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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Added #4 Backlight on Keypress Right now the keyboard backlight only turns on when you open slider, then eventually times out and turns off. I would like it to turn back on when I press a key. [Also, include a slider setting for backlight timeout time if convenient, including all the way to zero/disable.] I also noted that a toggle to disable stickymods should be included, although as I've mentioned in other threads, I really don't see any reason to disable, if you don't use it, it won't affect you. But agree that disabling such features should be permitted for those who want to.
  2. I can! When I was taking screenshots of keyboard settings, I wanted the big long list in portrait because landscape didn't display as much, and since I'm not great at opening the keyboard if I were to close it and let and rotate, I instead just toggled off the landscape lock feature in slider settings. The exact feature that doesn't work 100% when enabled (but can be avoided by turning on auto-rotation) that this thread is about in fact 🙂
  3. Yeah, I just took screenshot of whatever was on discord at the time I took;. I think you're right, there are tools and ways to customize yourself, and LIneage can do all of this anyway (at least on PQ, havent yet tried on Pro¹), but these are features that I think should be baked into stock. It will make it a better keyboard device for everyone, including those who don't customize and do reviews , if they fix this feature and implement the others I requested 😉 At least that's my opinion.
  4. Was cluttering up my feature request threads talking about this other already existing buggy feature so thought the bug deserved its own discussion thread. For those not familiar, Pro¹ has a feature to force landscape when keyboard is open. However, this doesn't work for all apps, an example is Discord. These apps will only rotate when auto-rotation is enabled in device settings. I proposed a feature to only permit selected orientations (similar to CM/LOS), but to me that feature request should be considered completely independent from the keyboard related bug, cuz even if they fi
  5. Why? I'm not sure what the timeout is, but I want it to work regardless of screen lock settings. If pin/swipe/pattern is set to be required, still be required, same function as pressing power button, just don't want to have to reach around to the back.
  6. As Eske said, we already have that feature. But it doesn't currently work for all apps, like discord. So that's an actual bug report, not feature request.
  7. Even if its not already in AOSP its a feature I've seen in CM/LOS so can't be too hard to add. But that doesn't work for all apps, so until that's fixed, or incase they can't fix it, it would be nice to have the settings available. Plus, some people want to be able to rotate while keyboard closed, like for looking at photos or something, so would want auto-rotate on for that reason, but like me wouldn't want it to go landscape upside down automatically cuz that confuses you when you try to open keyboard on the wrong side.
  8. I'm starting this thread to list what I feel are some missing essential features in the stock version of Android. Not necessarily bugs, but things that are missing that would be great for FxTec to implement. Feel free to add others if you feel some essential feature is missing. #1 Sticky Modifiers. When shift/alt/ctrl/slantarrow is pressed then released, the next keypress should behave as if the modifier is still stuck down. Ideally the caps led would illuminate when shift is pressed (until next key is pressed). [Include a toggle in slider settings to disable if possible.] #2 W
  9. Hehhehe, silly argument back there. Many companies run negative for years then become profitable later. If they decided not to buy phones for those who needed them to help their business, they would indeed have filed bankrupcy! Amazon comes to mind.... Tesla... not to mention many small businesses start with a small business loan... so how do they pay their employees and still buy them phones? Debt & optimism.
  10. My thoughts exactly. The only things I think I might mentioned differently is that I find it difficult to open/close and am really hoping I get the hang of it soon, and I don't notice it being any faster than Moto Z2F (but still plenty fast). And haven't used wifi calling thru carrier (although I do use gvoice for such no problem.) On the auto-brightness, it's supposed to learn from your changes where you like it, so over time it should get better, but for now mine is not behaving well either.
  11. Longpress still launches the snapdragon app, even if gcam set to default camera. And can't disable Snapdragon camera apparently, even after force stop. There is a phone setting to set double press of power button to launch camera. That works, and will launch whatever camera is set as default. But button still doesnt work as shutter, presumably cuz the app I'm trying designed for pixel which doesnt have camera button.
