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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. And what DO you want then? Do you prefer a "promise"? And if so what if that -for whatever reason- can not be fulfilled? The Guillotine? The lions? Get real please. The best anyone can do is an estimate. Sure their estimates have been rather poor. But as I have no info on what actually caused the delays, I do not know if these delays are something they 'ought' to have anticipated. I guess ANY startup is quite likely to fall into a number of pitfalls that companies with a long product history does not fall into every time. If you do not want to wait, well then you are free to request a refun
  2. I took the liberty to split this thread into a new thread starting with the answer from Erik https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/info-on-production-status/
  3. Or you should see this as a personal user guide for Manuel. /S
  4. It says The first batch of the Pro1 will be on it’s way to our earliest orders in mid-October. We expect the majority, if not all pre-orders, to ship by the end of October. note the "if not all". I read that as they hope all pre-orders will ship in October. But sure you can choose to read that as there is a risk that some might not ship before November. Your choice to see the glass half full or half empty.
  5. Thanks for clearing things up. :) And as other have pointed out post like the one you just made is greatly appreciated, and if some unforeseen events should change this plan (let's hope not), then please let us know with a small post. It is like when people are getting late to a dinner, it is much better to send a message when you know you are not going to make it on time, than when you were supposed to arrive. As I usually say to my friends. "The time you should have left the building, but didn't, you know you are going to be late". And you can even send a new message when you actually
  6. He he. Had the same thought. I guess they are obliged to post a manual, and then made this one really quickly.
  7. Well I too think the stickers could have looked better, but if our complaints are down to the look of some stickers, I think that could be seen as they have done a very good job... :-)
  8. They are hard, and I'm pretty sure they are cosmetic only. Should you damage (or loose) one of them I think it would be easy to replace them by any other sticker, home cut. There are also seven circular stickers on the back of the display part with similar purpose.
  9. I'm sure those that have a preferred launcher currently, is likely to stick with it, if it supports landscape and perhaps keyboard navigation. (I see the added launcher more as a needed patch of poor native Android support, than something offering some fantastic extra functionality) PS It offers the option of launching selected apps on long keypress. A feature I also had on the BB Priv, and never used. Personally I would have preferred the Windows way of jumping to the first icon matching the typed. (It ignores short press of letters) I have not spent much time looking for alternative
  10. I tried to get some info on the software for the keyboard for half a year, to give the community some software... Never got any useful info But it turns out that it is actually a standard thing build deep into android. Controlled in two simple text files See https://source.android.com/devices/input/key-layout-files https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent https://source.android.com/devices/input/key-character-map-files It is used by FinQwerty, that works really fine on the Pro1, see http://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/pro1.html. ADD: Using the epp KeyEvent, it c
  11. The first one was lacking IMEI, yes, but.... https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3556
  12. Hi, everyone, I have posted this info in various threads, but think I better have to give it a separate thread. Back in early July.the forum got hit by massive amounts of spam, so they tightened the system so all posts need moderation. This was supposed to be a temporary fix, until a better solution was found - and well we are all still waiting... Apart from delays in being published it also has some other side effects... For one thing it is hard for a moderator to FIND what needs moderation in the first place! (more on that later) But once a thread is opened, and the pending co
  13. I do not think that there are any other ones actively moderating in here... EDIT Moved content to separate thread Or in short: it is lacking promotion, not demotion that is going on...
  14. Actually the FCC stuff (though the same) are easier to read over here https://fcc.report/FCC-ID/2AUCLQX1000 .
  15. Unfortunately we are left at guessing as they are definitely better of producing a great device, than at communicating. I too feel really frustrated about the info (or lack of it).
  16. If you look at the bottom of this page, https://fccid.io/2AUCLQX1000 it has been granted! So it must have been some trifle stuff they where missing as the date of the application and the grant is the same. [attachment file=37506] (and similar for the other bands clicking the different TCB tabs)
  17. No function for that in the forum (*) ... Though we do got a delete function, but I have not killed any of this paranoid stuff, as I do understand the paranoia following the lack of staff activity. I do not understand why they prefer support directly, and to have this primarily a user-to-user forum. Especially before people got the devices, as it will be more questions than answers. (*) Though a thread is unfortunately no longer 'promoted' automatically by new activity, see e.g. this
  18. Just tried to insert two SIMs, and I can sms from one to the other, I can also call both numbers from a third line. So both SIMs are active simultaneously :)
  19. I have tried to google FHPV5036108P to no avail. Have you got any luck? The QR says "IIDL120152725", same as the lower line.
  20. As discussed in other threads, hopefully there will be enough market to more than one type of keyboard slider. Personally I would take a tilting slider over a straight one any day. I have had both, and much preferred the tilt of the N97mini over the straight Xperia (Neo) Pro. The N97mini had a horrible display that was useless in sunshine though.
  21. I think that combining the colours will not be easy., but the combined letters could be in same colour, perhaps with different stroke, like the original idea. [attachment file=14623]
  22. If you do a search for termux in here, you will see that I already checked. And it seems to work just fine https://www.fxtec.com/forums/search/termux/
  23. I think it is mainly a design issue, as it could easily look a mess with a lot of print on the keys, and also the print could become so small so not everyone can read it. Already it is not easy to see the difference between "," and "." and between ";" and ":"
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