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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I tried to make it in a large font and different colour.... https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2849-new-ota-update-stamped-2020-03-04/?do=findComment&comment=46346
  2. OK, then we got two pointers... 😇🤣
  3. Sorry, moved it all over here, as it is not related to the specific OTA, but more general usable 🙂
  4. Yup, and I did not. I would have expected the fine mesh of a microwave oven to be enough too, but it clearly is not. I could see the screen through the mesh, and no signal loss.
  5. Tried microwave oven, did not work. Then tried a metal biscuit container, did not work! Then tried a somewhat heavy cast iron pot with a cast iron lid. THAT killed all signals 💀😁
  6. It would be easier to read if you sorted them chronologically... *LOL*
  7. If it can be made in transparent TPU, one for the top could be interesting too. 🙂 How good is the grip, could the bottom part hold without the 'lips' at the long edges and only on the short? That would allow a top part to have lips on the long edges, and not on the short, so the whole thing can close without the lips conflicting. Perhaps it should be made not to fit perfect, but have material tension help holding it in place in the direction without lips. Like this very rough principal sketch. ADD: Let me try to explain better: If what I painted with red in your image
  8. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2075-protective-case-suggestions-and-ideas/?do=findComment&comment=44757
  9. Thanks for the warnings. Too bad so many programs try to 'be smart' and 'know better' to make sure the user gets a bad experience... 😖
  10. Thanks to @Raksura for posting this in another thread, but let me put it here too, for more to see the progress.
  11. Within a few hours hours, I checked before manually installing this too, and I'm a little confused why it was shared as a preview, so shortly before release. I guess something went smoother in the release than expected. 🤗
  12. You got it offered as OTA update without manual download already?
  13. Remember that they are small, so they easily will be pushed aside when a larger customer wants stuff. Hard to fight the giants. Even though they may already be using multiple sources for standard parts, their volumes are so small that doing so for specialised parts, would add heavy surcharges.
  14. Just a hint, by editing the URL you can do a more accurate filtering than through their UI, e.g I have used this: https://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?nHeightMin=153&nHeightMax=155&nWidthMin=73&nWidthMax=74&nThicknessMin=6&nThicknessMax=8 (whole mm only)
  15. I have no idea... Sorry ADD Moved the Magisk related discussion to the Magisk thread here.
  16. A tiny thing that cause some reboots: When in inverse landscape, the Power-menu is in the same order as in landscape. So when you press the one close to power as usual to do a screen shot - you get a shut down!?!? The icons should be at fixed positions at the fixed bar rotating the icons only, like they already do correctly between portrait and landscape. In Inverse portrait, it fails completely, placing the bar identical to portrait, and thus at the wrong side and in the wrong order... 🙃 This goes for both Lineage and Stock, so tag @Waxberry hoping he sees it
  17. Well we can only guess. Maybe the fix they tried had some unwanted side-effects they want to iron out?
  18. I have also had cases where it did not pull power from a PC-port, I thought it was the magnetic cable that had not been attached properly. When attached to a port offering 5W (or more) I have seen no issues.
  19. AH I think that is how the "too many retries" seems to be handled, just inactive, a warning text would be nice though. Logging on with my password and locking, it works again.
  20. Worked fine for me too, used it directly from the downloads folder.
  21. Well the principle is the same. Handle the physical print first, and then let default android language-layouts (or our own) act upon that. As I read it, they were debating on how close they want to be to the print or the standard. Both has it advantages, and thus followers. I personally think that what is printed should be what we get BUT not as a limit, but as a base. I want say Shift+1 as well as YelAr+1 to give an exclamation point. I expect YelAr and Shift to work as doublets on ALL the yellow prints, except the letter keys (and that is two on qwertY and fifteen on qw
  22. UPDATED: Hi everyone, there is a new OTA update stamped 2020-03-06, offered. This REPLACES the OTA stamped 2020-03-04, that proved to have an error with Safetynet. IF you already updated to the 2020-03-04, you will NOT be offered the 2020-03-06. But both groups will be offered a common OTA, hopefully in the coming week. The two updates contains the same fixes, but the 04 had slightly newer security patches, and that broke Safetynet OLD message on the 2020-03-04 : Hi everyone, @Waxberry has shared a little sneak view of some expected to be in t
  23. I think the idea @tdm is using is to handle which physical keyboard-print we got first, mapping either to be usable by the standard android language files on top. This should mean that there will be no hard need for additional mapping for normal text and the most ordinary symbols. We MIGHT want some additional mapping for extra symbols etc, but that same mapping would then also work on any other qwerty-phone, and not be Pro1 specific (nor specific to qwertY or qwertZ) That is, if you want a special symbol pressing say Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Sym+Q you would get that no matter where the Q key
  24. Thanks! It works perfect! 😁 Especially the last one I bet will help those not using a case. Would it be possible to not count the 2secs from last registered attempt but from last sensor-touch? That is if I repeatedly press (or even hold) a wrong finger/hand-part at the sensor, it should be ignored, until I leave it free for at least 2s, and then activate it again.
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