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Everything posted by Wasmachineman_NL

  1. help why did I make a pic of this: Taken with Pro1 in 2 degrees above freezing temperatures.
  2. Can confirm Rabo Bankieren app working fine on Pro1.
  3. ^this is the reason I put my Pro1 back in it's box and only use it whenever i'm on the go: Android is fuarrrking garbage compared to Maemo, ergonomics, apps and bugs wise. Speaking of the screen, I still need to nag Chen into sending me a replacement display because of a stuck green pixel on my Pro1.
  4. Thanks, that cluster replacement is fuarrrking trash, glad I got the three buttons back now.
  5. I tried brotect once on my N900, it's garbage, my touchscreen stopped working correctly after applying.
  6. Siemens FTW! I still have a few Mseries phones laying around in a box. I also have a SXG75 that still works.
  7. I also would love to be able to remap the Fx key like Shortcutd on the N900: short press to go back to the launcher, long press to goto the app list.
  8. Ended up being my Galaxy Watch disliking the PXC 550 being paired, after I disconnected it I could pair. New problem: AMD Link doesn't give me any sound, nor does the PXC 550 with playing Youtube/this.
  9. As some of you might know, i'm a die-hard Nokia N900 user, and going from that to the Pro1 has been a culture shock. Android instead of Maemo, a radically different keyboard layout, the much faster sd835 CPU and so on. But, there are things I miss, like: Being able to unlock the device without using the lockscreen, like pressing the power button twice Not being able to unlock the device by touching the display after it autolocks No proper Notes app like osso-notes on the N900 No sticky modifier keys like sticky Left Shift Worst part of it all: NO ROCKBOX /s
  10. Coming from the N900 I would love a Sticky Keys function and a function to make Shift actually usable to enter special characters on the number keys, the yellow arrow button is somewhat unergonomic.
  11. Pro1 came in the mail, man what a device! Really need to get used to it. Guess i'll keep using my N900 for writing stuff though. EDIT: Why would I keep using my N900 for writing stuff? osso-notes is perfect, plus I don't want Google to know about the weird (and wonderful) shit I write.
  12. Waiting for my Pro1 to come in the mail makes me wish for a nuclear winter.
  13. N900 till the day I die baby! Still using one as of today.
  14. wat. Comparing a 6700K to a 8700K (which has 2c/4t more and overclocks like hell because 14nm++) is comparing Wittgenstein in my avatar to a Cray-1: they're miles apart in performance!
  15. Pic broke again.. EDIT: In the quote it shows up. wtf?
  16. Even pics uploaded after that date? Huh, ok then. Lemme test that real quick:
  17. This speculating is worse than AdoredTV's Ryzen 3000 hitting 5 GHz (and 16 cores for less than €750) bullshit leak.
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