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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The idea was a flap with qwerty on one side and num keyboard on the other. AND the flap could be removed completely.
  2. The issues are still here, and in waiting of a new forum, I have gone so impatient that I made a small monitoring tool that browses through things, rather than having to do it manually... HOPEFULLY this will give faster response-times in the moderation (when I'm not too busy with other stuff) ...I know it is silly, but expected the moderation-mess to last for days or at the worst weeks, not months.... Had I known, I had made the tool back then...
  3. Exactly. It is rarely that a device get a second chance in the tech-blogs, so the thought of fixing stuff along the way, is a really dangerouos path, unless you already got a really strong brand with a good track record.
  4. Or this oddity https://www.gsmarena.com/sony_ericsson_p910-pictures-846.php
  5. or https://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_6822-996.php
  6. ...Maybe they could make a clamshell that can bend over Yoga-style, so it can be used either as clamshell, closed protected, or opened all the way round as a slab.
  7. Ha ha. Yeah, but why touch? Full retro, Symbian and 2G only - while it is still available... And full size SIM like the early Motorola StarTac. Funny that most carriers still send out their SIMs as FULL BTW ;). But on a more serious note, to me it sound like clamshells, fully protecting the one screen, and not at exorbitant prices as the newer Samsung W
  8. I agree on the BB's. In my book they try to do both, and ends up doing neither... On one hand shrunken so the display is quite small by modern standards, and yet the keyboard is for two hands (for most people). The obvious compromise answer (in my book) is a Landscape slider that is for two handed operation when opened, and yet small enough to be one hand operated closed. As it is fairly easy to shift a device up and down in the hand with out losing the grip, it is primarily the short edge that is the issue. So shrink the width by 8-10% to the size of the Sony Xperia XZ2 Compac, Xperia 10
  9. Well I do not see the harm, they are unlikely to care about the thread at this stage sure, but I find it pretty harmless to vent how each of us would have their ideal device (given current technological limits). As we all have different physiognomy and usage patterns, there will NEVER by a device that fits everyone. ANY device is a compromise between wishes, what is possible, and a combination of price and target group that is expected to make a profit. I see a the Pro1 as a great step away from all the slabs, that differ more by their logos than their functionality.... And it is an easy w
  10. It is ever so slightly less than 6", 5.99" to be more precise. But remember when comparing sizes that it is more the width than the diagonal that matters. Many phones the last few years has elongated beyond 16:9. The Pro1 is 2:1 ( = 18:9 ) a 16:9 is 10% wider than a 18:9 of the same diagonal. Or said otherwise the Pro1 display has the same Width as a standard HD-type display of diagonal 5.45. (Think like Nokia 8 Sirocco or Samsung S7 Edge)
  11. Nice to know as a last resort, or an occasional holiday. But would much prefer an integrated solution, as this is really exposed, but could work inside a case, perhaps after a little digging in the case.
  12. Mostly metal, see e.g. for a tear down image.
  13. Nope, as long as the display only curves in one direction it is fairly easy to have a real glass protector. They exist for many other models, including BB Priv and several Samsung Galaxy S-series models. Also be aware that it is harder to open a tilted slider with box-shape(!) I tried to illustrate it in another thread So it would require substantial tilted bezels, like those e.g. the Nokia E7 had, for good reason. See e.g. this from gsmarena https://fdn.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/nokia-e7/gal/gsmarena_018.jpg
  14. Not quite. You can easily find FLAT glass protectors, the problem is that they are not curved. It WOULD be possible to make them as the display (similar to e.g. to BB Priv) only curve in one direction, and NOT at the ends. Here you can see the difference, from this early review https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3286 https://eskerahn.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/DSC08522_Crop.jpg https://eskerahn.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Pro1_USB_Off_Centre.jpg The first is glass - the second is not
  15. Wishes for a Pro2 / some are not easy to combine, but just wishing here - un-prioritised ... 1) Landscape keyboard slider (of course) 2) Back that is a removable batterypack, that comes in more than one size (optimally Slim, Std and Large) 3) Physically no more than 65mm wide (one hand operable by most adults) 4) Dual SIM and/or eSIM 5) Separate hybrid UFS/MicroSD slot (UFS-cards means that the build in storage can be kept lo, to keep the price down, with no performance penalty) 5) IP rating 6) FM-Radio 7) DAB+ Radio (yet to see a phone with it....)
  16. As far as I know, they will not initially offer it. But multiple different types exist out there, e.g. from aliexpress or Ebay (some for less than $1 each). As a startup I think they are way to busy to consider additional stuff, but hopefully they will make some arrangements later. For now I suggest you order some, so you got them from day one you get the device.
  17. Well as we do not know what license is missing, it is hard to say how's functioning or crippled it would be if shipped without that software. For what little we know it could be anything from the entire android to just the software for the FM-radio. But I guess it is something rather vital since they find its worth postponing.
  18. But at the least we (finally) got official wording on what is going on. I was getting quite annoyed of having to rely on guesses and rumours.
  19. A fun fact is that it is easier to open due to the edge design than it would have been with a box-design like my simplified sketch. Because we really need to push the bottom of the display part, and that is harder on a more square design! Studying the motion in finer details than can be seen by the previous gif, it can be seen that the top part of the display practically does not move initially, and the movement there is, is almost perpendicular to the keyboard, and that is why pushing the top blocks rather than open. Here a detail study of the first 10%
  20. One thing that certainly would benefit from a quick-start guide in the package is the opening mechanism. People having used one of the old Nokias, will have no problems, as the muscle memory kicks in. But people being used to a flat slider, or just intuitively pushing a flat unidirectional push, will find them self having trouble opening it. Like the pedals of a bike, It does not work if your push does not follow the movement of the mechanism. It is not AT ALL complicated though. I made this exaggerated sketch of the first few mm push in my review of the early preproduction unit to illus
  21. It would be nice with some pdf somewhere online, it does not need to be printed - I agree that is just waste of paper. And as phones (both Androids and Ios) has stuck with no UI-devolpment of the hardware other than reduced functionality for the last ten years, you are right, manuals are just a waste. Though when we DO see some changed, an electronic user guide can be nice. Not the least the key functionalities not printed on the keys.
  22. One of the great things about the Pro1 is that it is NOT infested with a lot of bloat, so a user manual could be limited to what distinguishing it from tock android, a link to suitable Google doc. The ONLY differences I see that need description * The Keyboard and slider, apart from obvious letters etc. * The Launcher app * The Camera, including button and app * The FM Radio and app. So not a huge thing to do, and mostly describing software, so would be likely to change to the last minute as they improve the software...
  23. That was an interesting idea. But my GUESS is that is it not finding the bugs that would be delaying, but fixing them. But it is certainly an interesting idea to extend the beta test to a larger group, thus using the 'waste time' constructive. I will try to escalate that (too)... (But could be that the additional administrative work with NDAs etc is not worth it for them)
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