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Everything posted by elvissteinjr

  1. Are you on stock? Keyboard Out certainly worked when I had my Pro1, but I've last seen it in February. Netman's keyboard driver on stock shouldn't have affected this at all, but I suppose the Lineage keyboard changes went pretty far and could possibly have broken that state, no idea.
  2. I don't know the Pro1's behavior and don't have one right now to check, but in my experience, a really long power button hold tends to do a hard shutdown on many devices, so that doesn't sound out of the ordinary to me. Easy to check for yourself though.
  3. March 2021 is their crowdfunding target date. And take those with a bit more than just a grain of salt. Not all Cosmo Communicator backers have their device yet either (though they have shipped more devices than Fx if you want to compare that). Hardware development is rarely smooth sailing. I'm fairly sure there will at least be a couple of more Pro1s shipped until then.
  4. They have another issue: They're totally dependent on IdeaLTE to actually build the OS for them. They certainly can tell them what to integrate (as happened with netman's keyboard driver), but they might not even have the entire source code of the stock OS image themselves. I don't know their contracts or conditions, but if I were them, I'd put some effort in moving the build environment and required keys to sign the stuff to myself if possible. I doubt this is without hurdles in practice, however. Also, still pending Google certification for the updated security patch level. They proba
  5. My unit came with damaged keys, really minor except for the V key missing the top right corner. Overall not quite as bad as having the unit get lost in transit when sending back afterwards. Does that count as permanent?
  6. To be fair, the last status we had is that they're waiting for certification from "the authority" (read: Google). Not having that was the very reason that update was botched (apparently this needs to be done for every security patch level). Don't ask me how this makes the system any more secure with all the vendor binaries that don't need this, though.
  7. The issues you're talking about should be fixed in OTA update 2020-03-06. I have not had my Pro1 for almost 2 months now so I can't confirm myself, but from what I've read it should be fine now. There have been two keyboard driver programming efforts from the community already, one of which ended up in the official system update (dunno which though). You can also install Lineage if you want, which has had keyboard fixes for even longer already.
  8. While my phone is still somewhere in limbo, I was running Kiwi Browser on it. I use Vivaldi on desktop, but let's be honest, the Android version is pretty much nothing yet, even after all the years of having that in the works.
  9. You can always disable Magisk/root by flashing the original boot image from recovery. Substratum can't break the system without the root access and doesn't write to /system to begin with to my knowledge (unless legacy mode, but I don't think that applies to Pie?).
  10. What I remember always reading is that it's modular in the sense of being on a separate board which can be swapped if the USB port really breaks. I'm not exactly sure what kind of modular USB port they should've used. I guess I can imagine one, but they need to be able to source that stuff from somewhere.
  11. All of that makes sense to me. It might not be obvious at first but you have to take in account how Magisk operates. The OTA will only update a clean boot image (it's a delta update, so it wouldn't work even if it let you). So you have Magisk uninstall restore the old one. Uninstalling Magisk means having an unpatched boot image. That is what Magisk is. Due to how Magisk operates, this change will only apply to a running system after rebooting, so root persists until then. This is good since now the boot image is clean and can be updated but there's still root to read the boot partition and
  12. Regarding SafetyNet I'm not entirely sure but I get the feeling that keeping an older Android version doesn't mean you'll be fine. I only have very surface level understanding, but while the key attestation is not fully enforced yet across the board, served sided checks and Play Services updates should bring it to older devices all the same. The server side check will prevent any modded Play Services to get around this. And since the data is signed by the hardware that you have no control over at all... yeah, good night.
  13. Magisk will not be able to hide the open bootloader state from SafetyNet anymore in the near future, see: So everything is screwed either way then. You not using apps locking you out don't matter enough for anything to change (but it somehow matters enough to lock you out). You doing exactly the same things on your PC where you do have power is fine. Nothing makes sense these days.
  14. Oddly specific task that needs automation... Tasker? I wish I was paid for mentioning it so often, but it would be able to do this (force rotation, set auto-rotate, active app as condition), pretty sure. Maybe other automation apps as well, but I have no experience with them (and only very little with Tasker to be fair).
