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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Well at the least they now have an idea on what to look for....
  2. @sequestris I can not see that detail on the image, but you might want to add a tiny hole over the secondary microphone if it is outside the existing window (Or extend the window slightly).
  3. Your (large) image-links does not work here, no matter what I try.... Could it be some region-stuff, that you share the google-images US only? - Just a guess.
  4. (lineage-20.0-20230206-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20221025_100653)
  5. (lineage-20.0-20230130-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20221025_100653)
  6. ...Strange wording by the way as this seems to leave a loophole for selling to a physical store.
  7. It is sad, but I certainly understand you. I guess I'm among their most hard core fans, but yet I'm not 100% positive any more. ...Yet if they announce a Pro2, I'm almost sure I will be a backer on IGG again - though I certainly would consider an option for a (more expensive) alternative pre-order carefully.
  8. I'm not saying whether they violated anything. Their communication is always weak, and again here what they wrote can be interpreted in more ways than one. That they accepted the order before the mass-production does not mean they SERVED it before. All we KNOW here is their "we agreed to manufacture and sell an additional number of units..." And "additional" could both mean before, after or in same run as "ours". If produced and sent out before, then a violation. If produced and sent out after, then hardly a violation. If produced and sent out in the same run, I have no idea. But IF
  9. It certainly does not sound good, but I have not got enough info to know if this is just (yet another) example of their communication skills being far from stellar, or they actually broke some rule - and even if they did, if they were aware of them. From what they have told us long ago they produced and send 'our' devices to a warehouse from which the shipping was first halted for months due to some dispute we know no details about, and is now happening at an appalling slow rate. BUT it is a big question if anything produced after FxTec sent out our devices from the factory, and befo
  10. The big question here is when they placed the orders, but I certainly agree that it is frustrating that they got them, and we as backers are still waiting.
  11. Sad. And FxTec certainly have a hard time competing with their resellers having them in stock, see e.g. this at 44800 yen...
  12. Sad to hear. Remember that this is a user--to-user forum, that FxTec only irregularly follow. But you can get a spare display on AliExpress (search for ElePhone U Pro, that uses the same display), BUT it requires a bit more to change than the top unit FxTec are offering as a spare part, AND various issues are reported in here (green line, black corners, and margin touch issues), the last one fixable by flashing the stock firmware again. I took the chance and bought one of these cheap spares, but I have not been in need of swapping one (yet)... But we know from the IGG site that FxTec
  13. Well apart from it hopefully being helpful to narrow down the issue for FxTec, we for now might try to see if it helps if we prohibit the phone from using that band (giving that the carrier in use have other bands that covers the area obviously)
  14. The Astro slide seems to still be hit by quite similar problems as the Pro1X getting into the hands of those waiting. Just saw this on gsmarena.
  15. If I interpret the dumps here correctly, band 3 seems to be related to the problem.
  16. I do the same. Mostly because I made a batchfile-logic to do the whole process. So I have a common base file, and then Just call e.g. FlashPro1_Lineage200_MTG 20230130 I have attached an example set of my usage (renamed from .bat to .txt), I have the roms, recovery zips and gapps in a subdir I called "Pro1_ROM". FlashBase.txt FlashBase_MindTheGapps130.txt FlashPro1_Lineage200_MTG.txt
  17. ...Or even better if it could log what is used and when any switches occurs. That info could certainly help in confirming (or disproving) the interesting theory of @FlyingAntero We know that at the least some antennas were redesigned for the Pro1X, so it could make sense if that have affected different bands in different ways. And if we are lucky they can turn the power up on specific antennas and still stay within what they are legally allowed to.
  18. Yes that works fine for minor holes, but are usually too small for the cut-out neede for camera/flash (if not a sliding type like yours)
  19. To others not knowing this particular type of flip-case: The phone is mounted on a plate that can slide 'up' (seen in portrait) to reveal the camera. A quite clever idea, at the cost of a little extra thickness.
  20. Well as it is not all that are hit by these severe issues, they elsewhere even asked for info on it as they say they can not reproduce it in their tests in the UK. So most likely this means that it depends on the bands or even specific carrier hardware, if we are hit by the bug or not. So for those not affected, a case is indeed relevant.
  21. It is quite easy to cut an additional hole for the camera, if the ease of use outweigh the need of protecting the lenses - to each their own. The best to use for round holes to look nice is to use a pipe of suitable size, like for making holes in leather. Do it from the front side to make the edges of the holes bend in nicely. The straight edges should be done with a chisel. A Stanley-knife can do, but is hard to control.
  22. Yup. But as I do not use the camera that often, I see it as an added benefit that the camera is protected when closed....
  23. The flap goes under the screen when opened. In portrait I open the flap like e.g. a Manga or a Quran. So the button are protected when the flap is closed. BUT that means that you will either have to make a hole for the camera OR fold the flap all the way over for taking a photo. I keep the inner shell of a P20 pro flipcase with the camerahole at the top, bt remove the whole flap, so it is glued on the other way. Let me do a few photos, just a sec.... Add: And yes, some of the cases i got are made with more care than other - this one so sloppy that I eve
  24. Yes and that could well indicate that it is not just a 100% generic one. 😉
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