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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Great that you found a workaround! And thanks for sharing, I will try that, the next time I get the similar bug on the Pro1. (At the least that unlock method works on the Pro1 too when the bug is not there) I got an early Pro1X unit from FxTec and a retail Pro1X bought from Expensys (still waiting on the super-early-bird one Perked for on IGG). And though I only use them for tests, I have not had fingerprint reader issues at all on these two (yet?) so I'm pretty sure it is not a general issue for the Pro1X. And as you still got see it on your factory reset unit, it should not be a
  2. (lineage-20.0-20230227-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on February 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20221025_100653)
  3. I have not tried a complete backup and restore, but you might get some interesting info from the remark on the Persist partition in the top of this.
  4. Unfortunately I fear you got some hardware malfunction. If it was 'just' a software bug 'all' with a Pro1X would see the same.
  5. For what it is worth, I can say that it is not a general issue on the Pro1X, so either you got something installed that does not agree well with the Pro1X, or you got a faulty unit. Does it work generally unlocking from screen locked state? Is the bug limited to in apps? My best - well least bad -suggestion, is to save all on the device, and do a factory reset. At first without restoring anything, to see if it works unlocking the screen in this state. If that works, we are looking at software-conflicts. If it does not work, we are looking at hardware-issue.
  6. Note that the OP question was on the Pro1X, I was just telling that I have seen it on Pro1 too - I have not seen it on Pro1X -yet- though, but am not using it daily.
  7. A similar issue exists on the Original Pro1. Occasionally it get into that state, and a simple restart fixes it. But the issue comes back. Sometime the same day, sometimes weeks after. I see no real system in it. Except I have a suspicion that touching the reader while it is vibrating a notification, triggers the odd state - though not always. Or maybe it is while it is still receiving an sms/email/call. Picking it up in an idle state to e.g. send a message does not seem to trigger it - or only rarely so.
  8. (If anyone should be in doubt, the images are NOT Pro1/Pro1X)
  9. Hard to say, but with some 'luck' it is limited to some soldering - but might well be easier said than done.
  10. https://github.com/sailfish-on-fxtecpro1/droid-config-halium-qx1050/issues would be my guess, but there are other repositories that looks like qx1050 related here
  11. AFAIK This partition contains specimen specific data that should not be used on multiple devices simultaneously. Hence it should not be shared, Perhaps Support can regenerate and push one matching your serial number? I tag @Casey to see if there is a way to get it?
  12. As @claude0001 indicated it is not really clear who&what are affected. It seems like it can be related to LTE band 3 and maybe 1, but we do not really know. All we know here is that FxTec at some point said they could not reproduce the issue in the UK, but we have others that have reported it in the UK. So could be a mixture of carrier and region that are affected, Personally my 2019 Pro1 I use as a daily driver has a rather worn keyboard by now, but yet I have not switched to the Pro1X I impatiently bought from Expensys (still hoping to get one from IGG), I work primarily from home,
  13. The strange thing is that we have no idea of the pace the orders are fulfilled. I got a pending IGG order as well - one of the super early birds actually.... I feel like hook here that it is "money spent". Depending on where you are residing, you might be hit by some severe network issues, that we still hope they can (at the least partly) remedy by software updates. So (for the affected regions) getting it does not make it a usable daily driver currently.
  14. (lineage-20.0-20230220-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on February 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20221025_100653)
  15. (lineage-20.0-20230213-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20221025_100653)
  16. AICP for Pro1 is stuck in a strange limbo, as the downgraded the major Android without saying so, but kept the overall version number as 17.1 - see https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3618-pro1-aicp-171-android-s-official-build/
  17. Thanks, I'm too lazy for doing that. I guess it is a matter of keeping the options down, perhaps the idea is more along the line with what AICP would include.
  18. That is an interesting question. We know that the lower half is different, but the upper part might be mechanically identical.
  19. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/purchase
  20. (It always does, it is a two part process, where they for some reason denote the first part's end as 47% and no progress during second step at all - and after the 47% you might be asked on the phone to accept lacking signing.)
  21. If possisble it would be great if it was an option. I think it would be totally acceptable if changing this option would require a (deep) reboot. Some love sticky shifts, other hates it, so would be great if we could choose. Thanks for all your work on this (also), unfortunately i have not found the time to install and test it (yet).
  22. Well they sort of did things the other way round. They produced the device, to a stage where they only needed to know how many they should produce, before going for crowdfunding. A bit unusual, but obviously crowdfunding can be used as a pure sales channel too. How they managed to ship it I do not know, My GUESS is it is/was easier for a Chinese company to ship out, than for foreign companies? But just my guess. Also remember that personal contacts is very important for Chinese deals to go forward, and as people was prohibited from going in from abroad, neither FxTec nor Planet could meet
  23. Oh come on. @mattock kindly informs us that he found a way and found it was a fairly easy operation. Don't put more into it. Do not expect posts in here to have their wording carefully chosen so that a lawyer can not find a loophole in it... This as a user-to-user forum, not official statements from FxTec (Unless from an FxTec account). When I tell in a post that I did something, it does not imply that everyone should do the same (or even could), nor will it always contain a disclaimer for any side-effects. And I certainly don't expect it from others in here.
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