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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. I'm usually not one to abuse my gear, but the last twelve months or so were particularly unlucky ones with regard to screens! Last year I bought a new TV (thankfully a cheap one, less than half of the regular Pro1 price...) and I destroyed the panel on the day it had been delivered, in the act of mounting the set on the wall... At least I learned tow things that day! One, modern TV panels are extremely delicate, and two, contrary to phones, modern TVs can only be disposed of once the panel is damaged. In relation to the panel there's nothing else of value in them...
  2. A black spot of 3mm diameter, after dropping the phone, hitting a wooden floor hard with the display facing downwards. Doesn't make the phone unusable, but at some point I'll want to replace the screen. Already bought two replacement screens, one for spares... Good question.
  3. I'm about to replace my screen as well and I have asked for the APK, too. I just need to make sure before I start that rooting the phone (running on unrooted LineageOS 17.1) doesn't break anything for me...
  4. Hmmm... But you do get that extremely loud in-call audio anyway?
  5. I'm on LineageOS 17.1. Changed title and first post accordingly... Sorry for not mentioning it. My partner's Fairphone 3 (stock Android 10), same carrier as me, doesn't seem to have the setting, either.
  6. Looks like the suspicion I wrote about earlier was correct. Since I disabled "4G calling" (HD voice aka wideband audio) in "Network and Internet" -> "Mobile Network", I didn't get any calls anymore with too loud in-call audio. I'm quite confident about this now as one specific caller which always used to be too loud when calling from his home line wasn't too loud anymore after I made that change. So far I don't see any disadvantages of that change, either. [Edit:] This is LineageOS 17.1. Sorry I didn't mention this earlier...
  7. Same here with OTA. (On a side note, I sometimes see your sideload success report before my phone would report availability of an OTA update; in that case the update will always appear immediately after a manual re-check, though.)
  8. @fxtec-preorder-47xx After I got my Pro1 just a few weeks ago, I thought I'd be guarding it as the apple of my eye. Unfortunately I couldn't find any of those nice, thin cases yet which really would fit (like this one that I had been using with the Moto Z3 Play). Recently, now, the phone slipped through my fingers and landed on the wooden floor, screen facing down – no marks on the outside, it is really durable. But a black spot in the display. (I've asked support about the availability of spare screens and have yet to receive a reply, but I suppose I'll need to go with one of those Elephone U
  9. Once, and I think really only once, there used to be a phone, that could be inserted into a bigger (dumb) screen that made it a tablet, which again could be mounted to a (dumb) keyboard, which made it a laptop – everything powered by the phone. I can't remember the manufacturer, though – Acer? Asus? For everything with less integration I'd actually prefer using separate components, too.
  10. Haha, no, I hadn't 😄 Ok, for me, on LineageOS 17.1 the camera button works for both starting the camera and for shooting, including AF on half-press!
  11. On my phone with LineageOS 17.1, the camera button doesn't open any camera app, but does work for shooting (including autofocus on half-press). [Edit: see here!] That said, I can open the camera app (my preferred one) by double-tapping the on/off button, so I'm not missing much there.
  12. https://slions.net/threads/open-source-web-browsers-for-android.76/ Thanks! Just for the record, Bitwarden works with the DuckDuckGo browser from your list. That said, the reply you've got to your github ticket does seem to provide the solution – one that probably was too easy to come to mind to either of us! 😄
  13. Just for the record, for some time now I'm quite satisfied with the NetDot Gen10 (available through Amazon and ebay) type of magnetic connector cables. They look similar (if not identical) to what both Hook and Craig found. These cables are not cheap, but they work well mechanically and electronically, across USB-C and Micro-USB (and Apple would be an option, too) sockets for charging and data – although only USB 2, but that still seems to go for all of them as far as I can see. These do support quick charge – for which I couldn't care less. But I guess it's worth mentioning that the
  14. I just needed to make sure all three options under "Auto-fill Services" were enabled ("Auto-fill Service", "Use Accessibility", "Use Draw-Over"). Could be that I also needed to force-stop and restart the browser once, but I'm not sure. Is there a list of WebView-based browsers somewhere? I would need to re-test; I've tested so many browsers that for the most of them I wouldn't remember which one worked and which didn't...
  15. You don't mean that, do you? That's not how business works. Nobody would have ordered anything anymore, and other business players would have stopped doing business with them. My guess: because they might not have had enough money left for a coder for a few months, after so many months of COVID-19 and other factors having stopped production again and again, reducing sold quantities to a fraction of what they hoped to produce. If they would have been fluent enough for that, they probably wouldn't have needed to resort to IndieGogo to fund new batches of devices in the first place.
  16. Yes, I can confirm it for the current versions of Brave, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, Yandex on LineageOS 17.1. I don't know whether any of these are actually using the Android Autofill Framework to make it work, or whether Bitwarden recognises them as browsers and manages to extract the website URL through the accessibility services, which I found I have to enable for making it work at least on Opera. (The default browser on LineageOS 17.1, org.lineageos.jelly, by the way, doesn't work with Bitwarden, either.)
  17. This site perhaps wasn't the best example because it has a usable mobile mode, but for the most sites I visit on my phone I usually like the desktop mode better. Also, when using my preferred (so far) browser which is Opera, it doesn't feel like I need a special tool 😉... Some sites' mobile modes, like ebay's (ok, there would be a dedicated app for that, which I don't like much though, either), even hide some of the information they're showing in desktop mode. No, I'm no friend of most websites' mobile modes and I don't suppose I'm going to become one any time soon...
  18. Here's one other thing that, for the time being, stops me from using Fulguris: the Bitwarden password manager app doesn't recognise the page which I have opened, like 'community.fxtec.com', to look up the related login. It always only sees Fulguris' package name, 'net.slions.fulguris.full.playstore' in my case, for which it obviously doesn't find a login. I saw this happen with some other no-so-well-known browsers, too. I'm not sure whether this is something that could be changed from within Fulguris at all. It might be that the Bitwarden app would rather need to be informed that the app
  19. You could use a random slashdot.org article, desktop mode. Enlarging the view far enough that the text width doesn't fit anymore (some pages don't need to be enlarged, but I didn't find one from memory), it's cut off from the view. Opera would then start wrapping the text so that it fits again. The "Text reflow" option doesn't do it, I'm afraid.
  20. I'm still not sure what kind of problem this actually is, as my device, just like the ones of a few others, doesn't seem to exhibit this problem at all. No problem auto-focusing to infinity, whether with the Lineage 17.1 default camera app or something like the 'Manual Cam' app I'm normally using (despite the word 'manual', everything's automatic there, too, until I switch it off).
  21. Any chance, perhaps, to get the "text wrap" option into Fulguris that I love so much in Opera (and only one other browser of the huge number I tried, I think it was Yandex)? I.e. forcing text blocks to wrap at the screen's edge instead of flowing outside the screen, having us scroll horizontally for each line.
  22. That would be great! I guess I'm going to install magisk sooner or later anyway.
  23. Interesting, are you on stock? I have seen others with the same complaints as me. It could be that it is a matter of usage pattern. When I got the first call on my new used phone recently, I was surprised after all I had read that call-in audio was perfectly normal and ok for a smartphone (and the caller, while I didn't ask him about it, at least didn't complain about what he got from me, either). Several days later I got a phone call that was so loud I had to hold the phone away from my ear (on the lowest volume setting). Ah! I thought, so that's what everyone was complaining
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