  12. gcam port doesn't even start when I push the camera button, so I cannot test it that way. Like the stock snapdragon app, it does show thumbnail link to gallery when launched from the icon. I checked every setting in the gcam app I could find, the only two about buttons are to make the volume control act as shutter or zoom. I looked in all the phones settings and dont recall seeing anything (unlike CM/LOS settings where there was a toggle to launch camera app with longpress). What I've read about gcam ports is that it's trial and error until you find what works best for our device,
  13. It takes pictures as far as I could tell. I can't really judge photos and don't take good photos. My goal was to see if there's a way around two functional problems in the stock camera app (until they're fixed in an update hopefully); no shutter sound and no link to gallery when launched with camera button. I did try another gcam port, Arnova8G2's Google Camera Port 6.2, but it wanted to overwrite/update the stock camera app, and when I decided to let it try, it failed to install anyway.
  14. updated original post with better solution
  15. So besides the game supertux https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.lethargik.supertux2 I've got another app worth adding. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/be.ppareit.swiftp_free/ This is just a simple ftp server, but setting it up works fine in landscape with keyboard. You'll probably want it after a few days of using Pro¹ getting tired of hooking up USB cable to transfer files. Also the plus side of getting it from f-droid vs playstore is - no ads at all. While I'm suggesting apps, the F-Droid app works good in landscape with keyboard too, makes searching easy.
  16. The one I tried is described as "[GCam] Camera PX for Google Pixel 1 / 2 / 3 / 3a / 4" from here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/google-camera-mods/gcam-google-pixel-1-2-3-t3875663 But I'm happy to try any other one that might work.
  17. I tried version 7.2 for pixel, but it doesn't recognize our camera button. The shutter sound works tho, unlike stock snapdragon camera. I see there's lotsa different gcam ports. Anyone know one that works well with Pro¹? Maybe a device that has a camera button (assuming pixel doesnt...)?
  18. Screenshot from Pro¹ of DKC stretched to 16:9. The android buttons aren't usually visible, they popped up when I held down power for the screenshot menu. So I figured I'd give this a try and see what works well for Pro¹ when playing with keyboard. Two Main Issues: (1) Audio Crackle During Sound Effects. This happens on some android games too and I assume is a Pro¹ bug that will be fixed in an update, but if a certain emulator doesn't do it, please post! (2) Simultaneous Key-presses don't work on some keys, including the arrow keys. They do work on modifiers, and I found
  19. Ok, confirmed, user error. I didnt try that; I tried tapping on it, double tapping, triple tapping, I tried scrolling up and down from the middle of the screen like normal, etc. Didnt try dragging that bar up. (Note under portrait, that bar doesnt even appear, when I select 'Background Color' the palette comes up right away.)
  20. From there... I cant scroll down. Not with finger, not keyboard arrows, no scrollbar present; so have to go into portrait. When I select background color It just puts that bar with the check mark on the bottom, but I cannot go further in landscape.
  21. Now you're going to get FxTec disqualified and won't get their free press at CES! You should edit and remove that, I haven't read the rules, but I mean common sense, don't post publicly that you cheated!
  22. Nah, its a Pie thing apparently. Moved over even in AOSP so there's more room in the middle for camera notches.
  23. That's actually the model number, not the codename. The codename for Pro¹ appears to be T5. For reference, PQ is asanti and z2f is nash. maserati certainly the coolest of the four, but at least ours isn't bacon.
  24. I've been using Nova a couple days, and seems to be fairly good with keyboard and landscape, except two things I've noticed. Some settings menus don't fit on the screen but nova doesn't offer a way to scroll down. For example, I was trying to change my app drawer background color.... finally figured it out when I switched to portrait (and fyi - the black in their pallete isn't true black, gotta turn everything down). Also, if you use wm in adb shell to add overscan, it affects the text under launcher icons (even if they're not in the overscan area).
  25. It seems pretty clear to me that, for now, future shipments will go straight to customer from Hong Kong, regardless where on Earth said customer has it delivered. The part about that that is unclear to me, is if that applies to the 3rd batch that will be assigned shortly? I'm guessing yes, cuz we only know about that cuz of Erik's pre-announcement... For the 2nd batch, shipping from HK only applied outside Europe, confirmed by 2nd batch Europeans who received tracking info originating in UK, and are presently awaiting delivery this week (and outside Europe, reported deliveries in Ja
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