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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. With a little luck the extra thickness is used to improve and strengthen the slider mechanism from the initial ones we saw, that was rather unimpressive.
  2. Note also the substantially increased length and thickness - while decreasing the display
  3. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Ah yes, I had not considered that the supplier might not be able to deliver enough to both cover the demands for the phones and additional user requested spare parts. If that is the case the phones should obviously have the highest priority.
  4. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    I too had hopes for extra keyboards, and really wonder why they do not offer them. I mean if we pay before they are ordered from production, what have they to loose? But am surprised of the quality they have.... Having used mine as a daily driver for over a year, I do not see even the slightest sign of wear where more white are exposed. The keys on my Lenovo X1 Yoga Thinkbad (20FQ) usually last about three months(!) before the paint have been worn through on Ctrl and arrow keys, and as it looks like the same principal idea on the Pro1 (Transparent key, a white layer, and an almost fully
  5. ....And the hard to find qwertZ variant without the key shift, so could end in a high price. 🙂
  6. I hope so too. And I can say that it is quite easy to swap.
  7. (lineage-17.1-20210111-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on December 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  8. Let us tag @Erik here, maybe he can get some info for you.
  9. Now THAT is a hard core keyboard user..... Sorry, could not resist. Glad to see you are back online.
  10. (lineage-17.1-20210104-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on December 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  11. Sad that it was not for you, but good luck with the sale, And hope that it finds a new happy owner soon 🙂
  12. I merged a few private buy and sell threads. And to those that might wonder, yes the warranty do transfer on sale, see this answer @cerialphreak got about a year ago
  13. I took the liberty to split the answers from @claude0001 to a separate thread
  14. This is a user-to-user forum so we do not know any business details, except for what we can deduce from the info we get. There is nothing unconventional in a company not giving out key figures. But that said I too would wish we got more info on what is happening. What we do know is that the qwertZ devices are extremely delayed compared to the qwertY-devices.
  15. Just was stupid enough to try TabTree extension don't EVER make that mistake!!! It 'rearranges' all tabs, making a total mess. A bit like sorting your book-shelf by colours, or height of the books.... 🙄ðŸĪŠ
  16. This is from two of my four open browsers... 🙄 I have considered grouping...
  17. Try an app like KeyEvent to see if it is the physical key that isen't working or just the logical function that for some reason isn't active. if it is the physical key, does it 'feel' normal clicking it? If not some pocket lint might have gotten under it blocking the action. if it feels normal it could be an electrical failure like the plug somehow loosened.
  18. (lineage-17.1-20201228-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on December 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  19. It is really sad that some of the qwertZ are so extremely delayed. But remember that they clearly stated that it is not the order date but payment date that matters for the priority orders are served.
  20. Interesting 😁 According to their page that should not be supported, the flag they mention here is set to false Have you tried if it works with 11 too? So would be really interesting if they could make a ROM that put ALL the slider/hw-kbd stuff down in the "original vendor implementation" layer, that would make it even more open to alternative distributions and future Android updates.
  21. We have heard Google for YEARS saying that with the NEXT release, updates will be easier.... We are yet to see it actually happen. But will be great for the consumers if it becomes reality.
  22. I would be surprised if flashing that without a wipe is enough. But you could try support, if they are not too busy. I'm sure they got a copy of it somewhere.
  23. Another option would be sort of the inverse of the old Nokia having only the centre part slide up as display. We could have only the centre part stay down as a keyboard. But again different people different needs. I for one would not like a larger keyboard than the Pro1, for others it is too small...
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