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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. EskeRahn


    The big difference being that BB-take of Android is far from stock, where F(x)tec tried to keep Android as close to stock as possible. It is a no-brainer that keeping it close to stock eases the upgrades we expects, and reduces the risk of adding faults. I would prefer a functionality like this to be an optional stand-alone program, to keep the system clean.
  2. ...This is rather absurd. You REALLY honestly believe that there were/are no Quality Control and they have not ironed out a LOT of major and minor bugs before you even saw it? Please get real. I for one have since last spring reported a bunch of bugs that have been fixed, many they already knew. And that was even before the beta-testers got them. And yes it happens that fixing one bug creates a new one, that no one imagined could be related, and hence did not test...
  3. Yes. Actually when German is selected (or Using FinQWERY qwertZ layouts), The key is not mapped to a single key, but as "Alt"+"S". Similar tricks are used for other symbols... (checked with KeyEvent)
  4. It is Alt+Sym (it emulates a Keyboard-Open, that for unknown reasons sends F6 key code)
  5. Correct, I overlooked that, sorry. looked at the prints only...
  6. But the hardware codes emitted are the same. That is the point. Do you mean what the .kcm should remap it to for German? If so look at his .kcm files. Do you plan to build two system images that sends different codes for the two prints?
  7. I'm guessing here: As these are kind people, it could be that they given the short interval between the refund and the new buy, simply remembered her and handled it as a 'regretted refund' and put her back in her old place in the queue, that is the first payment date (Aug 1st), that could explain things.
  8. Yes. To see what the layout actually produce selecting stock, @Anssi Hannula has added the stock layout for selecting nothing and selecting German here Note that the Geman layout (currently, QX1000_EEA_20200106110245) has a few bugs, as it does not exactly match the yellow prints...
  9. First: Thanks to @VaZso for explaining it better than I did. Let us look at it in a mechanical way: If you have no drivers loaded, and you press the third key in the first row you get a "2". If you press the key below it in the second row you get a "Q", no matter what is printed in that key. That is what I mean by them being electronically identical. The Pro1 does not 'know' if it got the qwertY or the qwertZ print. And by default assumes qwertY So if we want a "W" matching the qwertZ print, we need something that does this mapping, and that is what selecting "German" on the lay
  10. The hardware keytops/prints are different (primarily shifted). But the electronic is the same. if I use a Pro1 with qwertZ print, without explicitly selecting "German" it acts as a qwertY (thus the keys not returning what is printed on them). See e.g. this guide. I wish they had added some magic flag, that said what print it got and handled it a deep level, but for simplicity they have not. So we ALL got a "Letter shifted QWERTY" device. Some of us with prints that does not match that, that needs a keymap to match the print. And this keymap can be either "German" or one of the opti
  11. Virus discussion moved over to the other thread here
  12. No. the hardware of qwertZ and qwertY are identical, it is merely the print on the keytops that are different. (This is why entering the initial password on a qwertZ model preferably would be done using the touch/fake keyboard)
  13. Select another layout supplied by FinQWERTY (in stock Geman the question mark is currently put on SHIFT + sharp S, and the yellow symbols on E, R, M and Ü are not working, hope they fix it soon)
  14. Have you tried to raise your voice, like if you were at a meeting? In my experience it is when the volume gets below a certain level it is cut off. This obviously is not a solution, but if this generally is a workaround, it is 'merely' a need of adjusting some limit somewhere....
  15. Let us help F(x)tec with some show casing! I hope everybody will flash it around and spread the word to everybody they think might be just a little bit interested, or might know one that is... At Crackberry a guy was asking where he could try it hands on. So if you are willing to be contacted by someone that wants a hands on before buying, here is a tread to post your Country, state/region, nearest larger town, Then people can create an account in here and send a PM to arrange further. Please mark the geography in bold and/or a larger font, to make i
  16. Interesting, let me just tag @Waxberry to make it more likely that he sees it. 🙂
  17. If you like the the stock setup, there is an odd way. You can Install FinQwerty that extends the list of layouts to the system. But if you select the "None" there, you will get the stock with no modifications (Hence the None) It is made for this exact purpose, to have The Stock, and perhaps other languages, that you can cycle through with Ctrl-Space. Swiftkey is also an interesting app for the Pro1 enhancing the physical keyboard by offering word predictions - but that is another story....
  18. Let us make things crystal clear: ADD: And just as I thought this was simple, there is a fourth: an even larger P20 lite (2019) ...sigh...
  19. You might want to consider two small holes in the leather. One for the secondary mic on the back near the cameras, and one for the notification LED.
  20. When I saw the title and text I expected an image of an aPple Iphone ...... 😇😇😇
  21. Swiftkey can be there as long as Gboard is chosen active I get the bug Also if I disable gboard and selects "Key Mapper Keyboard" as active (that is no virtual keyboard....), I still gets the bug. Sheets on mine insists on portrait. Forcing it landscape did not matter. It thius seems swiftkey does something positive, rather than gboard doing something negative....??? So it somehow seems limited to Pro1 without Swiftkey selected active - how odd!
  22. EskeRahn


    It is interesting that "Meta" is sticky on Alpha. I'm not sure what the Meta is INTENDED to do, but one might consider letting the yellow arrow be Meta and not Fn to get the Sticky functionality....
  23. EskeRahn


    Thanks, sad on the Fn... does the same go for Ctrl? I'm afraid that it would require them to not rely on the stock keyboard control to get Fn sticky... Too bad - but most likely a small modification, as Google already got the other ones sticky.
  24. Apart from the keyboard being cramped in the wrong direction I loved my Priv. I really liked their keyboard app, getting a lot out of their keyboard. I never used any of the classic BB stuff. Just disabled their Hub and all the rest, I just weeks ago tried to see how long the Idle stamina still was with WiFi on, but no sim inserted. I got to 400 hours or 17 days, before reaching 15%... So tired of all the BS of it having poor stamina, it was just all the junk people had installed, not the device. Oh - and it is the original battery, that has just been treated reasonable well! Su
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