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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Too bad. My GUESS would be some pocket lint sneaked in somehow. But if I were you I would contact support. https://www.fxtec.com/support/
  2. There are more than one possibility in this, but that is the primary functionality, yes. In the for the user simplest version the stock launcher when active (that is after e.g. pressing the Logo-key) listens for KEYCODE_ALL_APPS key event, and if fired launches the app drawer. The second is that it also listens if not in the foreground, that is pressing what ever sends the keycode launches the AppDrawer even with another app active. (This most likely would mean that it would work with another launcher too, as long as we do not directly disable the stock launcher app, but jus
  3. We do not know where the people making the software are located, but I would not at all be surprised if they resides in China too.
  4. I wonder if it would not be super easy to add the existing AppDrawer activity to the already exposed activity list of the launcher (see image)? Or to have it react to "KEYCODE_ALL_APPS" What does @Waxberry think? If as an activity it could be mapped with a third party tool as you suggests. I tried to emulate what happens today if a keyboard sends "KEYCODE_ALL_APPS" =284, using ADB from a PC, but it does not seem to do anything currently ... adb shell input keyevent 284 (sending other keys this way works fine, inluding 135&136 to emulate slider close and open) I tried
  5. I really doubt it, as they will be fighting for the corners from both sides, not allowing the two parts to meet properly when closed. But some clever cutting of the grip parts might make them share the space. Why not give it a try and let us know. two plus shipping is about $6, so not a great loss if it fails...😜
  6. They really got an odd excluding list BTW... 🥴
  7. Can find many J7 variants, not this one. But all on this J7 list seems too wide to get a good grip (and some too short). My list of candidates is this one.
  8. It will be much better at hunting during night if matte...😇
  9. (Merged with the old comments, removing the requests for more options that are now here)
  10. Sounds odd. Just to be sure, did you send more mails? As this will move your mail to the back of the support queue each time? Let us flag @Erik and maybe he can see if something gone wrong somewhere. As I understand from other posts, the procedure is that they ask you back if you are sure, and if you confirm this, one of the bosses needs to approve a refund, before it is initiated.
  11. It would be great if it allowed to disable on lockscreen ONLY when display is off. So pressing power would activate the scanner. As Open source, I hope someone can make this mod!
  12. ....Ordered a few different ones and hope the tops parts fits the display...
  13. Well I expect one part to fit, and one to be way to big. BUT we might find this type for a SMALLER phone also, and use the bottom part for the P20 Pro and the top part from the smaller phone. e.g the top from a Samsung Note 10, that is 151x71.8mm so I would expect the top part to add 1mm on all sides and thus 153x73.8...
  14. And actually the old 'standard' was officially named "mini" as the full sim was/is credit-card size (e.g. used by the old StarTacs). And most often when you get a new sim today you will recieve a nano in a micro in a mini in a full sim, that are nested like the Russian Babushka dolls.
  15. Yes that is correct. And one slot can be used for either a nano sim OR a microSD
  16. Actually it is a complex question mentioned in other threads. In some countries the warranty obligations is for the direct buyer only. In other countries the warranty obligation can be transferred to the new owner. It could also be both a matter of the sellers and the buyers country. And with Brexit it could complicate things further for buyers in the EU. So you would have to find someone that know the juridical aspects in both your country and the UK, to have a clear answer. Unless of course F(x)tec courteously offers warranty even if it is beyond what they are legally oblige
  17. Yes, the larger cut-out is for a microSD
  18. Try to insert the corner of a paper tissue while opening, and you will see it most likely disappears. It will do the same as the red self adhesive felt shown early in the thread.
  19. Well a passenger in a car or bus on a poor road would. 😜 Actually here a keyboard would be much better to use than touch. But supporting the screen by two index fingers while typing eliminates the issue.
  20. PS: Preferably remove and insert the tray with the display facing downwards 🙃
  21. To me the best description of what is going on is that the display is like a dolphin jumping out of the water, where a slider is a boat sailing on the surface. So maybe "Display jumper", "Display lifter", "Display tilter", "Display Flipper" I sort of like "Flipper" the best, as it both associates to how it flips the screen up and dolphins. But let us see if some can come up with a better word! Also remember that some are pronouncing "Pro1" as "Prawn", and prawns jumps too, so maybe some wise head can use that to find a good word? Add: Actually "Keyboard slider
  22. Indeed it should be doable, and it certainly makes it even easier to open with the better edge-grip. But as can be seen on your first image, the two parts are slightly misaligned because the mechanism can not close completely, but is stopped 1-2mm short. Not a big deal, but not ideal either. But it is certainly an idea that could be worked on! I would suggest to have the upper part grabbing by the long edges and the lower in a stiffer material grabbing by the short edges. Interlocking inspired by what the below does on the full sides, we only need the 'lip' area shared for the Pro1.
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