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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. We (in pluralis majestatis) thank you ;) ...and sorry for being late today, have been busy with paid work.
  2. That is how I understand it - but I do not know that it is so.
  3. You can distinguish the the new layouts from all the old ones by the 'cut outs' bottom left and right. These are to simplify disassembly of the phablet.. [attachment file=35598] Here from their twitter [attachment file=35599] [attachment file=35600]
  4. I think the shifted QWERTY is great for languages without additional common national letters beyond A-Z. Though I would have preferred the digit keys to follow suite. That is: "3" not "4" should be above and between "W" and "E". I'm awaiting both a qwertY and a qwertZ variant, so will report back how both works for English too.
  5. Let us hope you are right and the first are shipped Friday, but I would be very pleasantly surprised if the shipping will not span over several days. So doubt it will be most that get it as early as Monday.
  6. Let us hope that still holds. I guess that with the IFA well ended, we will soon hear news from the staff on the subject.
  7. ...And that is exactly why it is (also) a bad idea to have ordinary users work with an account with administrative rights in daily use. And also why 'newer' versions of windows give you a security prompt asking you to confirm that you really want to use this extra power at some situations. Like installing an app available for all users, and not just current user.
  8. I'm sure they will post more info when the shipping starts, and as they have not said otherwise, I by "Mid September" expect it to start in the next weeks. I do not know, but will assume that our order status currently "Processing" will change to something like "Completed" or "Shipped".
  9. I guess that on rooted phones the risk of an app stealing entries to other programs -including credentials entered for bank apps- are higher, and it is to prevent that scenario, they reject running on a rooted device. But of course that it is NOT roored does not remove all risks, but some risks are reduced. So secure? Nah. But less insecure? Sure.
  10. It is better that people that know what they are doing can lift the protection, than people not knowing what they are doing have to figure out how to apply protection..... IMHO
  11. Consider rooting a bit like walking a dog without a leash. Usually a much more pleasant experience (for both dog and owner) BUT the risk of things accidentally happening is also bigger. From the dog being hit by a car to the dog biting another dog (or human). I'm not saying you should not root (I usually walk my dog without a leash too...), only that people should always remember there is risks involved.
  12. Oh I meant we can buy cheap phone holders for next to nothing on e.g. ebay or aliexpress, and those could be modified, if the the clearance is not sufficient.
  13. Yup. the clearance between two symmetric supports would need to be about 34mm, and not all holders have that. Though usually of simple plastic, I think it will likely be quite easy to widen on one side.
  14. Well IF we are talking a generic holder with variable width AND a fixed centred plug, then that would not work.But most generic holders requires you to insert the cable manually, and here it could or could not be a problem, depending on the the bottom support. At first I too found it odd with the plug off centre, but once you tried to operate it in landscape plugged, you get the "AHA that is why!" on the placement, as the cable slips perfectly between two fingers. Another detail thought through. [attachment file=35240]
  15. The link does not go deep, but if I do a search for MAL219691263E3 on their page it works. BUT it is quite big 36mm x 14.5mm x 2.5mm - though not impossible to imagine in there,
  16. Well let\s try a little calculus. The standby current with screen off in aeroplane mode is somewhere along the lines of 0.2-0.4%/h, so let us be pessimists and say 1%/h of the capacity, so we would need 32mAh to last an hour, or 0.5mAh to last a minute, and 0.1mAh to last 12s. That does by far seem insurmountable to squeeze in as a battery or capacitor. I bet the control circuitry will take up more space....
  17. Yeah. And in contrast to earlier phones with removable battery, it should have a small capacitor or battery, that can hold the power with screen off for say 10 seconds, while we swap the battery.
  18. Next to nothing, compared with the rest, would be my estimate. The backlit bluetooth keyboards I have used have lasted for weeks on a charge of a tiny 50mAh battery, and they need a BT radio to communicate. I bet it is much more important how good the carriers radio signal is, at the position we place the phone while idle.... In my experience, this can eat a substantial amount of the phones stamina. Don't leave it in the pocket while working at a desk, put it on the desk, and preferably where the reception is best (This goes for ALL brands and OSs) I have written quite a bit about battery us
  19. Why do you think this is "low capacity"? This is not a device with gaming users as its primary target group. I doubt that the stamina will be a problem for the large majority of users. You can compare with the Samsung S8-, that has an slightly smaller batter and higher display resolution. Let us await the final unit and the optimised software before we evaluate how long a charge will last.. I'm actually glad that they did not use a bigger battery.... A bigger battery would have meant a heavier and thicker device. I will much rather top up the charge during the day In the rare case it wou
  20. Arghhh! Here three month later close to needing them, I can not find the remaining nine.... So just ordered five pairs more. *DOH*
  21. ...And here is one with a quite good still showing the split screen, and clearly with the new keyboard https://thenextweb.com/plugged/2019/09/05/the-fxtec-pro-1-proves-theres-room-for-keyboard-slider-phones-in-2019/
  22. Yup. Let us hope hat the new forum software touted will soon be available.
  23. Nice, there are several other new hands on, here those from the last week: out: https://www.google.com/search?q=FX+Tec+Pro+1+-+Hands+on&tbs=qdr:w
  24. By the test I have done on the early unit the two pairs of Sift and Ctrl, seems wired in parallel, but the two YellowArrows seems like somewhat indepedant, though deeply tied sending same keycode (by looking on what happens to make and break codes when more than one key is pressed at the time) But actually android got independent keycodes prepared for right and left versions for those https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent So it could be the sticky software that might or might not handle some pairing of different codes... as cancelling or not cancelling each other.
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