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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I see this as in the department for wishes for a future Pro², as I find it extremely unlikely that we will see fundamental hardware changes at this late stage of the development of the Pro¹. I too like replaceable batteries, as I find it much easier to carry some spares, than to have a heavy device. And it also allows us to be more careless with the charging pattern (e.g. fast charge away...), as it would be no big deal how long the total lifespan of each battery would be. IF the battery is reasonably easy user replaceable on the Pro¹, I would be glad. But as I have not seen anything men
  2. Interesting. Did not know that. I see that a lot of windows fonts are not yet(?) updated with the capital sharp S either, and in some the implementation looks dubious (try e.g Segoe UI Black).
  3. Oh I agree with you, I just pointed out that for - I believe - many languages using Latin letters, the use of letters outside A-Z is primarily limited to a few national letters, that deserves dedicate one-stroke keys (like ÄÖÜẞ in German or ÆØÅ in Danish/Norwegian). But sure for languages heavily using accents/diacritics, that is not a possible approach, and here I too would prefer a modifier key over dead keys. But if a language uses many different accents/diacritics they will soon run out of modifier keys, so here the dead key could be a better approach....
  4. Well one could argue that this forum is currently to keep us that are already aware of it interested. But catching new people would need other ways as they are unlikely to find this forum by accident. ;) I guess the forum is going to be much more alive when we all get the devices in our hands, and have all kinds of questions and wishes for what could be tweaked in software updates, or perhaps things shared user-to-user. Personally I hope there will be a way to share logical key-layouts, so the less nerdy can benefit from what the nerds among us will do for our own devices anyway. (And hopef
  5. I only got my S8- for half a year, but the BB Priv for three, and have seen no burn ins (yet?) on either. But could well be a matter of usage pattern. I use my phones/phablets primarily indoors, so seldom in need of high brightness. For both I have used a white theme, though after Pie switched to a black one on the S8-
  6. Well in my experience it much depends on the usage. Used with a high brightness and/or some of the tempting always-on functionality, yes then OLED can burn, but if not, I do not see it as an issue. Many years ago I had a series of Samsung E870, and the exterior always-on OLED-displays, indeed did get burned out. When an update allowed to turn the always-on function off, the problem was gone, even on this early OLED.
  7. I agree that more team interaction would be nice. As a volunteer, and not a staff member, I only give out already public available info. (I was "Moderator", but due to that limited me in doing something (forgot what it was) they gave me the higher role). I will forward the existence of this thread to the staff.
  8. All the phones I have had with FM required the use of the headphones as antenna, and this goes for the tiny portable FM-radios I have had too. As the FM lies around a wavelength of 3m, they need something comparable to 1/4 of that, that is comparable to 75cm. So even the largest phablets would struggle with FM with an internal antenna only. It might work with a strong signal under ideal conditions. So without knowing for sure, I feel quite convinced that the cable is needed.
  9. 2) Du kan se hvilke bånd der understøttes under specs "Network" nederst her Oh, you see it might not be that practical if we all write in our native tongue. Please write your post in English. ;) and on 1) I do not see why it should not be possible to send it to e.g. Peru.
  10. Oh agree to a large extend. Though for Danish dead-keys or not is not a big deal as the only accented letter we use is é, and even that one is seldom. So in all practical usage it is limited to foreign names, and thus not a big deal for us how to get to them. I see the three common German letters with umlaut and ß as national letters (like our æøå) rather than accented letters. And isn't it the same in German that (other) accents/diacritics are rarely used, so the way to get to them are less important? (In standard Danish PC layout we have the dead-key approach on two keys on the right side,
  11. Well I do not know the whys. My point was just that IF they were to change to a 'classic' flat display with bezels that has dimension where it actually protected anything, then that would lead to a (slightly) smaller display area, everything else unchanged. But I would guess that a big part of it is the style-thing. A usable keyboard in itself is very much a retro thing for many out there, and if it also LOOKED like a 2010 device, some could be scared off.
