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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I would say that most of them are not suited for the languages suggested.... It's not a matter of how they could have made the print, it is more fundamental that most national keyboard layouts expects (at the least) two letter keys right of the L, and one right of the P, and they can not do that with the current keys. They would need to squeeze in an extra column, and cut the current enter into two as the least possible change. And they would need two columns extra to get close to what we are used to. But obviously that would be at the cost of minor keys, so pros&cons. Even for real and
  2. I too am tempted to support it, just as it is nice to see more keyboard phones out there. But apart from the mechanism, that I would like to hear actual feedback on first, there is a principle issue with the number of columns of keys making it unsuitable for all the languages using more national letters than A-Z. Not to mention that ordinary punctuation also have to be pushed to unconventional places due to the lack of keys. Of course that is the price to pay for the larger keys, so pros&cons.
  3. I hope you are right. That could also be the explanation - From the user feedbacks in here people are not complaining on hardware issues with the keyboards, so it seems unlikely that they would want to change it.
  4. Perhaps they bought enough of qwerty for stock an limited amount of qwertZ and then the block could be Corona related, if the company prioritise other larger customers or even has gone under. Could be some rights things that prevent them from changing to someone else, ..... the possibilities are endless. And your guesses are as good as mine.
  5. I'm totally puzzled why the qwertZ keyboards have been unavailable for so long. I have several wild guesses but no knowledge.
  6. There is a LOT of difference in hand-carrying a few devices through, or to have a third party factory doing everything from scratch to send. I would not be at all surprised if these ten were produced before the campaign even started, and only needed some final touch like packing was left. Or that they just had ten new blue shells and moved over the interiors from ten Pro1s manually. (But I'm guessing here) (Note that they even got different prints/engravings on them)
  7. (This is a very limited batch of just 10 devices)
  8. Again different people different needs. You could say that a portrait keyboard lands in between a fake keyboard and a landscape keyboard. Having some of the pros and cons of each. So for those doing a modest amount of typing it could be an optimal compromise. Those doing a small amount would be better of with just a fake keyboard to save space and weight, and the few of us that use the devices primarily for texting, we can go for landscape keyboards. One of the drawbacks of a landscape keyboard is that it is virtually impossible to use one handed, so we have to fall back to use th
  9. Oh indeed let us have variety, the more the merrier. There are no single model that are ideal for everyone. Just as those seldom using a keyboard should keep on using their slabs. Different users different usage patterns and needs. 🙂
  10. Actually it does sound like there is some spring closing it, but I could be wrong.
  11. Indeed, it is very obvious how out of sync the two sides easily gets with uneven pressure
  12. I just saw their video again where he so struggles to both open and close it 1:05 to 1:20 in. Imagine how the Astro will be in real life, if this is the least bad the inventor himself can make the mechanism work for presentation.... that they have not replaced the footage with something more convincing over the last half a year sort of says a lot IMHO. For comparison look at the post in here where Elysia shows how super easy it is for her to open&close the Pro1, despite it certainly isn't super easy for all first time users. One could claim that Pro1 is being over-sold and the As
  13. This is a really hard dilemma. We want the keyboards and keys large, and also the display large, but our hands and pockets are not growing at the same pace.... The only possible solution I see is at totally rethought set of design-guidelines for the OS, so that apps and OS have a larger display area than interactive area. That is the only way we are getting one hand operable devices back, while also having large screens and keyboards.
  14. Somehow I'm not surprised that they a mere seven months after the campaign ended are still prototyping.... The idea of sliding the top all the way and then tilting is interesting, to allow for a larger keyboard area. But to be practically useful they will have to find a clever way to also synchronise the two 'rails'. Not to mention how to make such a complex mechanism at the least somehow resistant to pocket lint.
  15. I too would try it out on a less hard to get device first....
  16. (I think it is a general EU thing, the interesting thing would be to know if commitments made with purchases while UK was still in the EU will still be binding after Brexit, including cross boundary transportation? - and no one knows what new purchases next year will be bound by....)
  17. (Sorry @shubell I can not test that, it is a preproduction unit without an imei...)
  18. (lineage-17.1-20201214-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on November security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  19. Very interesting, thanks. Though the weather forecast predict that as impossible here for at the least the next week... grey grey grey .....😓 ADD: We are having a December with historical little sun, current forecasts predict that we won't see the sun directly before Christmas.
  20. (The resolution limit is the product of the viewing distance and the density - assuming it is at a range where we can focus It is important to make sure the image is displayed so one pixel in the display is one pixel of the image. NO automatic scaling/zooming/squeezing)
  21. @Rud Sorry for going off topic, but you seem to have amazing vision to work with these font sizes. I tried to make a simple vision test over here, would be interesting to hear if you beat the currently best I met,
  22. As madeye mentioned with harder words, the differrent kind of "early" and the like are generally marketing gimmicks to pursuade people that there is an urgency to get them at a discounted price. But as they keep moving the bar, the "urgency" have been questionable... But as the whole campaign ends in less than a week, now there IS an urgency, if you want one. Obviously they could make a second campaign later on, set for later shipping date. But who knows... But there are (or have been) also other perks. Both two storage sizes and with additional stuff, either spare parts or engravin
  23. Visa worked fine for me (DK)
  24. According to the guide Logo+Enter is supposed to do Home. It does not currently though.
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