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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Ah thanks! Would expect the BT keyboard to give the same bug as @gelraen.ua reported a BT keyboard to trigger it on the Pro1. Just to be sure, what keyboard software are you using? Gboard or something else? If something else, could you try with Gboard only?
  2. Thanks. It is not an issue with the fake keyboard on the Pro1 either. It is 'only' when using real physical one, or emulated with ADB. Have you tried with ADB?
  3. Does not sound right, contact support and hear what they suggests.
  4. So it is somehow seems to be related to Gboard combined with either Pie or specifically the Pro1. How odd!?! 🤯
  5. If I install Swiftkey and DISABLE Gboard on the Pro1 then Space works fine in sheets, either pressed or emulated. Also tried to send the same on a Samsung S8- and here it DOES give a space. So the bug is more subtle than not respecting the keycode at all. Seems related to the keyboard driver also?? Anyone with another device with Pie that are using a BT keyboard could check that combo? Or just the emulated? Preferably a pixel or Android One device with no added keyboard driver, to have it as close to stock as possible, and with Gboard.
  6. Could be that they confused the model and sent it for e.g. a P20, and if so you obviously should return it.
  7. on 1) I've been quite fond of VLC, and it works on the Pro1 too. on 2) You most likely have selected "US qwerty", the odd thing is that you shouldn't! De-select ALL tick-boxes to use stock F(x)tex qwerty. YES it is odd, but if you do it acts as Erik writes above, and the symbol over the numbers then needs the arrow and not Shift. You might want to have a look at the free open source project FinQWERTY that offers an extended keyboard experience over the stock one, not installing any fancy stuff, 'just' offering improved key-mappings. E.g. both the yellow arrow and shifts give access
  8. The second part swiftkey can do. Surprisingly (to me) it supports a physical keyboard quite well 🙂 On the first, Have you noticed if it happens anywhere or in Chrome? I understand others see keyboard issues inside chrome.
  9. It is an odd bug in google sheets. Try with usb debugging on and ADB adb shell input keyevent 62 it matches a press on the spacebar by sending a KEYCODE_SPACEBAR
  10. EskeRahn


    That is VERY interesting as others have reported some keyboard issues in Chome, with it accidentally repeats keys. See this
  11. Let us straighten things out. the dimension you are giving is the OUTER dimensions. Is the case you bought listed as intended for a "P20" that is 149.1 x 70.8 x 7.7 mm (5.87 x 2.79 x 0.30 in) or a "P20 PRO" that is 155 x 73.9 x 7.8 mm (6.10 x 2.91 x 0.31 in) see this
  12. I merged the threads... See about 6-7 hours back where we were looking at these double-cases, what is important for us is whether the display part goes over or under the bottom part.
  13. Or if one is ordered for a "P20" without the "pro", that has no chance of a fit....
  14. Remember it is P20 PRO. (A P20 is 6mm shorter and 3mm narrower than the P20 Pro, so no chance that something with a fit for P20 will fit a Pro1) But apart from that, with over experiments we are applying something intended for another device. So it COULD be that the extra tolerance/slack in one case over another can make them both sit perfect (though more or less tight) on the intended device. Yet they could be too tight or too loose for he Pro1. Though the dimensions are similar, they are not identical, nor are the profile of the sides. So if you do not have access to the intended d
  15. Well it depends on how people use it. If they use it for unlocking the phone only, and not for authorising any sort of payments or the like, it could make sense to let the hand unlock. On the other hand I would certainly not use it either if used for authorising say payments.
  16. That is interesting. Would be interesting to know if it for others too are limited to Chrome. This might help debugging if it is Chrome that is somehow interfering with the keyboard.
  17. EskeRahn


    Oh I meant duplicate in the .kcm no fancy software (FinQWERTY is not 'active', it is just an easy way to present the system for prepared .kcm files on a non rooted device)
  18. Oh I'm on the 3.dk network, and have no networks issues either.
  19. I tried, and can confirm my deduction from what people told me they heard. Held to the ear I hear zero problems. But hands free there indeed ARE issues. To my experiments it seems like a matter of a minimum LEVEL of the incoming sound to the microphone. If I speak clearly like I would naturally do outdoors or to a meeting it gets through just fine, but if I lower my voice (including mumbling), it is cut away, though not immediately, but sort of faded out. A guess could be that it is the algorithm that is meant to filter out background noise that needs to have its bottom level r
  20. Vil du ikke nok være sød at lade være med at skrive på dit eget sprog, det gør det uforholdsmæssigt svært for andre, tak. ...Or in short: English only.
  21. EskeRahn


    You might consider the trick we 'invented' for the FinQwerty to let Ctrl+Arrow mappings duplicate those for Sh+Arrow, as you at both sides can easily press Ctrl+Arrow with one finger. (So when swapping Fn and Alt in your mapping it would be Ctrl+Alt)
  22. I think that the 3mm difference is way too much to have it fit. I think looking for the Samsung Note 7 on other sources than ebay may be more fruitful. Until now I only found bottom-first type.
  23. EskeRahn


    Odd, then there is a bug in the android doc quoted above 😥 : Though it does not say if the same goes for Fn and Ctrl too. Could there be other settings overruling the type? I mean something only available in Full, that when used makes it ignore if you select Alpha? Are you sure you actually get "Alpha"? Does it do auto capitalisation (without swiftkey) ?
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