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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. As we have seen there is 'something' on the battery/end of the cable, I have no idea what that circuitry actually is, but it means the lithium calls are not just directly connected to the board, so what ever it is have to be mimic by a DIY solution we can glimpse it at the FCC image also
  2. Though certainly an interesting idea., I guess one reason could be pure cash-flow, as they have troubles in even scraping in the money to send the devices already produced. And at best a single trip could collect data, so repeated trips would be needed to test any firmware fix they may come up with.
  3. @Casey as we are speculating in modifying alternatives. would the one for the Pro1X physically fit the slot? If so that might be a better start than the other suggested, or what do you say?
  4. Note that FxTec told that the batteries are not interchangeable between the two models.... (Do not know the reason)
  5. Just to be sure, Is it Pro1 or Pro1X? If a Pro1, you could try to attach an external display through an usb-hdmi adapter. It duplicates what is on the display, so you will be able to know if touch, front camera, proximity sensor etc etc works. IF it works, it is likely that a fairly simple replacement of the display will do the trick. You can get displays from e.g. AliExpress just search for "Elephone U pro". You do NOT want to buy it with a frame, it will just be a waste (as it is different)
  6. The big question is if we can just move over the electronics part and the ribbon cable from an old one, even if it fits inside??? I guess we should be pretty sure that a new is of same physical composition and has at the least the same capacity as the original, so the electronics will not try to overcharge it - dependent on how dumb/clever the small circuitry between the cells and the phone is.... Anyone knows anything on this? Maybe from FxTec? @Casey can you help with some info here?
  7. "20230322" A lot of changes in their change-log, so optimistically tried again ..... Same as usual. So got a crazy idea. What would happen if I flashed the same image to BOTH slot A and B, wiped the user-data, and booted?? After the usual 8 x 30s boot-loop, it continues to boot another eight time, and ends back at the at the boot-loader. So what I has seen as wrong package content really most likely was the backup image!! I was never able to actually boot the image after the change they made after a few S-upgrades! So most likely I really need to extract the boot-image f
  8. 😞 So then the big question is if it is the specimen, or Pro1X in general that does not work under your conditions??
  9. Just out of curiosity. What happens if you do the Aeroplane-mode trick in the Band-20 end of the apartment? Others have reported it working on Band 20, so my theory is that it is the switching that fails. That is in your case that the Pro1X fails to request the call to be transferred to the other channel (or however that works, do not know any details on how calls are handed over)
  10. An app like "Auto Speaker" (com.hanan.android.ramkol) can be really handy here, using the proximity sensor to detect if it should be handsfree or not. With this app the workaround could be triggered simply by moving the Pro1X away from and back to your ear.
  11. Let is tag @Casey on this one. If this shows to be a working workaround for that bug -crazy as it is- it MIGHT help in tracking the bug down. If I were doing he testing, I would be likely to do either hands-free or with headphones, as you during test is likely want to see the screen. So who knows that MIGHT be why they could not reproduce the bug - I for one would never had guessed that hands-free or not could have any affect on this... Add: I almost NEVER use a phablet held to my ear. 99.9% of calls are handfree on my desk or with earphones, and THAT could be why I have not had the
  12. (lineage-20.0-20230327-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20221025_100653)
  13. You're absolutely right that there are no guarantees that they will be able to pinpoint, let alone fix the bug!! And the bug is very real, and for those in situations where they are hit by it, makes it useless (more or less) as is. Unfortunately we have very little facts here, we do not even know if it is say 90% or 10% that are affected, as people rarely post when things work, and often post when they do not.
  14. From what we seen in here all bands individually works at some locations, so that makes it pretty unlikely to be hardware. Why all bands does not work all time in all locations/situation is the big question here.... I personally have a suspicion that band switching (or attempted switching) is the real culprit (and thus likely controlled by firmware), but that's just my hunch from what people have reported, and could be completely false!
  15. Thanks for a nice step-by-stp guide, I added a link to it here.
  16. I believe that if people really want to identify you (or many others in here), it would not be that hard to do so by the personal stuff posted&linked, e.g. youtube, and from that I guess they found your number.
  17. When money are owed without an agreement on how to pay the debt, things do get chaotic, as it could seem rather arbitrary what order the creditors gets serviced. So I do not disagree. But at the least there is a known source of funding that drip in, though we obviously could all wish they had funds to finish the project faster.
  18. That was the quote, thanks,, In context it was an answer to why time would help, that there were a dialogue where the quote was a part. As I read the central point was that they are still dripping money in, and these drops are currently paying for shipping.
  19. Read comments more carefully. Indeed the situation is bad, but they clearly state that they have other projects profiting that are -and for quite some time has been- paying to the project, including for the shipping - though slowly. But indeed it is hard to gather the bits of info that can be 'hiding' in a reply-chain with someone, I believe I found it in a comment, that had a reply later, and thus need unfold to be found.. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it could have been in one of the dialogues with "Felix"....
  20. Oh indeed, not at all satisfactory when they are unable to fulfil their refund-obligations. I have no idea what they actually pay for the shipping, but they could be in situation where they have to choose between making twenty(?) people happy sending their phones, for each one person they can issue a refund. I'm glad I'm not the one that has to prioritise what what order the obligations should be met with the limited money they get in.
  21. In the one line you quoted I explicitly mentioned crowdfunding, how did yo manage to overlook that?? Those that ordered the Pro1X on FxTec's website OR those that ordered the Pro1 that had their orders changed to the Pro1X, were NOT crowdfunding. Normal orders/pre-orders are covered by consumer rights as it is BUYING and not INVESTING. So they could (and can) cancel at any time. In some countries even cancel after they got it and return it for a refund. That (as @sequestris pointed out) FxTec had financial issues in actually issuing the refund within a reasonable time-frame does not
  22. If we go further down this road of contrafactual history, how large a fraction would you have expected to get back as a refund? It certainly could not be 100%... Remember this is crowdfunding, so WE, and not FxTec bare any risk of our investments. We do not know the exact time line on how long after they paid the swindlers to they found out that they have been swindled, and realised they had no alternative. Hence nor do we know how much other stuff were non-refundable ordered before they knew, in principle it could be all parts. I bet that for many suppliers it would be possib
  23. I was wondering what kept the usual Monday update, and checked this https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/changes It seems like the next update we get will have a LOT of changes (over 120), so might be a good idea to take an extra backup, and be sure to download the previous 2023-03-13 build if we need to go back.
  24. If they have not got the money to send the devices, then that sort of is enough to delay the whole thing until they have enough cool cash from their other activities.
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