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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The forum software has a (known) bug that editing a comment multiple times incorrectly triggers the spam-system, as if (almost) the same was posted multiple times. I have 'unspammed' it. Unfortunately I do not know a consistent way of escaping special chars, except writing them as url encode. That is an ampersand # the decimal number and a semicolon. e.g. [ for [ (I tried to fix the comment with ` - hope this was what you intended)
  2. A great idea in my book. As previously described this layout would only be a few keys away from the ones used in Sweden/Norway/Finland/Denmark, and those few could easily be remembered by hart. So would be better than the standard left-shifted QWERTY for me and others in the Scandinavian countries too I believe. And the English abbreviations are what we are used to see. I don't think I have ever seen a PC-keyboard with words/abbreviations in either of the Scandinavian languages. (Though some Swedish have the down arrow for CapsLock)
  3. Ah I see, and if they had, they would most likely have used that for marketing, so unlikely then. :-/
  4. Me too, the keyboard app is really great though, especially the ability to use two languages where it auto-detects what you're using, even handling switching in the same text (e.g. for titles)
  5. Below a crop from a PC QWERTZ keyboards, so it is to get close to that.
  6. ...And getting a little more off topic, look at the texts "UMSHALTER" und "FESTSTELLER" for "Shift" and "Shift lock" on this old Swizz typewriter (from here) We better have symbols *LOL*
  7. Thanks. That would be a nice fall back. But if possible i would much rather have a tempered glass protector as I do not really fear of scratches on gorilla glass as much as I fear breaking it. In my experience a simple £1-3 curved tempered glass protector takes the energy of many minor impacts. Though the quality is not that high, and they typically get a cracked line or two within about two months, so for My Priv (and the S8-) I just bought a stack, and change them whenever needed. It could typically break while playing with my dog and having the phone in the pocket bumping into something
  8. Oh, sorry if I was unclear: Etymologically the same, and also etymologically the same as the Danish variant "Styring", that in Danish can be used both for steering and control (Though we also have "Kontrol", but that is leaning more towards checking than handling). It is so funny how words that some time back in history have been the same can slowly change differently in different languages or dialects. Yes, I have a soft spot for etymology :)
  9. Are they making foils only, or also (one direction) curved tempered glass protectors?.(like this)
  10. Personally do not mind if they use Sym/SYM/sym, as long as it is the same format on all the keys with text. I don't like a mix like "Strg"+"SYM" :)
  11. Welcome. Yes the 'dead-key' approach has been mentioned, though especially in the thread on the German layout. And indeed it is a solution to supporting many languages with a common keyboard. I hope we will have the option to remap things quite generally so we could make practically any logical layout, no matter what is printed on the keys. Currently the suggested German QWERTZ keyboard are closer to Danish than the standard right-shifted QWERTY, as we also got national letters right of L and P, so that would be a better print for me, so only a few keys shows something different from what th
  12. Never tried SailFish myself, but found this "Hands On & Demo" video from here But can't see why this could not work on a 'bezelled' display also.
  13. Would be nice if they get one. Perhaps if the screen is identical to one used on a more common model, we could get one for that one. The dimensions seems rather close to the Meizu 16(x), so perhaps that is a match? If not my personal fall back plan is to try if a tempered glass protector for a Samsung S8+ or S9+ has the right side curvature (the width is 0.2 mm larger resp. smaller) and then use a glass-cutter to shorten it sufficiently. And if that fails too my fall-back plan is to get plain foil-protectors for one or the other. those should be easy to cut.
  14. Spot on in my book!. A landscape keyboard slider is MUCH more important to me than if the edges are curved or not.
  15. We might be dinosaurs, but I at the least do not want to go back to neither monochrome, non-touch nor vga... ;). So I hope we all agree that we want a modernised version not a replica of what we had. I personally don't have neither a strong urge for nor grudge against curved screens. As I wrote earlier I did dislike them until I actually got a device with it (Priv), and found my fears of the discomfort to be hugely exaggerated. On the pro-side it allows for a larger screen at the same size device, and allows for swipes on SailFish - and despite sounding odd I believe also easier to get and
  16. I think there are many variants, not limited to German Here is another one The aPple guys seem to like this variant The REASON for the at first odd arrow down stems back from the time of typewriters, before the up arrow was used for Shift, and Shift-Lock was a key that physically stayed down, and forced the whole set of arms to shift up, so we got the lower symbol of each hammer when hitting the roll, and thus had the upper case letters AND the symbols on the number keys active. See e.g. this (the shift lock was released pressing shift) ADD: And BTW this is also why the term "Shift"
  17. Agree on that one, it just looks odd in my eyes, also on the QWERTY.
  18. How about Android One? Does the existence of the keyboard require any OS-changes (not allowed in A1) or can it be logically handled as any external BT-keyboard? Or perhaps using the Accessibility API? The Nokia 9 uses Android One, so it is not just entry levels phones using it any more. As far as I know adding an optional launcher is allowed, so that should also work with your landscape optimised launcher. It could be a really nice way to simplify things and also assure the security updates for at the least two years. The question was also posed as part of this post, but never answered
  19. I'm quite sure they're aware that there is an optimisation phase of things before release.... They just showed that the principle of an added feature works. Even the hardware we see it used on is unlikely to be the final version... Let us await a release candidate before judging anything.
  20. The preorder page (still) says We are working hard to get the first orders shipped to customers in July 2019. so I assume that is still the best estimate they got.
  21. I love removable backs and batteries too! My ancient 2011 SonyEricsson (neo) Pro has it. And it has a wonderful additional advantage: Take out the battery, take a piece of slightly stiff plastic (e.g. window from envelope, or a piece of tape doubled on it self) and put between the battery and electrodes while reinserting, and the battery can EASILY last a year! PERFECT for storage of a spare phone in e.g. a glove compartment of a car. And if you want to keep an old device without having to keep charging the device. I have used that for my spare/old phones as long as I can remember - and t
  22. *LOL* Same here we both lack "German abbreviations I". My first thought was "Strange" *LOL* (it stands for "Steuerung" though - etymologically same word as English "steering")
  23. This is the least bad I can do to make something that looks somewhat like a yellow arrow † key †
  24. Looks better. And even if PRINTED as YellowArrow (we almost need a BBCode for that one *LOL* ), the strokes of the ones on the second lowest and the top row could ALSO be made available by shift, to make the functionality closer to the PC-experience, that is in software let BOTH YellowArrow+8 and Shift+8 give the same "(".
  25. I believe that can be more or less achieved by moving the yellow print down (like the sketch of the 7 above)
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