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Everything posted by MonCon

  1. Is there any way to disable 'Emergency alerts', I can't find a way. (Pro1X LOS20)
  2. I've had the call mute thing myself a few times, but not enough to bother me or investigate. I don't know whether it's the proxy sensor not being sensitive enough, or a software issue not turning off the screen. I usually just tell people my beard set it off and that I'll have a shave before I call again. I've just switched over to LineageOS, so I'll see if the behaviour follows me. Good luck with the screen fix.
  3. @HookThanks for the clarity, much appreciated, I'll have a play. Edit: That went well, first impressions it looks nice and smooth. Thank you Developers, Community, FxTec.
  4. Exciting times, but a couple of quick questions before I dive in and break something. 1. Do I need to backup 'device specific partitions' before I flash LineageOS, or is this only relevant to Sailfish or Ubuntu Touch, or is a backup not required but a good idea anyway? 2. I understand LineageOS needs a factory reset prior to install, is this taken care of in the install: or is it advisable/necessary to perform a factory reset prior to starting the install procedure (I'm currently on V2.1.5 GMS-free rooted)? Apologies if these questions are a bit basic, so am
  5. @AndytheNoob fyi, possible relevant thread:
  6. I suppose I could take the tin foil hat off for a while and give them a try 😀. When I plug my PrawnX into my laptop it shows up as 'Fx_tec_Pro1X_BENGAL-IDP__SN%XXXXXXXX' Most of the photography discussions go over my head, but I find FreeDCam quite a nice app.
  7. Where did you get the info on your SoC? I tried 'Settings => About phone', *#*#4636#*#*, and a couple of apps from F-Droid, but I can't find anything that displays the SoC model. Regarding the camera:
  8. GMS = Google Mobile Services or Google Mobile Spyware
  9. S/N fxtec007110 on the sticker. Qwerty. Queue jumper off Expansys, received November. Sunny Tauranga NZ, now that the cyclone has passed through.
  10. After a bit of recon, bizarrely it seems that a lot of modern slabphones don't have notification lights!! I wonder if maybe the functionality in Android has drifted away as the big manufacturers can't even be bothered to give you an LED in your new $XXXXX iphone or samsung. No wonder a keyboard is out of the question from those pirates (no offence to any real actual pirates who may be reading this). There are a couple of workarounds out there, including setting up your camera flash to scream at you and everybody else in sight, if you remembered to put your phone on the table scre
  11. @Rob. S. fyi: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2677-how-to-control-notification-light/ Old thread, but maybe still relevant.
  12. @Rob. S. I don't get notifications lights for anything, but the LED does light up when I'm charging. This isn't intentional, and I still get sounds and on screen notifications for a lot of things, so I haven't pursued it too much. 🤔 I've just had a quick look to see if I've disabled notifications with some global setting, dnd, etc, but I can't see anything. I'll have a play, in particular Signal, and see if I can get it working on my PrawnX. Which Signal app are you using?
  13. @PoongZY No probs here on data connection. I'm on 2.1.5. Out and about it works well, standalone or as a hotspot. Not sure about LTE, a quick peek at the status bar shows me as on 3G. I've got my 'Preferred network type' set at 'GSM/WCDMA auto'.
  14. @Heruvim I got mine from here: https://www.expansys.com/ You might want to consider import taxes and warranty, there is some discussion here, search the forum on 'Expansys' for more info. Shipped to NZ in about a fortnight. No complaints at all from me, seems very solidly built and runs very well, new daily driver from day one.
  15. I wouldn't put too much importance into the PrawnX frame rate, on the screenshot above you were on for a podium position. 😆🏁
  16. I installed the utility AccA from F-Droid that @brunoais has already commented on in this thread, it seems to work well. There are settings for limiting charge level, charge rate, high temperature cut off, and low charge level shut down. As already stated, your Pro1(X) needs to be rooted, so this tool may not be for you, I took instructions from here: Note: This procedure works on Pro1X, I'm not sure about Pro1 at the moment. I'll amend if I work it out or somebody with a Pro1 can clarify. I also took the advice of ensuring 'offline charging' was enabled on my Pro1X, (guid
  17. I had a few uncertainties about the flashing process that I felt were a bit long winded and vague for the forum so I PMed Casey. He tidied up my questions and supplied clear and comprehensive answers to all points, so I'm posting here so that others may possibly benefit. My questions neatly summarised by Casey in bold, my additions to Casey comments for context outside the PM in italic. Thanks for the speedy and comprehensive response @Casey, I don't remember Steve Jobs being so forthcoming that time I asked him for some crapple information, maybe that's why his iphones are such
  18. Sorry if I've missed something, I've been trying to follow the development of alternate OS options but sometimes these conversations are bit of a blur. How far along is Lineage, do we have working calls and sms? Everything else would be a bonus 😀
  19. My two poochies Henry and Jess exploring 'The Redwoods' in Rotorua NZ. I can't believe how attentive and well behaved they look in this pic, my girlfriend must have said the word 'biscuit' as I took the shot.
  20. Hi all, I've been watching from the sidelines for a little while, so I should probably introduce myself. Electrical Engineer from Manchester UK now settled in Tauranga NZ, currently driving a beaten up Cosmo Communicator running Ubuntu Touch (dropped it, radios stopped working, still a nice PDA) looking for a replacement with working telephony, Ubuntu Touch, and a keyboard of course. Nice to see the Pro1-X finally rolling out, despite some serious issues beyond F(x)Tec control. Really great to see pics of a Pro1-X running UT, and so shiny fresh out of the box. It's a
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