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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Yeah, and it is going to land on me... hence the hesitation from here *LOL* But in principle: sure
  2. This is an issue I have seen no good solution for. Edit is good, but could easily be misused. The lack of edit is annoying too for obvious reasons...
  3. I think they can easier estimate the tax for each country by the IP outside the US.
  4. Here we get the price with tax, logged out or not. I think it is a US specific thing to show it without tax, as the tax is state-dependant.
  5. Interesting input, but the whole benefit of the layout being well-known is lost with any 'smart' layout - and that goes for the letter-shifted QWERTY too. IMHO I can hardly wait to get my hands on an unshifted qwertz variant even if the print of Z and Y will be swapped for QWERTY usage. I plan to simply take a marker pen, and let these two letters go 'stealth'...
  6. In some aspects GC3 is better than 4, in others 4 is better than 3 It is matter of one being more scratch resistant and the other more impact resistant. It is GC4 that is more impact resistant We have another thread with this somewhere.... EDIT Could not find it, but it relates to this https://www.gsmarena.com/counterclockwise_the_rise_of_gorilla_glass_and_how_it_changed_the_phone_industry-news-37570.php
  7. What about a Brexit edition with a hole all the way through replacing the second half of the 8-key were the asterisk would be in the normal edition? 😇
  8. I agree that it could be a more complex common message. Somewhat like: "If the entered email address was known a reset mail has been sent. If you do not receive it re-check that you have typed it correctly, and check your spam filter"
  9. Thanks for the info! Was not aware of that, modified the review.
  10. Just do like I did, read it all again... 😜
  11. My unpaid pre-orders have been cancelled. But an order with the status "on hold" has been reported above to survive. The 'only' issue here are the the users that were told we could wait for a possible Scandinavian layout, that suddenly have to pay an extra ninth on top of the price - if the layout will ever have enough user interest to be offered. I do not know if they also cancelled unpaid orders WITH a €100 indiegogo moto mod coupon. If cancelled too the €718.80 rather than €549 is almost a third extra...
  12. Indeed, hence the way through moderation by reporting it, is a solution.
  13. This is outright blasphemy to associate the poor fellow with these fruits.... 😇
  14. If I remember right We would not be able to use the full 2160x1080 resolution. A bit of googling indicates that the max is 1920x1080 with 16 colours only.
  15. I like the stealth edition with backlit keys 😂😂😂
  16. I think you are allowed to report your own post, so you could do that and write something like "Please delete" in the optional reasoning box.
  17. Yup, I got those too, thanks. Did not realise it was not always visible, I think we should report that as a bug. As a moderator I see it there all the time, and as you had reported some I thought it was visible to everyone.
  18. I agree on that, would be such a waste of money if they should send them in a separate parcel, to those of us that don't really need it anyway. The case could be nice to have though.
  19. Hi everyone, We now all have the option to report stuff. So help us all to keep the forum clean and please 🧹 Report it when you see spam or other unwanted content. 🧹 The conversion did not go smooth on all the spam, so I have 'just' manually been through all pages of all threads, and tried to weed out the missed spam. But it would be a miracle if I did not overlook something, so please report whatever junk you stumble upon. Add: Netman and SirBaconIII reported below that the Report option is not always easily visible, it appears at the top right of a po
  20. On the aesthetics there are a LOT of white, so we need to scroll like crazy to read stuff. I would have preferred it quite a bit more compact on a PC monitor. So a setting for reduced waste space would be nice. Even on a 43" 4Kmonitor I still can only see about TEN lines of user comments... (see below) In a normal FHD window, there are typically room for four small comments.
  21. Notification noise can be turned off, here: Click the arrow next to your user name top right, Settings, other settings, notification settings, at the bottom of the list..
  22. (I miss a cancel button if I regret starting a post)
  23. Must be country dependant. Here in Denmark I see the same logged in or not: A new price, including tax as usual, but excluding shipping. [attachment file=40180]
  24. Yup, and any pre-orders we made to the old price, and not yet paid, seem to have been cancelled... ;-( If I do not remember wrong, we were told pre-orders would stand.I had the Scandinavian keyboard, and a spare device in mind.
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