  15. I tried that one before I sent my unit to Fx. It kinda worked, but I got constant clicking noises over the headphone port from that instead, regardless of the app or even in silence. Maybe speakers too but I couldn't hear them there at the very least. Probably could've been configured to work fine or maybe I did something wrong, not sure.
  16. Audio crackling can easily be reproduced by running an application using OpenSL ES. As for examples, VLC can be set to use in the settings, mpv for Android uses it by default. AAudio also crackles iirc, but I can't name an example app from the top of my head right now. Supposedly related to Snapdragon audio power saving stuff. And apparently plugging something into USB does remove the crackle somehow, but I haven't had the chance to confirm this on my own unit yet. Question is if this is worth getting into since the last OTA (the "next" before pulled one) was supposed to have this
  17. It's nice that things are moving again... but curious what happened to fixing the audio crackling for good? I thought that was a done deal when it was announced to be part of the next OTA? Apart from the now fixed keyboard, that's my biggest gripe with the Pro1 right now. Sure this isn't the complete next OTA yet perhaps, but have they truly fixed it or not? If so, why would it be held back from this? I may sound a bit sound mad here but I'm really just wondering what happened to that.
  18. It just stays silent. Still generates logs and silently fails launching there, though. I'm using that side-effect to make use of the camera button via Tasker this way. The process is easily reversible (do "pm install" instead of "pm uninstall"), though I guess if you get rid of a truly essential system app it could break something... I used this post as reference when I did it. I don't have my phone with me right now, but there's only one app pre-installed that has "camera" in its package name, fully written out, if I remember correctly. How to get ADB to work is not expl
  19. You can try to uninstall the Snapdragon Camera app via ADB. This only uninstalls the app for the user, so it's not really gone and does not require root. This will prevent anything from launching when pressing the camera button, but the executable responsible for launching it is still active... so question is if listening to camera button events work or that launcher is hogging the key too much still. Tasker for example doesn't have its Camera Button event triggered, even with Snapdragon Camera out of the picture.
  20. Are you sure the settings are exactly the same on both devices? Not like, the Pro1 set to OpenGLES 3 while the Samsung is set to Vulkan? What Samsung phone are we even talking about? I know you said it should be the same SoC... but still, which Samsung model? I kinda wish my phone was here so I could provide my own numbers. Guess that'll have to wait.
  21. I'm just guessing off of my experience with them and what I read around here and the Discord server. With the customs stuff I've racked up 10+ responses from them and I'm fairly certain on the weekend part at the very least. Regarding reaction I'm not expecting them to have my device, but just acknowledge that they've noted I sent it to them (just like they asked me to tell them when I do that) as well as answer questions that came along with that. I'm not trying to rush them here, but just wanted to give a frame of reference to anonim.
  22. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Support generally doesn't respond on weekends and in my experience, Fridays aren't the most responsive days either. For what it's worth, I've also sent my phone their way and had them have a tracking link Wednesday evening. No further response to that as well. Not worried myself, but you're not alone with this.
  23. What games were you running? I don't have my Pro1 with me right now but I had briefly tried Melee and Mario 64 (VC Wad, because I can) before and the performance was alright (didn't fiddle with anything beyond controls, so that was original resolution I think). Dunno what a Samsung can do, but it was faster than my Moto Z with a 820 and certainly more than 25% - 50%. Well sure, my selection of games is very far from ideal for this discussion, but still. It shouldn't be that bad in comparison though. But do note there are still worlds between emulating Melee and something like Mario Galaxy 2
  24. I suggest reading up on what Magisk does and why. With great power comes great responsibility and it doesn't sound like you exactly knew what you were doing. You can get by fine with rooting stock, but modifying the system partition for real will break delta updates as OTAs are, so even if they'd allow it, it would not be a great idea.
  25. This looks like something that could perhaps be put into another APK? I fail to find any documentation regarding this and feel like it could quickly result in conflicts if just any APK could actually define those... btw. my clock is on the right side (in more than one way) in stock too... well via Substratum, but it's not impossible. Having it as a setting would be cool, but question is how close Fx wants to stay to that unmodified experience. That symbol keyboard looks like something that hasn't been touched for a couple of years. The design is a bit out of place, but I suppose
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