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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Just a thought. How about 3d-printing a Pro1(X?) replica in a somewhat hard and brittle material? Perhaps enclosing some metal plates to give the proper weight, and then use that for drop-testing?
  2. (lineage-20.0-20230710-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on June 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-202230408_162909)
  3. AFAIK there is only one release build for the Pro1X (There are some newer Beta, but that is a different story)
  4. For new readers: Unfortunately we do not even know the conditions where/when it works or not. (apart from the supported/unsupported bands) In the US add the problem with some providers requiring model whitelisting, that it might be possible to circumvent with a mule device.
  5. If my memory does not fail me we have had at the least one other post on this, though I think it was quite a while back, maybe 2020 or 2021? If I recall correctly it was the screw under the sticker that was loose.
  6. Sorry was unclear, meant the frame of the whole phone. The rather thin outer frame around the display shold not matter much for the stability (no matter the material). The base of the top part is metal I beleive, right?
  7. Well if the displays and mount are the same, the weakest point are likely to be the same... 😉
  8. The producer of the displays. https://www.boe.com/en/
  9. In all fairness towards Boe, it seems to be related to stress on the cable. Sure if the cable-construction had been more sturdy, then the mount would have been less critical. I have no idea if the display comes with very strict mount guides of the fragile cable-construction. If not, the blame is on Boe. If there is a guide that is not followed, the blame is on FxTec.
  10. That's my guess too. Even if metal frame, it still is in risk of being twisted, unless you got very deep pockets - and no, I do not mean in the sense required for aPple users... This is actually another good reason to make it a habit to place it on your desk while sitting. You get better reception, and thus prolonged stamina as well.
  11. (Note that the same exists for both the Pro1X and Pro1. I added the link in the FAQ-ROM thread, but have not tried either)
  12. On the first, I said that in the first line 😉 But there COULD be a reason to get it from FxTec, as many have reported quality issues with the one we have bought on AliExpress. It might very well be that the cheap one we see offered are units that failed the quality control and are sold of cheap. Especially many reports black corners - some sellers listings even state that there are black corners. And indeed there are risks in detaching it. Personally I too would rather take the risk with displays from aliexpress, than attempting a transfer, but @KingOfTerrible explicitly asked a
  13. The spare part FxTec sells includes a little more than the display itself, and these two we know are not identical. I'm not 100% the display itself is completely identical, but I believe so. That is that it is the Boe display also used for the Elephone U Pro, that we can find as a spare part on Aliexpress. When using a display from Aliexpress a factory reset (wiping all user data) is needed for the Pro1, as this is the only way we know of to get the code executed that sets the touch margins of the display. So even if FxTec confirms that the display is the exact same, you might need to do
  14. Yes, if I insist on pushing continuously in one direction, it feels like it 'locks'.
  15. Yup, You need to change direction, first a little down, then a little horizontal, and then raising up. Idea: Sit down in a sofa or on a bed (so dropping is not an issue). Hold it in one hand and try to follow the movement with the thumb, while the other hand lifts the display up by the back edge. Then your thumb can 'feel' the movement, repeat several times, and try with both hands. BTW, unlike traditional sliders you do not need both hands, nor do you have to push symmetrically with both hands, if you want to use two. So one can push, and one can lift the back in the other end. It
  16. Sorry if I'm not clear, but my point is that if you need to push hard, you are pushing in the wrong direction. When you get to the point you say it locks, your finger shall follow the screen edge in its upwards motion. if you push purely horizontal you will actual hold down the edge (due to its slanted shape), preventing it from doing the arch it needs. I made a principal sketch of the design here: I should have made the top with slanted edges - but was too lazy... The trick is to help it along its curve, without holding the edge down. The initial downwards push, is to
  17. The problem is the direction of the push, you need to push down a little bit, and then follow the screen edge up in a curve. I tried to describe it exaggerated here (the whole thing is just a few mm):
  18. This is wrong, please see the early entries in this thread. Though it technically can be opened by a horizontal push, but PLEASE do not! This is NOT an ordinary slider, so requires a little different push. Or you can simply lift the back edge. The movement IS indeed odd at first. I usually compare it to riding a bike. Super hard to explain it in words, but once the body gets it, you can not understand how it could be hard in the beginning.
  19. I had hoped they would use that you are at the least in he same country to try to reproduce it themselves, and not just rely on the data you can collect for them. From personal experience, it is just SO much easier to troubleshoot a bug, when you can reproduce it! Not the least the ability to try with/without a suggested change to see if it fixes/improves the issue.
  20. Very interesting (though obviously sad) that you experience the issue in the UK, that might make it easier for FxTec to reproduce. Allow me to suggest you to get in direct contact with FxTec (let me tag @Casey here hoping it will be seen). Maybe your details on location, type of plan with the EE operator or what ever can help them reproduce the bug at a location more handy than the reports from the US. With a little luck they have an employee or associate living close to you. Them being able to reproduce the bug, is the first step towards any possible fix or improvement! 🤗
  21. 3D prints are the only option that will not require modifications. My post started some years back in 2019, so not unexpected if many links er dead, but the model names and general remarks should still hold. e.g. that hard cases that in principle have the right dimensions will offer a poor fit, due to the nicely rounded sides of the back of Pro1(X). It does not have to be a soft material, but elastic. Searching for candidates, I used this search at gsmarena.
  22. (lineage-20.0-20230619-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on May 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-202230408_100653)
  23. As @MonCon suggests, try another headset before going for sending for repair. Or an extension cord or the like. At some point (not Pro1/Pro1X) I had a headset with similar issues, where a simple L-shaped extension plug fixed it. The problem was that the plug simply could not go deep enough, it lacked a fraction of a millimetre, but worked fine in many other places.
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