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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. To my knowledge you can only change the standard Android things here, that is the odd term "Display Size" that actually is a scale factor on everething (Small, Default, Large), and the "font size" (Small, Default, Large, Largest)- I Prefer "small display" size and default "font size"
  2. I sure hope for the best case where it will be a smashing success and there will be a Pro2 in say two years, so service is unlikely to be ever needed. But in a more pessimistic scenario, we have no idea if there will be a version two of the keyboard phone, so it may have to last ten years, until a new startup make a new keyboard phone… And in the super pessimistic scenario they will close up the business in say a few years so there will be no places to do authorised service, and if so it really matters how easy it is to repair.
  3. Well even though this of course is a 'risk' - at the least in theory, I will MUCH rather have these stickers and high repairability, than a device that is hard to service. Remember: Function is key... Also note that these stickers are inside a 'hole', so it is not that things easily can catch an edge of the stickers and tear them off... And even if one should be lost, then I'm pretty sure that just about anyone would be able to get any black sticker, and cut a suitable pair... Personally I would go for the stickers used for write protect control of the old floppy disks, that I still got arou
  4. It is QC3. Just got it confirmed. (And no, I do not know what other component(s) preventing it from doing QC4)
  5. Hmm, just uninstalled it. There are some things in it that works in the pro version only. But if it works on a Key½, I think it is very likely it will work here as well.
  6. On 1, tried to install, but not really useful for the keyboard as you can only assign functions to single tap, long tap and double tap, but not combinations with modifier keys, so this is not the tool we need.
  7. See other thread: https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/bundled-screen-protector/#post-17745
  8. To my knowledge they have not made any special functionality here. It is a matter of making use of what is already build into Android. They added a launcher that uses the keyboard and landscape better than the Android default. But I think it would work exactly the same if you used an external BT keyboard with the same logical keys. The only difference is the Logo-key that I suspect is handled hardware-wise in a separate way - but I might be wrong.
  9. The second question looks like a special case of the first, or? Anyway, this might not be that helpful information in itself, as they seem to plan to have stuff delivered in relatively small quanta in quick succession, so could be more interesting to ask the same questions in a slight variation, e.g.: – What fraction of the (paid) Indiegogo preorders is expected to be shipped within the first fortnight? – About what fraction of the (paid) preorders taken at fxtec.com are expected to to be shipped within the first fortnight?
  10. As I read the reply from Erik it sounds like yet another case of things getting lost as spam. Wouldn't it be wonderfull If all people were decent so spam-filters (and moderation) did not exist...
  11. Did you try contacting them directly and see if you could have a chance to try out an early unit, to see how it worked for your business case, rather than just criticise them in this user-to-user forum? I mean if I was in their place and someone had contacted me back in August with the offer of ordering and paying say 20 units, if he could lease/borrow an early unit for a week or two for tests, I'm quite sure I would have been accommodating. So I would expect they would have been too. Of course a little late now, but just saying....
  12. The keyboard is using standard functionality that are (still) build into Android. See this thread https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/pro1-software-open-source/
  13. Personally I think it would be a great way of publicity to use a T-shirt as the protective padding of the phone during transportation, I think many would gladly substitute the earbuds and fancy packaging for that..,
  14. This old tweet got images of the earbuds even including packing: Note how the inner of the rubber tips are yellow. Looks quite awesome - but I still do not expect to ever use them *LOL* (If so it would be for promotional reasons with the T-shirt)
  15. The earbuds was shown all the way back at the London event, and an early version of the case even longer back. But I have not seen any recently posted images either.
  16. I bet they haven't done anything special, so this strictly would be more an Android Pie than a Pro1 question. VLC might be interesting https://forums.androidcentral.com/showthread.php?t=831069&s=1ab3f3187b814c78fb409521337d60e7&p=6004286&viewfull=1#post6004286
  17. Interesting idea, that this could help people with impaired vision. I for one never thought of that obvious idea - silly me. I have not heard mentioned that there should be plans of it sold through carriers though. But It might be worth investigating if you are liable for some subside for it, as an aiding device.
  18. This attitude is beginning to be quite annoying. If you do not want to wait, don't do pre-orders, but just go to a store and by some fruit-crap or similar....
  19. What gave you the idea that it should be a wordpress number??? But of course not all pre-orders can be expected to have been paid, so being number #22001 does not mean that there are 22000 paid orders that needs to be handled first.
  20. If I remember right you are a qwertZ user, and from what Erik wrote earlier we are such a small part of the whole that we are likely to all be included in the first batch.
  21. Oh you can do most of those with the German qwertZ as is, though I do not think ő, ű are included. (for other readers, these are NOT ö, ü, though hard to see in this font size). But I'm sure a software fix can be found for that, adding those somewhere. They are considering a common layout for Scandinavian languages. I have no idea if there are enough (potential) buyers for other qwertZ using languages to make up for a dedicated print, but let us see the reactions your post generates. They made a form for requesting qwertZ if you already placed a qwertY order: https://www.fxtec.com/reques
  22. I had the same thought. I'm sure I will see them say "Nice", and then never even unpack less use them... No matter how good looking they are.
  23. Well t be more precise two of the images are (crops of) the same, and two are not.
  24. Forgot to reply to this. And yes, I'm quite convinced that it is based on the AOSP Launcher<3
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