meta, respectively Fn. Unless there is a very good reason to do it the other way round...
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