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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Glad to hear that it works for you. But I would just love if we at the least could get to the point where we knew WHY it worked / didn't work! For all we know it might be one or more bad batches OR it could be special environments that it can not handle correctly. If we at the least knew the reason we could guide people better than a "sad to hear, hope a firmware fix will help". That is the meagre reply we can 'offer' now. My personal HUNCH (and it is just a hunch) is that it is some particular circumstances where it attempts to switch band and fails. And these circumstances m
  2. Sort of. ... It is an internally completely new product and not a minor upgrade as planned an advertised. Hence A (also) fell. But SURE they ought to have changed their communication material accordingly IMHO. We can agree that for some, indeed key functionality is not working. On the other hand for others it works fine. We have no idea of neither why it works when it does, nor why when it does not. Not even an idea on the size of the two fractions. IF we could say that it only worked under very special condition THEN I would agree on the claim - but again we do not know. I grew u
  3. Well I know just as little as you do on what is going on. We can guess sure, and I doubt my guesses are better than yours - but they are still guesses.
  4. Allow me to suggest a compromise version of that statements. It is a really really bad for the affected people that it doesn't work for them.... But the big elephant in the room here is that though we have reports from various parts of the world either way we have no idea on fractions affected.I bet it is at the least 10%, but might well be as bad as 90%. We do not even know if the issue is on the specimen or the models handling of the circumstances. That is, we have no Idea if you and I swapped devices if mine would work in your location with your sim, or yours would work here
  5. Strictly we do not know if there are any development/bugfixing going on. But a guess is that there is none, and for the same reason: Money. But as so often before they are not good at communication what is going on. But I would not be surprised if they focus the little funding they got on getting the already produced Pro1X delivered to us. I HOPE that the also have a little funding going to handle the most severe bugs - but we do not know. In more general term, I would just love if phone manufacturers had some model where they after a while went to have support and sof
  6. @claude0001& @steff The DO have other products than the phones, and they have said that they er using some of the revenue from that....
  7. Exactly. Some while back they told us that they use part of the revenue for other products to have those sent they could, and that that was why they went out 'drip-wise', as they were able to gather the needed funding. Sad story indeed, but the only really alternative I see is that they give up and go bust, and those of us still waiting do not get any phones at all, and they stay and rot somewhere - or is bought from the remains and go out on a flash sale somewhere, with no warranty or support, and the severe bugs affecting some never fixed. (And no I have no idea if the "some" is 10% or
  8. Just a thought. I believe there is a chip on the battery side too. Could that be the culprit?
  9. (lineage-20.0-20230612-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on May 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-202230408_100653)
  10. Have a look at FinQwerty, (already including a layout for Polish). Open source and fully customisable. (Also available in the Android Market)
  11. Never tried YouTube on the Pro1X so had to enable it first, the apps does not seem to work that well, so did not try different keyboard-drivers, just killed the app... But launching Yotube in FF it does respect Esc to exit full screen mode - so just a poor aspect of the app I guess,
  12. Personally I have been using "Open Camera" since about day one - and it is doing a great job - less HDR.
  13. Have you tried the Esc key? That works on a PC. (obviously the active keyboard driver could tease here, not actually sending 001Bh)
  14. Well 5.99" and 2160x1080, gives 5.36" x 2.68", so 2160/5.36 = 403DPI
  15. In Denmark we have a horrible poorly written app, that everyone(!) is sort of forced to use: MitId (that is translated: My Id), and this app completely randomly claims that your device is rooted, and refuses to work, and you have to start all over with reinstall (or at the least wipe all the apps data) and verify yourself with your passport and photos to reinitialize it (Takes at the least five minutes each time), and it might work a few times until it again claims the device is rooted... Utterly useless app, that currently has a rating of 1.5/5!!!! And yet it is mandatory - hence over a milli
  16. (lineage-20.0-20230605-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on May 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-202230408_100653)
  17. You will need to put the coil on the outside of the Pro1, as the metal back will not let the signal through, but if you mean a shell case for the Pro1, it should not block the field with normal materials. I do not know how much effect will be lost by heat generated by electric current induced in the back-plate, But apart from the coils themselves you will have an extra heat source. So though possible, it is unlikely to be recommendable, unless done for slow charging with low current chargers, say 0.5A, and preferably with the phone vertical, to have simple conductive air flow help dispersing s
  18. (And no , we have no info on what the difference nor why there is a difference. Could be as simple as a supplier stopped producing one or the Pro1 Parts.)
  19. BTW tried looking at ebay and aliexpress, and this worked as search term: Battery Activation Charge Board phones (I tried to see if I could find one with a switch for if it is LiPo, but did not find any).
  20. This is awesome news! David. Tanks. The big question is what connector the Pro1X uses, as they say the batteries are incompatible - but that might be the physical shape or the position of the connector, not the connector it self. We really need something to fairly easy charge the Pro1X, unless they by firmware can fix that the Pro1X does not shut down in time, but can deplete it self.
  21. 🤣 I fear that the current phones Pro1/Pro1X/Astro might be the last one we will see with a real keyboard in the right direction. And just hope they will survive until we see some totally new way of communication with the devices. Maybe some fancy smart-watch like device that can sense the signals sent to the fingers, so we can just type on a table or any other surface,,,, I think there still is a long way to devices we can communicate with directly by thought.
  22. Remember that the Pro1X was not originally planned as a new phone, but was planed to sell more Pro1s slightly upgraded to new customers. I bet only the most hardcore Pro1 users would shell out for the Pro1X, just to get a little extra ram and more storage - things turned out differently so the Pro1X was suddenly viable as an upgrade to newer (though less powerful) chipset. I haven;t got the numbers but would be surprised if the original Pro1X orders had 100 Pro1 users... (Though I and some of the frequent commenters in here did order both)
  23. I for one. I tried to fight hard against the shifted layout early on, but unfortunately the Pro1 had it... One mayor issue with the shifted qwerty is that many languages usually got letters right of L and P, and this becomes a mess of awkward positions with the shifted. If you are using A-Z only the shift is just a bad idea, not a nuisance in daily usage. But quite a bit on it here: https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3556#ShiftedOrNot So glad to see that they fixed it for the Pro1X
  24. Screens are fairly easy to find on Aliexpress, just search foe Elephone U Pro, that uses the same screen. The frame is specific for FxTec, but as far as i know they only sell it as a unit with the display.
  25. (lineage-20.0-20230529-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on May 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-202230408_100653)
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