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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Whiskey helps. (is it spelled whisky? I spent a friggen half hour in wikipedia to learn it doesnt really matter, just depends if scotch/canadian/irish/american and even then, only if they want to, some american bottles are labeled the other way - the main point is to avoid anything labeled bourbon, that's evil if you enjoy a touch of rye or brandy in yer whisk(e)y)
  2. I'm insecure. I don't have any lock-screen passwords or thumbprints or fingerprints or patterns. I'm crazy like that. If someone gets my phone, they learn all about me. I just find it unlikely that will ever happen, and if it does, I'll be sad.
  3. Nah, I meant we dunno if fxtec contacted Verizon.
  4. I suspect you're 100% right. But also think this is speculation. We have no idea if F(x)tec contact Verizon, or submitted our IEMI block as CDMA golden in a way Verizon can see it. I think they did nothing, and just hoped and preyed that cuz they put the right radios and bands in, Verizon would be happy enough. (BTW, same applies to Sprint - nobody's got CDMA going there yet either. It's like fxtec put in the cdma support into our device for no reason if they cant get the providers to support it, they may as well have made it a GSM/LTE only device - I looked online and the only other pl
  5. Polaris, root doesn't behave differently under Lineage or stock Android. They're both Android, just lineage is closer to AOSP. But root behaviour is exactly the same. The slider you refer to, it's a toggle allow root access, and comes up for every app that wants root, stock or lineage. There's no significant difference in behavior of stock Android or lineage Android in regards to root. And if I recall right, you actually get three choices as mentioned earlier. Although I guess that's the popup, in settings its either yes or no, cant do the one-time permission that way. edit: okok I
  6. I saw this behaviour in test4 and thought, great! I don't' have to hit the power button after closing slider anymore. But I can see if someone actually wants to switch to portrait on purpose, that might be annoying. (Just haven't had such a situation YET myself.) In both versions, somebody has to push the power button, and somebody doesn't. I dunno which is more common. But I know I close the slider when I want it to lock, so I personally like this implementation. I don't recall a situation where I ever wanted to switch from landscape to portrait w/o keyboard. And under under c
  7. It doesn't give permission to all apps. If an app requests root access, you get a popup wether to give it now, always, or never. su is the same way, first time you run it you'll get that popup. To prevent others from using phone, you can use lockscreen passwords or pincodes or fingerprints, that's all built in, if you skipped it all during initial setup (like me) you can activate it later if you want it.
  8. Yes and No. Yes, youtube vanced works fine. But can't flash anything to Anrdoid with twrp right now. I used the youtube vanced magisk module.
  9. Most poeple using Sailfish with Alien Dalvik, besides f-droid, seem to like Aurora store. But I think some people have installed all google services and made play store work. I'd check together.jolla.com for more info if you're really intested. But either way, there's no official AD for Pro¹.
  10. Twice I've had touchscreen unresponsive at the lock screen. I recall this used to happen on early version of stock.
  11. Current first post up to date, since it links to the page with downloads, issue tracker, etc....
  12. Those two commits will be very welcomed by me. That'll get the sym key seen, symbol keyboard, and global keyboard shortcuts. As to the left control, I'd mentioned that myself in my long post on what I thought modifiers should be and why, so I certainly did notice and like it better that way. As to detecting the slant arrows. Not important in the supertux case, as I can use other keys now freely without worrying about chording and rollover issues. However my personal goal is to make the right slant arrow behave as slash, something I suspect would never make it into LOS cuz it doe
  13. Thanks much! I just installed test4 and going to see how the keyboard works! Haven't done much yet, but right off the bat it seems some keys can't be seen by Supertux that could be seen by stock. I know this isn't the most important app, but its something I'm famliar with and a way to test key chording and assignments, and a way I can see if leght and right slant arrow are now separated. On stock rom, supertux calls the Sym key 'left super' and both slant arrows 'right super'. However, with this version of LOS, it can't see the slant arrows or the sym key at all! just acts like I didn
  14. Wow, I looked this up, cuz I found it hard to believe, but it's apparently true. Norway. So the FM radio in pro¹ is useless for you.
  15. I like classic shell for windows too. Starting using it with Windows 8 cuz they took away the start button, but stuck with it thru Windows 10. Now i just run linux and don't worry about that stuff. As to launchers for Pro¹, I've only tried the stock version of quickstep and nova. What launcher(s) allow you to set up separate widgets & shortcuts for landscape and portrait, as opposed to stock version of rotation (which is ok) or most other launchers that rotate but only look the way you want in the orientation you set it up for....
  16. I've read enough alarm related issues, I wouldn't use Pro¹ as an alarm clock if I had to get somewhere on time. My circa-1980s alarm clock radio works just fine for this purpose, however. And I get to listen to music or chat (or ads) while I force myself out of bed. For that matter, my 1980s digital watch alarm never fails. Or wind-up bell-ringer alarm clocks from earlier than that, solid and reliable if you remember to wind them. Modern stuff tries to do so much - that causes it problems - it becomes unreliable for basic tasks. I don't blame F(x)tec for this. I blame society. A
  17. I dunno if there's a way to set the time manually. If it were me I'd try it from terminal with date, perhaps with devel-su if it doesn't work the first time. I just know with SIM card, it isn't an issue cuz it gets the time from there and I haven't had to worry about this particular issue, cuz I already had a SIM card installed when I installed Sailfish. Perhaps somebody who understands how it actually works will chime in. On unrelated but vaguely related matter, my timezone is set wrong in ubuntu chroot cuz I clicked thru the install too fast, and I dunno how to fix it - and usi
  18. I think that isn't an issue if you have a SIM card installed...
  19. The phone is shipped with Android with Google GMS. There is a method to get root, but its similar to other Android devices, and you'll end up with an 'su' binary that doesn't require a password. Maybe you intend to run Sailfish, in which case you can select your root password in settings menu, and use devel-su in place of sudo for root stuff.
  20. Those secret special android based apps! I am aware some Android apps are linux based. I mean why not, its not that hard to make an android app out of an existing linux app if you know what you're doing. It's also pretty clear many SailfishOS apps are linux based. I mean, sfos is more linux than android; we have gcc, we can build from source on device and run it. That is a major step closer to real linux than Android. In fact, manhy linux apps just work on sfos already. Like other linux distros. I forgot why I started writing this.
  21. I would check the trebuchet (launcher) settings. That would be upstream lineage (not a pro¹ thing) so if nothing there, one option is Nova launcher, it has option to enable icon for app drawer. (Not currently running los or I'd try it for you.)
  22. Yeah Esc to wake on stock (and sailfish).
  23. You locked your bootloader? I thought you got your device in the first couple baches (like me) that came with unlocked bootloader and dev options already enabled, and surely your early dev unit had unlocked bootloader....
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