  12. Personally I on a PC use a Danish physical layout keyboard. But at the least 95% of the time I use it as US, as this is the most efficient for brackets, braces, carats etc needed in coding. The only exception being mail, docs and the like, when written in Danish. But on a relatively small device like this, I expect that I (relatively) seldom would need the special keys. I mean sure I sometimes write 'odd stuff' in mail&sms, but honestly on my phones&phablets, the keyboard is primarily used for regular texts, so here the national letters are far far more important. And I would be ve
  13. Well we can do a little calculus knowing the display is 2:1 gives a width of 5.99"*25.4/√(1+2²)=68.04mm. Combined with the width of the device 73.6, we get slightly short of 2.8mm bezels on each side. Not many devices with traditional mounting have less bezels. If you look at Meizu 16X, it is pretty close in dimension, and have a ultra thin bezel around the display. But if that thin I doubt that it will help much in protecting the display. EDIT: I'm not sure it got the edges protected either. A device like the Sharp Aquos D10 got slightly larger side bezels.
  14. Well hopefully we will have them as well as many other symbols available from the keyboard, without them being printed. All the modifier keys, gives a huge number of possible combinations, in theory (seeing the right and left modifiers as eight separate) so 2⁸ x 58 gives almost 15000... But even 'only' five not seeing right and left different gives 2⁵ x 58 or 1856, and that should be more than almost any of us would ever need....
  15. I would not mind that one either, but guess that the audience for that is rather limited. I mean we can have the functionality, but do we need the print?
  16. On a PC browser it is in the top bar. I hope they find a better colour combination for the mobiles also, where it indeed currently is really hard to spot.
  17. (Moved your comment to this thread) The idea is that for languages only using A-Z, this shift would centre the letters more. The idea is that if you operate with two thumbs, and let the left/right thumb do what the left/right hand do on an pc keyboard, it would be a longer stretch for the right one. See the rest of this thread and also the thread on German layout here (I'm not a fan of the shift either, especially for layouts with national letters)
  18. As suggested earlier, I have a perhaps optimistic hope, that cutting one from a S8+ or S9+ with a class cutter might be a possibility, if the side-curvature matches.
  19. AWESOME! Thanks - may I suggest to add it to the specs. :-D
  20. @Waxberry, I for one would definitely go for the first of the two. Remember that the national letters are there for a reason: Common usage. And the idea of the QWERTY/QWERTZ/AZERTY/... is that the letters to the very left/right of the standard block is the least used ones. The whole point of swapping Y/Z as that Y is really rarely used in German, and Z frequently used. (They got Ü for the sound where we use Y). Thus it is NOT a big deal that the leftmost letters are the hardest to reach. And as said earlier, it could even be used in Scandinavia, if not enough users show interest to sust
  21. (found the right thread, and moved the comments to this)
  22. Well IF the keyboard is 'fixed' and has to be factory mounted you are right. But IF the keyboard is a thing that is easy to replace for us as users, it might simplify (and thus reduce the costs) to deliver all with QWERTY, and have the QWERTZ, Scandic, AZERTY ... or whatever, be a completely separate thing following later. The pre-order page got a FAQ that could indicate that is what they plan to do (but I do not know) When will you support other keyboard layouts (QWERTZ, AZERTY, Scandi etc) The Pro1 will ship with QWERTY keyboard layout, when there is sufficient demand we will create a
  23. Currently it is not a priority, as the only currently available option is the type of power plug, and so few are likely to want to change that, so they can fix that by hand if you mail them at [email protected]
  24. Well "joke" was pushing it, but though in principle useful, it is rather impractical for most users daily routines if a device needs over 10 hours for a full charge, I would claim that for the vast majority of users it would be so impractical that it is at the least close to a "joke".
  25. Click the account silhouette, and select pre-orders in the left band. (Note that the silhouette icon and "my account" leads to different places - a bit confusing...)
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